Grateful Gatherings
Conversations with Purpose
Over twenty-five years ago, our founder Br. David Steindl-Rast articulated a revolutionary vision of small groups of people coming together to discover, practice, and share how to live gratefully. He envisioned this network of individuals and communities as an antidote to the power systems that exist around the globe, making space for contemplation, connection, and subsequent action in the world.
The Basics
Grateful Gatherings take place monthly, are hosted by trained facilitators, and utilize robust materials provided by our organization. Gatherings provide community connection, invigorating reflection and conversation, and practical tools for living a meaningful and flourishing life. They are open to anyone seeking inspiration, resources, and fellowship for living life with purpose and joy.
The Impact
Through ongoing engagement and dialogue, Grateful Gathering participants develop a vital sense of community, while deepening understanding of themselves and others. Benefits include a greater sense of belonging; increased capacity for joy, hope, and awe; enhanced resilience; and an openness to life’s imperfections, possibilities, and mystery — all tangible contributions to a fulfilling life.
The Content
With the support of Grateful Gathering hosts, we create an inviting and compelling space for seekers from all walks of life. In advance of each Gathering, we provide hosts and participants a collection of readings, poetry, videos, and music that center on specific themes for exploring your life in community with others. All new groups begin with three foundational sessions focused on the core of building a grateful living practice. Subsequent monthly themes include topics such as: Discover Delight, Open to Mystery, Generate Joy, Get Creative, Welcome Imperfection, Be Present to Life, Reimagine Rest, Awaken to Awe, and Act with Courage.
Interested in Joining a Grateful Gathering?
Explore a current directory of open groups both online and in person.
Interested in Hosting a Grateful Gathering?
Learn how to start your own group and details of the next host training series.
Frequently Asked Questions
A monthly meeting of a group of seekers interested in connection, community, and guideposts for daily living.
Use the Grateful Gatherings directory to see if there’s an open group in your region or online. If there is, contact the host of that group to find out meeting details and join.
1) Participate in an online Gathering, or 2) consider going through our host training so that you can launch your own Grateful Gathering!
Register for our next host training and learn how to host your own Gathering! Click here to learn more.

Meeting with these wonderful people has shown me many different perspectives of gratitude — not for just what and who I have in my life but for the simple little things that I encounter every day.
Grateful Gatherings Participant, United States