Hope locates itself in the premises that we don’t know what will happen
Rebecca Solnit
and that in the spaciousness of uncertainty is room to act.
Each day, we offer a Daily Question in our Practice Space to inspire grateful reflection. We appreciate and learn from the joyful, poignant, and vulnerable responses that appear.
We offer the following selection of responses to one of our recent Daily Questions. May these reflections serve as inspiration for deepening your own gratefulness practice.
What seeds of hope am I actively planting and tending?
“I agree that all of my actions, karmas, create seeds. Some bring me closer to the place I want to be, some bring me further. When I am consistently, joyfully, and sincerely attending to my daily practices the world blossoms into a place where I see solutions, not problems and I find friends, not adversaries.”
– Avril
“When I hold space for the dying or berieved, I uphold hope in the mixture of emotions and challenges. Not the loud rah-rah hope of toxic positivity. Not a hope for healing, recovery, or even ease of acceptance, though those things would be great. Unless they are the things that people want me to speak over them—I speak their speak. But a hope that somewhere, somehow, they will find slivers of grace that can bring meaning, peace, equilibrium, even touches of joy into dark places.”
– Dusty Su
“The seeds of hope I am actively planting and tending to are through my education and entering the work field. I have been a house wife for quite some time, and I am finding fulfillment in finishing what I start many moons ago.”
– Karen

“Each day that I practice gratitude and loving kindness I nurture the seed I have planted of sobriety.”
– Joseph McCann
“My hope is, that if I keep doing my practices, I will continue to grow and get closer to my true nature. Like a garden, there is much to be done.”
– Charlie T.
“The term ‘seeds of hope’ grabbed my attention. For many years, hope was a four-letter word for me and that was not meant to be a compliment. You see, I had so many hopes shattered that I was a lost puppy sitting in the middle of the road. Or in OT biblical terms, I was a child lost in the desert. I no longer knew how to collect or plant positive seeds in my psyche. The word hope had been erased from my vocabulary probably because I didn’t know the difference between hope and hope(s). I still allow my EGO to confuse them from time to time so when I’m asked if I’m actively planting and tending seeds of hope, I remind myself that the biggest and most important garden I must tend is the one that is located in my head. And I can answer ‘Yes, I am planting, watering and nurturing the seeds of hope in my psyche.’ I’ve learned that to do that successfully, I need to remember the ‘faith, hope and charity’ trio. I can’t truly have hope without faith (trust) and charity (love) in both my head and heart. I need all three for life giving seeds to come to blossom and/or fruition. And it is sites like gratefulness.org and the folks who gather here that help me keep planting and tending those seeds, turning them from annuals into perennials.”
– Carol
“I am doing my best to deeply listen to people for them to be understood and heard and to reduce their suffering or even the suffering of others related to them, trying to accompany them with care and loving kindness. In doing so, the inner movement to a more positive perspective seems to be supported and may be an anchor for hope and faith again. With deep gratefulness to all of you for this very moment of changing perspective again to faith and hope.”
– Ose
“Just voted! For young vibrant creative, progressive candidates who are elevating the conversation while practicing joyful inclusive politics. My privileged white boomer generation needs to plant and tend in part by clearing the space.”
– Elaine

“I am tending to the needs of my faith community as way opens. Measuring hopefulness, if it can be done at all, I will leave to others to ponder.”
– Kevin
“I just think being more mindful and present in the now. This sets up the future that is yet to come. Choosing everyday to engage in the fight to be the person I want to be. Some days that fight is hard and others it is a subtle battle. I never knew there was so much work involved with planting, watering, tilling and being active in the harvest of personal growth.”
– Racel W.
“New walking shoes. Think of the places they will go. Hopefully bringing some love and kindness.”
– Rabbit
“I have 2 people very close to me dealing with health challenges, One is my daughter’s active addiction and the other is my significant other that needs biopsy surgery soon. I am their seeds of hope as much as I can be. I have many praying for my daughter and now my friends as well. I also live with my son and his fiancé and always offer guidance and help if asked and little seeds of reflection when I can squeeze them in : ). My faith also helps be active with seeds of hope.”
– Robin Ann
“I am supporting a young Afghan refugee, who escaped her country at the last minute. I want her to feel safe and welcome in her new country, which is so different from her own.”
– Linda
“Seeds of growth. I am working on my yoga teacher certification and also looking to change things up in another area of my life. I am actively working to see what’s in store for me.”
– sunnypatti
We offer our deepest thanks to all of you who shared your perspective on hope. If you would like to add a rich practice to your life, we invite you to visit our Practice Space to join the welcoming community connecting there every day.
What seeds of hope are you actively planting and tending?
Feature photo by Markus Spiske
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