Silence is something that comes from your heart not from outside. Silence doesn’t mean not talking and not doing things, it means that you are not disturbed inside.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Welcome to Day Four of Enliven Your Spirit

All great spiritual traditions place a premium on silence and stillness. Intentionally making space to cultivate a kind of inner quiet is essential to enlivening your spirit. To begin, it is through silence and stillness that we come to know ourselves fully. The American theologian and civil rights leader Howard Thurman writes, “There is something in every one of you that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself,” for “a deeper note which only the stillness of the heart makes clear.” Making time for quiet reflection is also how we metabolize the daily experiences of our lives. Through silence and stillness, we discover meaning and we deepen understanding. Those moments you feel fully alive? Your daily sensory experiences? Your inner mystic taking center stage? All of these are supported and integrated through silence and stillness.

To be clear, while an internal kind of quiet can be supported by external conditions to match, silence does not necessarily mean lack of sound, and stillness does not always mean without movement. Silence and stillness are inner qualities that can be nurtured in many ways, even by things that appear neither silent nor still — taking a walk or playing music, doing yoga or writing in your journal. Br. David Steindl-Rast describes silence “not only as [something] perceived by the ears, but also a quietness of the heart, a lucid stillness inside.” What matters is setting aside the time to go inward, to slow down a racing or distracted mind, and to push pause on the demands of daily life — whether for five minutes, an hour, or a whole day.

Today’s Practice: Schedule Time for Silence and Stillness

To begin, watch and listen to this 4-minute video with Br. David, in which he talks about the ways that cultivating silence allows him to go deep inside to a vast openness and spaciousness, something “beyond words.”

Please note: The music in this beautiful video is a bit loud in comparison to the narrative. If helpful, click here for the transcript.

After watching the video, use the following steps to design your day with specific opportunities for silence and stillness. Approach this with a sense of lightness and ease; create something that will actually work for you!

Step One: Schedule

Schedule three moments during your day when you can pause and make space for silence and stillness, when you can try to access and cultivate some quiet within. It can be as little as one minute or as long as you’d like. Write down these “appointments,” including start and end times. If helpful, set an alarm to remember to pause.

Step Two: Enter into Silence and Stillness

At each of your scheduled appointments, enter into silence and stillness by whatever path works for you. You may have a longstanding practice or be looking for something new. Here are a few ideas to consider:

  • Find a comfortable place to sit or even lie down. Place your hand on your heart, and tune in to the quiet of your breath for a full minute. You might ask yourself, “How is my heart in this moment?”
  • Spend five minutes in quiet reflection about something you’re grateful for today. Pay attention to any feelings that arise when you’re focused on what you appreciate and cherish.
  • Step outside without headphones. Amidst the sounds of the natural world, listen closely for the stillness, the pauses between birdsong, dogs barking, cars passing. Attune to the quiet spaces between things.

Step Three: Reflect

At the end of the day, consider the following:

  • How did your three appointments with silence and stillness feel in real time, and how did they collectively impact or shape your day?
  • What worked, and what was challenging?
  • What were you able to “hear” amidst the silence and stillness?
  • Going forward, how might the consistent practice of welcoming silence and stillness contribute to a feeling of spiritual aliveness for you? What do you hope to continue doing each day?

Scroll to the bottom of the page (or click here) to find the Community Conversation space where we invite you to share your reflections about today’s practice.

Deepening Resource

In this stunning poem by Chilean poet Pablo Neruda, read beautifully (English translation) by Pavathy Menon, we’re invited to consider how we might be changed, both individually and collectively, if everyone around the planet could somehow be quiet and still together. “It would be an exquisite moment,” the poet writes. “Perhaps a great silence could interrupt the sadness.” Imagine the possibilities.

Pavathy Menon

Keeping Quiet by Pablo Neruda, read by Pavathy Menon

Research Highlight

Neuroengineer Bin He of Carnegie Mellon University turned to a group of people known to be among the most skilled at cultivating an inner quietness of the mind and heart — Tibetan monks with an average of 15 years of daily meditation practice. Through brain studies of the monks, Bin He and his colleagues noted decreased brain activity when in a resting state — in other words, a distinct ability to quiet the mind. Michael Posner of the University of Oregon has also studied the impact of meditation that quiets the mind, pointing out its resulting benefits of increased attention, mood elevation, and reduced stress — even among those new to the practice.

Sukel, Kayt. Understanding the Power of Meditation., with support from the Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research at Broad Institute, 19 April 2019.

Photo by Andre Hunter
