True spirituality, true aliveness…is deeply rooted in our bodies.
Br. David Steindl-Rast
Welcome to Day Two of Enliven Your Spirit
Many people today live in a state of sensory overload — from background music, television screens, billboards, or our own phones set to ensure that we don’t miss a message, news alert, or appointment. One might think that such continual sensory input might improve our senses and even help us perceive the world more fully. But for most of us, the opposite is true. Instead of deepening our capacity to be awake to the world around us, sensory overload diminishes our ability to experience life’s extraordinary offerings — the subtle aroma of our morning tea, the sound or smell of rain, the taste of a peach, or simply the warmth of own hands clasped together.
The complexities of life, of course, can sometimes make it hard to notice the sensory gifts of the world, but the practice of living gratefully invites us to slow down enough to fully experience what we touch, see, hear, smell, and taste — in whatever combination of sensory capacities we each have. “Until I attune my senses,” Br. David reminds us, “my heart remains dull, sleepy, half dead.” Attuning to the sensuousness of the world wakes us up. Through practice, we move from sensory overload to sensory awareness and appreciation. We no longer take our senses for granted, and we swing the door wide open for beauty, wonder, and delight. Buddhist scholar and peace activist Joanna Macy describes it this way: “To be alive in this beautiful, self-organizing universe — to participate in the dance of life with senses to perceive it, lungs that breathe it, organs that draw nourishment from it — is a wonder beyond words.”
Today’s Practice: Root Your Spirituality in Your Senses
Begin today’s practice by reading Li-Young Lee’s beautiful poem, From Blossoms. The poet reminds us of the rich sensory experience of something as simple as buying and eating fresh peaches — and how the senses of smell, touch, and taste offer a portal to the feeling of being fully alive.
From Blossoms
by Li-Young Lee
From blossoms comes
this brown paper bag of peaches
we bought from the boy
at the bend in the road where we turned toward
signs painted Peaches.
From laden boughs, from hands,
from sweet fellowship in the bins,
comes nectar at the roadside, succulent
peaches we devour, dusty skin and all,
comes the familiar dust of summer, dust we eat.
O, to take what we love inside,
to carry within us an orchard, to eat
not only the skin, but the shade,
not only the sugar, but the days, to hold
the fruit in our hands, adore it, then bite into
the round jubilance of peach.
There are days we live
as if death were nowhere
in the background; from joy
to joy to joy, from wing to wing,
from blossom to blossom to
impossible blossom, to sweet impossible blossom.
After reading the poem, move through the following steps to awaken and appreciate the gifts of your physical senses.
Step One: Pause and Breathe
Begin by finding a comfortable standing or sitting position and taking a few centering breaths. Bring to mind a sensory experience you’ve had that, like the poet’s, was a simple moment but one that gave you a feeling of joy or even a kind of momentary transcendence — planting something, petting your cat or dog, sitting in the warm sun, smelling the rain, holding someone’s hand. Spend as long here as desired.
Step Two: Attune and Give Thanks
When you’re ready, choose one of your five physical senses as your focus for this step of the practice. Allow yourself plenty of time here. Choose one; repeat later with a different focus. With all sensory practices, modify as necessary so that they work for your physical abilities.
- Hearing. Put a favorite piece of music on, close your eyes, and just listen without doing any other activity. So often, music is background to something else. This time, just listen, making note of how extraordinary it is that there is such a thing as music! And that you can hear it! Savor this.
- Sight. Spend a full minute looking around at the room you’re in with appreciation and a sense of wonder. Pay attention to the light, shadows, and colors; a piece of art on the wall; an object or photo you cherish. Consider what you’ve never noticed before and what you want to remember. Appreciate all that is happening to allow you to see.
- Taste. Take an entire minute to eat a small piece of chocolate, fruit, or some other food you like. Close your eyes and notice all the flavors and sensations that we often miss when eating without noticing our senses or without intentional appreciation. Give thanks for all who made it possible for you to have this food and for the gift of taste.
- Smell. Choose something you have on hand that has a scent you love — perhaps an orange, coffee beans, a flower or plant. Close your eyes and simply breathe in this delicious smell, taking note of how it makes you feel. Savor this amazing capacity you have.
- Touch. Select an object nearby and hold it in your hands — a cup, a pen, a book. Close your eyes and attune to all the details your fingers can sense — texture, softness, edges, angles, temperature. Imagine for a moment a world without touch, and cherish this gift.
Step Three: Reflect
- What feelings, welcome or challenging, arose when you focused on the gifts of a specific physical sense?
