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  1. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    3 months ago

    Going to my church Mass. I will be moving and will miss my church terribly but the priest that did my son’s first communion
    is at a church not far from where I will live. He was the University of RI chaplain back then and all of the students loved him!

    Also, my son’s new GF of 6 mos invited he and I to Thanksgiving with her family! That was so thoughtful!!. I have already met her Mom
    so will be nice to meet the rest of the family. My friend Mike is going to NH to have Thanksgiving with a friend and my family normally does their own thing up in Massachusetts. We normally only get together for a big Xmas in Massachusetts.

    1. Mary
      3 months ago

      How nice that you will spend Thanksgiving with your son, his girlfriend, and her family, Robin Anne!

  2. Presley Gleason
    3 months ago

    Prayer, seminary, personal scripture study, being outside, and service!

  3. Carol Ann Conner
    3 months ago

    This site, my journaling, writing poetry, a good book, mindfulness and meditation, praying with my neighbor, visiting with my grown children.

    1. Antoinette88615
      3 months ago

      Me too Carol !

  4. L
    3 months ago

    -My daily walks and reflection time spent at the lake nearby

    -All the wisdom gained from reading and participating on this site daily.

    -listening to music

    -being in nature

  5. M
    Bam Bam Vincent
    3 months ago

    I like to wake up and do my best to ask God for his favor on this day. I try to take a few minutes for some general prayers for others and then seek guidance through quiet reflection, a daily devotional, or a touch of divination. I journal daily, whether is just a gratitude journal or a life journal. After years of doing it – it becomes routine so it’s built into your life.

  6. Emmaleah46781
    3 months ago

    Being in nature as much as I can is key to my emotional and spiritual well being. Also getting a good amount of exercise and “alone time”. I will take time for all of these as I feel I truly need them right now.

    1. Mary
      3 months ago

      Me too, Emmaleah.

  7. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    3 months ago

    I skipped yesterday’s Daily Question. I was not in the mood for gratitude. My mind is racing. All the effects of this are still circulating in a swirling pattern in my head. Hopefully this will calm down and I can come back to my practices.

    1. Barb C
      Barb C
      3 months ago

      Space and time to grieve and center yourself is important.

      I found this site thanks to a link my older daughter sent me. You may find it helpful.

      1. Yram
        3 months ago

        Thank you for the link you sent yesterday. It is a very helpful site. I have shared it with many others.

      2. Mary
        Mary Mantei
        3 months ago

        Barb, thank you for this link. I just checked it out and it looks helpful. Onward we go.

      3. Robin Ann
        Robin Ann
        3 months ago

        Thanks Barb, I will definitely look at this too

    2. sparrow51014
      3 months ago

      Dear Charlie…
      I too,
      awoke to news that was devastating to me,
      and turned to Julian of Norwich
      who said,
      “All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well”.
      I have been practicing this for years…
      sometimes with success,
      and sometimes not so,
      but more and more
      it helps me during my deepest sorrows
      with love…♥

      1. Nancy Walton-House63093
        Nancy Walton-House63093
        3 months ago

        I have been listening to Julian’s wisdom in the song “The Bells of Norwich” from Beneath the Snow (2007) sung by the Moonrakers. I also listen to her wisdom in the song “Julian of Norwich” from An Albion Christmas (2009) sung by The Albion Christmas Band. Sydney Carter (1915-2004) wrote the song. This music restores my hope and gives light in dark times.

        1. Robin Ann
          Robin Ann
          3 months ago

          Thank you for this Nancy, I shall look into them

  8. Mary
    3 months ago

    This space feeds me emotionally and spiritually.
    Getting exercise daily.
    Taking care of my body.
    Pushing myself to be more social.
    Working on my drawings and collages.
    Nurturing my relationship with my husband
    as well as with friends.
    Keeping my home neat and clean.
    Helping family members in moderation. (a tricky one)
    Reading from Kristi Nelson’s book Wake Up Grateful. Very helpful!

