[We become] fully spiritual when we come alive on the highest level of our caring, of our caring for one another and caring for this planet.
Br. David Steindl-Rast
Welcome to Day Five of Enliven Your Spirit
Oh, our beloved, suffering world. No matter where you live on the planet, there is no shortage of legitimate reasons for hopelessness and despair. Daily, it seems, new sorrows find their way to us — violence and wars, persistent systems of inequity, and the dire consequences of global warming. In our efforts to not turn away from what is happening in the world, not only can our hearts be broken but we can also feel powerless to make a difference, paralyzed in the face of such crises.
Is it enough in these troubled times to be grateful for what is working? For a blue sky or needed rain, for a friend or kind neighbor, for our very breath? The answer isn’t simple. Appreciating life’s gifts is absolutely foundational to spiritual aliveness, but it’s not the whole story. Without action, gratefulness, or any spiritual practice really, is incomplete — a bud that never flowers, a book never read, a hallelujah never sung.
Br. David Steindl-Rast says that we become “fully spiritual when we come alive on the highest level of our caring, of our caring for one another and caring for this planet.” In other words, our spiritual aliveness — while rooted in the body, fueled by our inner mystic, and supported by quiet contemplation — comes to maturity through our care and action. “Gratefulness,” he continues, “will be that full response which releases the full power of my compassion. Gratefulness is creative and overflows into action.”
Action can take many forms. It might be public and obvious — the volunteer hours, the protest, the community garden, the op-ed, the artistic creation. Or it might be quiet and less visible — the letter or donation, the voting booth, the generous and compassionate listening, the random act of kindness that offers someone a sense of belonging. What matters is not its scale. What matters is that we do it — that the pulse of our spiritual aliveness can be felt deep within, while being expressed outwardly through our action and care.
Today’s Practice: Come Alive through Action
In 2018, Dr. Donald E. Miller at the University of Southern California launched a project to profile 100 exceptional humanitarians from around the world to uncover the characteristics of Spiritual Exemplars. The exemplars include individuals from 13 religious traditions, as well as people who are deeply spiritual but not part of institutional religion. What these “spiritual exemplars” have in common is an engaged spirituality — a spirituality that both compels and sustains them as they work on the world’s most difficult humanitarian issues.
After watching the film, take a few moments to contemplate the following questions before beginning the practice. Welcome whatever insights or feelings arise. As I invite and nurture greater spiritual aliveness within, how am I called to be in the world? What needs my care?
Step One: Choose One Thing
With a spiritual orientation of the heart, identify one thing for which you’re deeply grateful but which is currently at risk — anything from a local natural habitat to quality schools, a relationship in your life to world peace. Take a few moments to consider all the ways you appreciate and value this particular thing or idea. How is your life and the life of those you love made better — possible, even — because of the existence and future of this particular thing?
Step Two: Take Action
From this place of gratitude, come up with one new action you can take to nourish and sustain what you care about, something that is an outward expression of your aliveness. Remember that small actions matter.
Step Three: Reflect
After you’ve put your gratefulness into action, take some time to reflect:
- What does spirituality in action look like for you?
- In what ways does taking action expand your definition of what it means to be spiritual?
- How does your action, in a circle of reciprocity, nourish your own spirit?
Enlivening Your Spirit Is a Lifelong Journey
As you come to the close of the Pathway, spend some time retracing your journey through the last five days and thinking about the road ahead.
- How would you describe or map the connections among what makes you feel alive, attention to sensory experiences, your inner mystic, the cultivation of silence, and your compassionate care and action?
- What practices from the Pathway do you want to carry forward to continue the work of enlivening your spirit?
- How has your definition of spirituality evolved over the course of the Pathway?
Scroll to the bottom of the page (or click here) to find the Community Conversation space where we invite you to share your reflections about today’s practice and the Pathway overall.
Deepening Resource
In A Mighty Purpose by Reflections of Life, Bronwen Lankers-Byrne reminds us how important it is to act on behalf of that which we hold sacred. Here at the close of the Pathway, as a sense of aliveness helps us remember what we most cherish, her words are especially powerful: “Each time one person speaks out against injustice, they create a tiny ripple of change. And when many different ripples join together, they form a current which our leaders cannot ignore.”
Research Highlight
There are numerous studies demonstrating that individuals who feel they have a purpose in life report a greater sense of overall life satisfaction. One of the ways that we can increase this sense of meaning and purpose in our lives is to connect with other people through community engagement and volunteering. Volunteers not only gain the benefit of social connection, they report reduced stress and anxiety. The act of volunteering or donating, in and of itself, increases individuals’ sense of life satisfaction and meaning.
Thoreson, Angela. Helping people, changing lives: 3 health benefits of volunteering. mayoclinichealthsystem.org, 1 August 2023.
Photo by Marek Studzinski
Spirituality in action is meditation, is cultivating stillness, is reading sutras and may be conveying fruits of these if possible and required, is joining in to reply to the daily questions regularly together with you kindred hearts and courses like this pathway and the announced themes this year ahead, is being Host for a gratefulness group and a meditation group and many more of the actions already actively living with all my heart through caring for others in manifold ways. How this may be represented in my life from this point onward i need to leave open, following the heart´s signs and hoping for the way to open up where it is meant to be, with fear but not paralyzed by it, with willingness to be of support for others and with hope to still be as well allowed to stay, care and be present and actively contributing in the sangha i belong to, next to the heart´s contributions here already mentioned.