- In what ways does greater awareness and appreciation of your senses awaken a feeling of connection to others or to all of life?
- How would you define the relationship between your bodily experience and your spirituality?
As you continue through your day, be on the lookout for the gifts that your physical senses provide. Slow down enough to appreciate what is offered to you, and take note any ways that you feel more alive as a result.
Scroll to the bottom of the page (or click here) to find the Community Conversation space where we invite you to share your reflections about today’s practice.
Deepening Resource
In this 10-minute film by Reflections of Life, four individuals share what opens up for them when they pay attention to the natural world through their senses and don’t take any of it for granted. Toward the end of the film, Jenny Cullinan shares this insightful reminder: “It’s a magical planet, it’s a place of incredible diversity. And if we tap into that, we are filled with it. And from that place you are strengthened. And from that place you are kinder. And from that place you are a better person for yourself and for others.”

Inspired by Nature by Reflections of Life
Research Highlight
In research that seeks to understand the vital role our senses play in feeling fully alive, Professor Jonathan Berger of Stanford University explores the ways that sound, sight, and spatial perception work in combination to elicit powerful emotions, including transcendent experiences of wonder, beauty, and awe. In other words, how do music and sacred spaces, both natural and human-created, work together to create distinct conditions that “unlock the spiritual experience of sound”?
Photo by Julian Hochgesang
Poem from Rose: Poems. Posted with permission of BOA Editions, Ltd.
For now, since it’s late here I will just offer a mostly preliminary comment of the fascinating, for me, synchronicities in the first two days of this ‘pod’! Yesterday was the wise older man finding himself, his inner self by embracing stillness –his own stillness, not any teacher’s or guru’s sense of stillness. And I commented how hard I’d tried at first to, like him, turn away from the avalanche-like changes, injustices being perpetrated on various sections of our mostly financially disadvantaged citizens. And I said in my comment that I would be watching that vid over & over & over for its richness and applicability to me and others all around me right now.
And then, it was just this morning as I did my a.m. ritual while still lying in bed, writing “The 3 Things” for which I felt grateful right then were all around how amazing it is, how wonderful it is that we are designed to hear… these multi-creased kinda lumpy things on each side of our head were exquisitely designed to bring sound to us. And one of my morning rituals is to listen to certain kinds of music that I can feel throughout my whole body coming thru headphones. And how wonderful it was that we had the tech advances that made the music selections come through so clearly and movingly and when they didn’t how we had the tech to help support and enhance our ability to hear well in elder-years. And, it’s just a simple thing – absent any physical problem, we can hear sound. AND we can feel, we have kinesthetic sensory perception and at that moment, while still lying in bed I became aware of the sensitivity of my finger tips as I was stroking the silky coat of my little cat. (If I begin to sing along with a particularly stong/melodic selection on the headphones, Meeeuuuie will stop whatever she is doing –a deep sleep, just about to take a drink of water, eating…– and come jump on my chest to hear (I guess) me and starts to purr and I touch her fur w/great awareness, while I also touch my standard poodle’s curly, but still silky in a different way, fur as well. It’s like sensory overload and a wonderful way to come fully awake. And I ponder how amazing it is that we have this sensory input when it could’ve been ‘otherwise’ … no ability to see pretty colors, kinesthetic experiences of things like sex that could’ve just been given to us as a ‘matter-of-fact’ experience as an act that is absolutely necessary to our survival as a species and it’s given great pleasure sensations and so is our ability to taste… And it’s just so cool that this whole topic was what I was pondering and feeling so amazing about just 14 hours ago.
I just rediscovered a book that Brother David Steindl-Rast wrote many years ago called A Listening Heart: the Spirituality of Sacred Sensuousness.
He describes three steps to find ultimate meaning through the senses. First is childlike openness–rediscovering the world like a child; retraining our senses to be alive again. Second is youthful courage—opening our senses requires trust. Engaging fully with the world’s challenges requires courage.
Third is what he called mature communion or transformation. This is a gift, the ability to embrace life fully, becoming one with the Presence that flows through all things. So glad to see this topic of senses as a portal!
For me, focusing on my senses (usually seeing, hearing and touch) helps me to be more grounded and to shift from “mental gymnastics” to being fully present in the here-now. Today, a long solo walk on nearby streets and trails with trees, lakes and fields. After 25-minutes the mental noise ceased of its own accord allowing me to focus solely on sights, sounds and sensations which all seem amplified.
From the “Inspired by Nature” movie I resonated with “nature as a portal” and “the closer you get to the core of the natural world the less sense language makes.”
