July 26

What is one of my favorite times of day? Why am I grateful for it?

26 Reflections
July 25

How has life surprised me in a meaningful way lately?

40 Reflections
July 24

What is this moment offering?

51 Reflections
July 23

How could I show my appreciation for the gift of life today?

32 Reflections
July 22

What reminds me of the miracle of simply being alive?

43 Reflections
July 21

What are some of the blessings of the place that I live?

24 Reflections
July 20

Is there a new ritual I’ve been longing to bring into my life? How could I start today?

36 Reflections
July 19

What is a recent experience in which choosing to be grateful shifted my perspective?

24 Reflections
July 18

When was the last time I witnessed a beautiful sunrise or sunset? How did it make me feel?

37 Reflections