Dear Pathway Participants,
Just a note to say how much I’ve appreciated all of the reflections shared here throughout the week. It’s always so enriching to hear what resonates with you, what is more challenging, and how you’re carrying out the practices in your own lives. And to all of those who didn’t post here, thank you as well for being on this journey together for five days. May each of you continue to discover and live into the things that enliven your spirit! So grateful to be connected through this shared yearning.
I have not had an opportunity to reflect on yesterday’s or today’s topics, but wanted to echo what Sheryl said. Thank you for putting it so beautifully, Sheryl! This was a busy week for me and I haven’t had a chance to properly digest the different explorations or follow the suggested steps for the past 2 days, but I will re-read the past 5 days on the weekend when I have more time. Even though I wasn’t able to contribute much, it was very inspiring to read everyone’s posts and to connect through this site. Thank you to Grateful.org for hosting this practice and to everyone for sharing such authentic glimpses of their lives. It reminded me to slow down, to truly appreciate and live every moment of the day with greater awareness, and to acknowledge the many blessings I receive every day. I am grateful!
I’m sitting here contemplating how I will take myself (Myself!) out into the world in the months ahead when I have more time. I believe that with the passing of years I’ve gotten more clear on what matters (resonates) most to me, where I want to spend my time, talent and treasure (T3) – nature, spirituality, art and cats. For me, it aligns with an African saying “pray with your feet moving.” My challenge is to best align the “how” and the “when” choices.
I’ve recognized with all of the things that need rescuing/fixing/attending that I could easily overwhelm, so I’ve put on my blinders to narrow my vision to focus on local (“my square mile”) and small. There is much to do at this scale!
…”a bud that never flowers, a book never read, a hallelujah never sung”….
I am very much appreciating the closing of this pathway on this note. I have been restless for a long time, wondering just what is my priority to commit to – how to receive the satisfaction of knowing that I am doing what matters and that I want to be doing it….. and not having a clear understanding of how to actualize what I am seeking. I am aware of all the volunteer opportunities -and participate in a lot of them – I practice small acts of kindness, I celebrate small wins for others, try to support, try to be of help to others….. my goodness, I was in healthcare for over forty years, domestically and overseas, have been active politically for causes I believe it…. but I have always had the small restlessness of not quite hitting “It”…. (whatever “It” is!)… and this pathway was yet another attempt to explore my personal experience. Landing today on the concept of spirituality without action as “a bud that never flowers”…. was a lovely aha! for me…. because I can apply this concept with great comfort: I don’t think I should be looking for “That One Thing” ! My garden and trees are FULL of buds that will be flowering – at different times, under different conditions, with different outcomes and purposes…. and they are each of value. I think the main growth I can “take away” from this pathway course is to celebrate ALL the different actions I can choose to do as multiple buds that I can bring to flower – before the next and then the next and then the next. I think that is my nature, and I delight in thinking that this has helped me come to that conclusion and happily proceed, without an uncomfortable questioning of what I want to hold as some single or prime direction or declaration to identify with. Why that’s just great! Thank you, Grateful Living Team and community!
What a beautiful AHA moment, Carol Ann! May your garden be in full bloom for a very long time!
thank you, Uli.🙏 I will hope to carry your good wishes with me.
My action plan for boldness in my care for the world is to respond with love and care to all beings – human, animal, plant – who cross my path or my mind. For instance, if I walk by a place that reminds me of a someone, either because I think they’d like it or because it reminds me of a time we had together, I’ll connect with them. If I feel gratitude connected to someone, I’ll let them know. If my garden needs tending, I’ll work in it. As often as possible, I will greet people and pay compliments as I go through my life. I spend a lot of time making lists, often of kind or fun things I would like to do, but, in the time I take to get out my phone or a slip of paper and write it down, I could just go ahead and do it. For instance, I have on my list a note to call a friend who had a stroke and ask her if she’d like a visit, to go to lunch, or to take a short walk. I keep looking for the perfect day with a lot of time, good weather, and a short ‘to-do’ list. I will greet people and pay compliments as I go through my life. I think that is something I gained this week, a recognition that when I quiet my brain and open my heart, I notice such beauty and wonder, and I feel less driven by my list and more pulled by the spirit of love and generosity. Starting right now.
That is such a lovely way of being, Mary. I often think to myself on the way to work in the morning “In whose life can I make a difference today”, and try to follow up on it, even if it is just a quick text or a compliment or a kind word. These small actions can make a huge difference in someone’s day. Let’s keep on practicing care and kindness to all.
starting right now! congrats, Mary Gratch!
Thank you for yet another Pathway to Gratefulness. Thank you, Joe, Sheryl and the Grateful Living Team, for another five days of reflection and delight.
In life’s path
We are all One.
Travelers, together
Under the sun.
Thank you for contributing your beautiful poetry – it has truly enriched the experience of this practice!