Stories of Grateful Living

Help Me to Stay in the Wonder

by Jesua
My little boy only wants Sanskrit mantras sung to him as he falls asleep. “Please…
Stories of Grateful Living

The Thankless Job and How it Invites Us to Be the Thanks

by Jesua
As good as this feels — to be appreciated, seen, and acknowledged, doesn’t others' thankfulness simply…

“This Too Is Sacred” — Finding the Crack That Opens the Way for Gratitude

by Jesua
Remembering our connection with the sacred provides a clear pathway for gratitude to flow freely,…


About the author

Jesua, pronounced “Jeshua”, serves the awakening and embodiment of love and truth in her roles as a writer, speaker, teacher, and devoted mother of two children. For the past 20 years, Jesua has served in private practice as an intuitive healer, spiritual mentor, counselor, and life coach. Most recently she has devoted her time to honing her immense love for writing and speaking the truth. She is eagerly working towards the publication of two upcoming books. To learn more about Jesua and her work, see This blog first appeared in the Huffington Post, in May 2016. Photo of Jesua by Lone Morch.