    When I’m feeling emotionally and spiritually challenged
    my energy gets low, so I have to be moderate in my expectations for myself.
    I’ve heard – Set the bar low and succeed.
    Or something like that.
    Mostly I have to be gentle and kind to myself and
    tell my judging self to go sit down and be quiet.
    (Was it Carol who said that recently? Love that!)
    The political situation (disaster) along with various family issues
    has me feeling overwhelmed.
    So one small step at a time will be what I can do.
    Sending much love to all on this platform. ♥️♥️♥️

  9. pkr29022
    3 months ago

    Mother Nature feeds me spiritually & emotionally. I plan to spend time outdoors today after 2 days of rain. The sun is shining bright, a welcome site.
    Reading & writing feed me as well. I plan to do both today & in the days ahead. I am reading Jan Karon’s books, the Mitford series. Has anyone else read them? It’s light reading but quite enjoyable.
    Will also make sure I get my yoga in.
    Smile All. 😊 Blessings abound.🙏🏻

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      3 months ago

      Yes they do PKR. Thanks for the reminder

  10. Yram
    3 months ago

    What feeds me is:
    Reaching out to others
    Doing something creative
    Looking at the different quotes I have collected and enjoy reading them.
    Know that I have choices.
    Keeping a routine.
    Ramp up my trust and faith.
    Be grateful for the communities I belong to.

  11. Barb C
    Barb C
    3 months ago

    Very timely question since I’m feeling in need of that kind of nourishment. Three things:

    I’ve fallen out of the habit of walking in a big nearby park, which I used to do quite often as a lunch break. It soothes me to be among the big trees and hear the birds and animals, and the movement of my body feels good. I need to put that back into the schedule.

    I’ve been collecting notes with ideas for a book I want to write. It’s been growing in my mind a bit at a time. I haven’t gotten serious about it. Planning the reading and research I know it will take and really embarking on the work would feed me.

    I also need to schedule more friendship time. Last night a friend who works at my agency and lives nearby reached out to ask if I want to bike to work with her this morning, saying she needs community. I’ll be gearing up and enjoying the time with her, then we’ll eat lunch together. I’ll ask if she wants to make this a weekly thing.

    I also plan to start a Saturday coffee gathering similar to one I had in a town I lived in a while back. I’ll invite women I think of as “work friends” or acquaintances through other sources such as my improv classes to get together once a month for scheduled friendship time. I called it Second Saturdays because I like alliteration. It was wildly popular and ran for over a decade, continuing after I moved away.

    I guess that’s four actions but three topics: getting out in nature, digging deep and thinking about something that matters to me, and making sure I spend time with friends.

    1. L
      3 months ago

      This is so inspiring. I struggle to connect with and meet new people – I’ve lived in my city for almost a year and don’t know anyone (I work remotely). I always love reading about all the creative ways you form and maintain connections with friends and acquaintances.

    2. S
      Ana Maria
      3 months ago

      Good morning Barbara C, You are inspiring!! Thank you for sharing daily, I have not been in the forum for a few weeks as I tended to my 93 years old mother. Reading your post makes realize how much I need my friendship group! I too need to schedule time to be with them. I can’t wait to read about your book. I sure enjoy your blog! Enjoy your special time today. I thank you!!

  12. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen
    3 months ago

    Having conversations with my loving Loc, playing my ocarina, singing, and helping others are things that feed me emotionally and spiritually. I love the feeling of being useful to someone. I love the feeling of relaxation. I love the sense of being healthy, both physically and spiritually. Of course, I will continue maintaining these sources of soul nourishment from time to time.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      3 months ago

      My Ngoc, I enjoy conversations with you too. It’s very relaxing, and we learn a lot from each other. I totally resignate with you on all 3 you mentioned from: health, relaxation, and being useful. It all starts and ends with health. Relaxation helps me find and thrive on the rare 3rd path. Others receiving my services the right way is the best feeling in the world.

  13. D
    3 months ago

    Movement, even if there’s a foot of snow outside. Drawing. Baking bread. Holding space for others in ritual. The Great British Baking Show. I could make space for all of these things by being very disciplined during my working hours and staying off social media/news/text.

  14. Nannette
    3 months ago

    This site and morning prayers of gratitude to God feed me emotionally and spiritually. When I am uncertain, fearful or joyful; I revert to prayer–at times that is all I have and it is more than enough. I as many hear also appreciate being in nature. I am very Blessed to live just about in the forest in a hollow in West Virginia. Wishing everyone a day filled with some form o joy.

  15. Patti
    3 months ago

    Walking, being in nature and noticing what’s around me. Baby birds were chirping like crazy in a tree around the corner when I walked the dogs yesterday morning, and it was such sweet little chirps! Seeing the sky beyond the trees and remembering that I am just a tiny dot in this universe. Meditating and praying help. Practicing yoga. Dancing. And I enjoy going to church, although we haven’t been since our first move. There’s a church just a few doors down from us, across the street that we’re going to check out soon! I would go this weekend, but I’m heading back to Charleston for my Mamaw’s 90th birthday party. That’ll be some good food for the soul, too.

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