Infinite Love, we bless You for the unbounded blessings that descend on us from all sides. Truly You are constantly opening the sluice gates of heaven and pouring on us such blessings that there often seems no room to receive them all – or even to number them. We bless you for the incredible beauty and abundance of nature that is pouring its gifts on us season after season, year after year.
We bless You for the innumerable people who cross our paths and enter our lives and enrich our existence by their different vision of things and the challenges they force us to face.
We thank you for that quite incredible support machine You have given us called the human body. Its intricate workings simply defy any attempt to describe it and the greatest scientists can only bow their heads in front of its perfection that defies our wildest imagination.
We bless you for our daily bread which takes such varied forms, and for homes that offer support, warmth and peace.
We bless you for the innumerable difficulties that are as many opportunities to grow, expand our horizons and love more.
Please continue this blessing with your own themes of gratitude in the reflection area below…
From 365 Blessings to Heal Myself and the World.
Posted with kind permission of Pierre Pradervand.
Image by Jörg Peter
We bless you for laughter and the last breath, both divine.
Nice Pierre. Simple and inspiring.
Oh, I have SO many blessings to be grateful for, that it brings me to near tears. I think of all the years I was not grateful, yet God continued to shower me with an abundance of blessings! What a gift to have lived long enough to recognize all the blessings I am constantly being given and to be able to be grateful! Thank-you for this sharing!
Blessings and peace to all, Sheila ???
Thanks you for this sharing!
It is Always a pleasure and a joy to see and hear Pierre’s words.
As He has said, “Gratitude and Blessings are two sides of the same coin”. The “sense” of that truth resonates in the etheric hearts of every Human Being. This is proving that, on the Noetical, Noetic and higher “Heavens” (aka Consciousness) levels we are that ONE. Joshua Emanuel the God-man is reminding us, every moment he is reminding us, of that power granted to us.
The Sufi also have their way of expressing this powerful truth. They say it as, “The call and the Echo” ……A blessing and a gratitude are “the call and the echo” of each other.
Be Well Be Present
Thank you for sharing ! I for one have a long list of blessings in my life to be grateful for!