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  1. TofuLove75790
    6 months ago

    I think in general in terms of abundance, I feel really grateful for everything — if that’s a cold soda to the breeze on a hot day to a really good smelling perfume to everything, it’s all an abundance and my own feeling is everything is really amazing and I’m always so inundated by the good in every moment that I am really thankful for the abundance. I don’t tend to focus on things I don’t have so much as I focus on what is there in the moment and I’m appreciative of and I have a sense that I live a very abundant life.

  2. L
    6 months ago

    I thought about this question all day, and the answer came to me last night as I was on a flight to California- I am grateful for the abundance of music in my life, whether it be the many genres I listen to daily, the music I played on my violin, the music I’ve played for others as a dj, and all the people I’ve met through our common love of the music we listen to. A true abundance in my life everyday.

  3. Lydia 50952
    6 months ago

    Good morning from southern Spain! I am grateful for this quiet morning hour…for our apartment crammed with ‘treasures’ and memories of 35 years together…for family but especially for my girlfriends – we brighten each other’s days. Grateful also for getting through another hot hot summer as the days mellow into autumn. Wishing you all a good day!

  4. barba
    6 months ago

    It’s raining – and I have a safe roof over my head
    it’s cold – and I could turn on the heating
    really all needs can be met – it’s actually incredible to be given all this.
    I can sit here, write these lines, read your inspirations – the miracle of the internet
    and I can go out into nature and enjoy my life

  5. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    6 months ago

    My trip to North west Ireland is tomorrow for a week. That is my abundance!! A much needed vacation and somehow we lucked out with the weather. It changed to be warmer (high 60’s low 70), party sunny and only a slight chance of showers! My friend accidentally booked a wrong room so we had to scramble to make a last minute change on one B & B and it turns out to be in Northern Ireland. This will be interesting, no border control and we won’t be near a city. They use English sterling for $. Hope you all have a great week!

    1. Michele
      6 months ago

      Safe travels Robin Ann and have a wonderful trip!

    2. L
      Loc Tran
      6 months ago

      Have fun on your trip, Robin.

  6. M
    6 months ago

    I can be grateful for the abundance of love and support i have in my daily life.

  7. Ose
    6 months ago

    When my friend arrived today, a rainbow was right across the road where I was on to pick her up. it just expressed how I felt; richly gifted with this frienship of 40 years, for her generosity and her loyalty and love. Abundance of true friendship, of care and togetherness in heart no matter the distance in miles and no matter the differences. We will celebtate this for the first time through sharing precious and happy time again, having planned an extraordinary sight seeing tour, going out for dinner tonight, speaking and sharing what moves and touches us, as we did when we lived together for some years in my early twenties. Abundance pure, and abundance of gratefulness for this gift of her being in my life. Whishing you all a fulfilling weekend.

    1. Anna
      6 months ago

      I am happy for you, dear Ose.

  8. pkr29022
    6 months ago

    I am grateful for this beautiful new day filled with sunshine & warm breezes.
    Grateful for my morning coffee , toast & quiet.
    Grateful for music.
    Grateful for my morning meditation time, quiet time with the Divine.
    Grateful for unlimited possibilities this new day has to offer.
    Grateful for this site & All who participate.🙏🏻❤️✨

  9. Yram
    6 months ago

    Many of my answers are the ones mentioned. To think of different ones, I thought of the abundance of selections/varieties, abundance of opportunities.

  10. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    6 months ago

    Right now, it’s harvest time here in the
    wine country and the grapes are heavy
    on the vines. The vineyards and winery’s
    are busy with activity. I am grateful for this abundance and grateful that the weather
    seems to be cooperating.
    I am also grateful for the general abundance
    in my life. I have worked hard, but I have never known hunger. I have sweated, but I have
    always had a hot shower. I have paid my
    taxes and voted, and I am grateful for the
    mechanisms of government that provide
    safety and security and so much more.
    As I sit here with a cat in my lap,
    contemplating gratitude, and I am so
    grateful that get to do this.

  11. Nannette
    6 months ago

    I have so much abundance in my life to be grateful for. The abundance of food, clothing, three places I can call home (my actual home, our simple cabin and our motorhome), clothing to keep me cool and warm. Clean water and clean air. The abundance of feeling safe- and the abundance of love from my husband and family. I have another day on this wonderful earth to be grateful and show gratefulness to the Creator. A great question!

  12. Carol Ann Conner
    6 months ago

    I couldn’t get past the word “abundance” in today’s question. It reminded me of a short poem I wrote a few years ago. It speaks to the importance of the abundance of our hearts. It’s a reminder that we become a blessing when we perceive things and act upon them through the eyes of our hearts.

    Dr. Neil Douglas-Klotz, who is fluent in Aramaic, the language spoken by Jesus, says that to bless something is to acknowledge that this is the “ripe and the right time.”

    To bless is:

    To acknowledge
    To pick at
    the ripe
    right time.

    To bless is
    To have a wish
    that in all ways
    and always
    you are blessed

    Blessings lead
    To fruition
    when they pass
    through the abundance
    of your heart

    Wishing you many blessings

    1. Michele
      6 months ago

      Bright Blessings to you too Carol 🙂

    2. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      6 months ago

      Thank you, Carol. “To pick at the ripe and right time” A mantra to live by.

    3. Charlie T
      Charlie T
      6 months ago

      Beautiful! 🙏

    4. Antoinette88615
      6 months ago

      You 🙏

  13. Jenifer
    6 months ago


  14. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen
    6 months ago

    As a deadly typhoon Yagi destroys many villages, houses, businesses, and lives in Vietnam, my home country, I am very grateful for the abundance of food that I have, which is a big wish for those who are now living under the devastation of the typhoon.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      6 months ago

      My Ngoc, there’s a lot to be grateful for here in the US closer to home. It’s beyond sad that so much food gets wasted.

  15. Patti
    6 months ago

    I am grateful for the abundance of clean mountain water, my overall health, the love of my family, plenty of food to eat, money to support our life, and the many beautiful trails all around us in WNC (and northern SC) to see and experience nature. My favorites are the ones that take us up to the top of a mountain and open up to the most magical views.

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