For happiness, how little suffices for happiness! … the least thing precisely, the gentlest thing, the lightest thing, a lizard’s rustling, a breath, a whisper, an eye glance — little maketh up the best happiness. Be still.
Gratitude is like breathing in – letting ourselves be touched by the goodness in others and in our world. Generosity is like breathing out – sensing our mutual belonging and offering our care. When we are awake and whole, breathing in and out happens naturally. But these beautiful expressions of our heart become blocked when we are dominated by the fear and grasping of our survival brain. This talk explores how we can facilitate the evolution of consciousness with the deliberate cultivation of generosity, and ends with a guided meditation on gratitude and generosity. (49:20)

Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC : IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks. 11/22/2017. Our warmest thanks to Tara Brach and Dharma Seed for sharing this talk and meditation so generously.
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