News & Announcements

Gathering Gratefully in the Time of the Coronavirus

by The Grateful Living Team
"Between the dark sky and the dark earth we hang a light in a dark…
Community Reflections

Gratefulness as Support: Community Voices

by The Grateful Living Community
How are you finding gratefulness a source of support during this challenging time? This is…

Embracing Imperfection

by Rose Zonetti
Through the lens of perfectly imperfect, mistakes, flaws, and the shortcomings of others and the world…

The ABCs of Grateful Living: A Practice

by Br. David Steindl-Rast, OSB
It takes practice to achieve gratefulness. Here Br. David shares a playful practice using each…
Stories of Grateful Living

I am a Leaf

by Paul Cotter
Here in our Stories of Grateful Living, we honor the voices of our community as…
Grateful Changemakers

Grateful Changemakers: The Nature of Gratitude

by The Grateful Living Team
The Nature of Gratitude is a portable program that has been exported to a variety…

A Prelude to Gratitude

by Eric Alan
This is the exclusive debut of the preface to Eric Alan's forthcoming book, "Grateful by…

Dancing With Gratitude

by Tom Titus
Gratitude wants to dance. With me. She keeps circling around, looking over at me in…

Accepting What Is

by Rose Zonetti
Acceptance anchors us so that we might focus on the present rather than endlessly drift…

A Geography of Grief

by Sarah Kilch Gaffney
You cannot erase history or grief or love, but we will always have this place.…
close up of flowering grasses illuminated by the sunrise

A Normal Day!

by Mary Jean Irion
A normal day! Holding it in my hand this one last moment, I have come…
A chainlink fence silhouetted against a dark blue sky
Stories of Grateful Living

Gratitude Behind Bars: Danny Brandon

by Danny Brandon
A powerful letter received from one of the participants in Grateful Anyhow, a project in…
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