I love this line from today’s poem: “There are days we live as if death were nowhere in the background; from joy to joy to joy…”. That is how I want to live every day, free from fear and fully present! It isn’t always easy to stay fully present as I am working full time and still have probably 7 more years to go before I can retire, so the bulk of my time is still spent making a living, but in my spare time I create space for my family and friends, and for the things I love. I just have to stay aware of how quickly I can get distracted from living mindfully to being pulled in too many different directions, from “being while doing” to just doing.
When I read today’s Step 2 suggestions, I thought I would not have time for these practices during my day at work. However, I found that even the busiest of days can allow me to focus on and experience moments with all my senses. I ate a salad for lunch and focused on the 8 or 9 differnent ingredients, their taste, texture and smell, contemplated where they came from and how many people might have been involved in getting these items into the store so I could purchase them for a nourishing meal. I looked around my office and noticed that a plant that my sister gave me had grown about a foot since I placed it on my desk, so I had a little chat with it and thanked it for being so gorgeously green and lively. I looked at a print that I hung above my desk which depicts a small pink pig jumping into a shady pond in the forest (the painting is called “Koehler’s Pig” by Michael Sowa) and noticed for the first time that the pig is completely present in the moment. It is all by itself, but looks so exhuberant, happy and full of joy – this painting took on a whole new meaning and will now always remind me of being present and alive. And finally I touched a small wooden angel that I had placed on the corner of my desk, next to a picture of my dad who passed away a few months ago, felt its texture and examined the way it was carved. It was surprising how many sensory experiences I had in the office where I spend so much time working, and I am very grateful for today’s prompt to pay attention to these opportunities to add more depth and awareness to my day.
Still overload of duties, while nontheless- gratefully savoring a delicious lunch together with dear friends and took my time to really let the taste unfold while deeply enjoying the meal and sharing together as well as right now after this long day, sipping my hot chai tea with joy and gratitude for its wonderful spicy – but stil soft and “colorful” smell and taste. My bare feet on the cooling ground right now after this long day in warm shoes, and the direct, pure connection with the floor is comfortable and this question allows for experiencing and even somehow exploring the texture and pleasantly smooth surface with my soles; and reading your posts now with time and a relaxed inner condition, expanding sight and well being. May you all savor possible surprises which can come along touching the senses. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for sharing this, Ose – simply reading your post made me feel more relaxed and peaceful!!
I loved today’s lesson. The poem about luscious peaches made my mouth water and took me on a journey of memories about my mother, who died in June 2020 and is still very present in my life. She had 10 children and many grandchildren, and we all share stories about what a kind, generous, creative, curious person she was. Those stories often involved her favorite fruit, a juicy peach, or her favorite ice cream, homemade peach, or a sunny day at the beach, all of these brought her delight. The films were wonderful. My day was spent on two very long walks. It is glorious this week in North Carolina so I walked with one friend in the morning and then another in the afternoon. I saw, heard, touched, and smelled all kinds of things as I meandered: 2-day old triplet baby goats, water running over rocks in a river, hawks sitting close in a tree, and the beautiful old trees that are a lovely part of the landscape here. I had deep conversations with each friend separately but, interestingly, we talked about spirituality and touched on many of the ideas that were stirred in me by this lesson. I just arrived home, tired, and the ginger beer with lime over ice that I’m drinking as I write is making me smile. Thank you for enlivening my day and for enriching the time I spent today in connection with people I love while enjoying the wonders of nature. As an added bonus, I am thoroughly enjoying reading the comments of the other learners – thank you all for sharing so thoughtfully and from your hearts.
Thank you for describing your beautiful day, Mary – just reading your post evoked the feeling of being connected to nature, even though I wasn’t there, and the peace you experience when you are immersed in the natural world. Thank you for creating these images in my mind. I would have loved to see the triplet baby goats!
I savor and honor sensory moments as they speak, touch, and move my feelings and energy into a comforting vastness . . . a moment where things are just as they should be. So grateful . . .
I am grateful for this exercise that allows me to slow down and realize how much I have been experiencing sensory overload in my daily living.
I am with you, Faith – same experience here!
The wisdom of slowing down and looking (Stop! Look! Go!) in order to develop a deep appreciation for the majesty and mystery of Life itself (of which we are similarly all a miracle), alters the trajectory of our experience. It is something I intend to do more of.
Beautiful experience. Calming & grounding amid daily crises & plain ugly provocation, lies & destruction! Thank you for this. ☮️