Cherished Rituals Can Heal, New Ones Might Save Us
In this essay, Sheryl Chard describes how imagining a new shared ritual for possibility alongside…

Three Appointments with Joy
This practice of noticing, naming, and making time for joy offers a quick way to…

Leaning into Uncertainty and Mystery
This practice includes three simple strategies for remaining open to possibility, wonder, and mystery in…

Belonging in the Natural World: An Ode to Rilke’s Law of the Stars
In this essay, Sheryl Chard explores how reconnecting with the natural world can awaken a…

Stilt Walkers and Love Riddles: Embracing the Holiness of Play
Discover play as a way of being that opens the door to greater meaning, joy,…

Discover Play as a Way of Being
This practice invites you to take stock of the qualities that come alive when you…