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  1. C

    Abundance – it’s everywhere. I see it in the trees, in the blades of grass, in the food in my cupboards, in the water coming from my hot shower, in the rays of sun coming through my window, in the contented puppies I have in my house, in the sleeping breath of my children, in the snoring breath of my husband! I am grateful for it all and I love this feeling of wholeness as I focus on what really matters to me. Thank you for providing this focus.

    1 year ago
  2. L
    Linda Herman

    I have the abundance of love in my life. My husband, my children, my cats, my children at school, my teachers at school, families. I am so filled. New friends, old friends. I am so rich.

    And I have the abundance of a beautiful place to live. Where I can hear the crows, and turkeys. And see the deer and racoons and squirrels and birds. And plants and nature.

    I am thankful for all of it. For my father who has passed. His love and kindness and humanness!

    1 year ago
  3. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann

    Abundance of beautiful scenic areas as spring unfolds

    1 year ago
  4. c

    The abundance of compassion in action that it took previous generations to succeed in bringing about social safety net. May it rise again in this and future generations.

    1 year ago
  5. Christina

    For the incredible abundance of Love which is. Deeply grateful.

    1 year ago
  6. Don
    Don Jones

    The length of my to do list and the skills, knowledge and ability to work through each one to fill my day with achievement.

    1 year ago
  7. Dolores Kazanjian80021
    Dolores Kazanjian

    The beautiful Spring day here in New York took my breath away when I went outside this morning. What went through my head was the old (old) song, “No, they can’t take that away from me.” No matter what health worries or other troubles I have, “they” can’t take away this beautiful Spring day and the abundance of sunshine, lilacs, daffodils, peach blossoms, birds, trees and all of the wonderful things I are surrounded with. Only my “monkey mind” can do that. Well…we could do without the lawnblowers…
    Thank you, Lord, for the gift of another day.

    1 year ago
  8. pkr29022


    1 year ago
  9. luv-1-nutter

    The only thing that is lacking in this world, is… used to say that the only thing lacking in this world is God consciousness, and of those who are planting the seed for the next generation.. those of us who are gaining god-consciousness.. All you need is Love love. And if if you aren’t sure, then… The proof is in the eating.

    1 year ago
  10. Charlie T
    Charlie T

    An embarrassment of riches, really.
    Healthy food, fresh air, clean water,
    a house filled with love. It goes to
    show you how crazy this world is.
    I live a pretty simple life, yet I am
    very content with all that I have, and
    I am aware of the privilege that I
    was born with.

    1 year ago
  11. M
    M Mohan Ram

    Time is abundance but no even can God can buy it so I am very grateful for every second that is in my calender

    1 year ago
  12. Pilgrim

    Family, Friends, moving into Spring, music, the beach a mile down the road, lots of birds and squirrels/chipmunks enjoying the trees/nuts/seeds just outside my glass door, my health, food in the kitchen, kindness.

    1 year ago
  13. Carol Ann Conner

    Today’s quote says it all! “All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today.” –Proverb

    Today (the NOW) always offers an abundance of grace. It offers me the opportunity to water the seeds that lead to my growth. It may even offer me the chance to water/fertilize/nurture loving seeds in others. Sister Helen Prejean says, “Lavish love on others, receive it gratefully when it come to you. Cultivate friendship like a garden. It is the best love of all.” May I always remember to claim the abundant flow of grace that Life offers moment by moment.

    I share a poem I wrote several years ago: God is Being by Carol Ann Conner

    God, You are not a Being.
    You are Being itself,
    ever faithful, ever present,
    in my joy and my sorrow.

    Your vulnerability
    humbles me beyond belief
    and at times,
    leaves me lonely and afraid.

    You see, I’ve come to know my choices matter.
    They either nurture or destroy the gift of life.
    Why? Because, You have made us all Creator
    and I don’t want that responsibility!

    Why don’t You change the game?
    Just fix everything?
    β€œIt’s not possible,” You say.
    β€œI have to change. It’s called free will,” You say.

    β€œBecome the peace I seek.”
    β€œShare it with all I meet.”
    β€œIt’s an inside job,” You say.”
    β€œThat begins and ends with me.”

    1 year ago
  14. Yram

    The amount of choices I have and the potential of variety in my life. The love and acceptance of the many folks I have in my life.

    1 year ago
  15. J
    Jenny Arellano

    I can thank God for the abundance of love I am through him. The abundance of patience even during affliction. The abundance of strength when I am weak . The abundance of kindness and strength through everything ! The abundance of provisions spiritually and physically! Abundance of triumphs !

    1 year ago

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