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  1. barba

    I’m going hiking with a friend today. I will enjoy the gift of friendship and beautiful nature

    2 months ago
  2. Jenifer

    By being an active participant in my life. I’ve been in such a stagnant headspace for sometime now and I moped around and was letting my life pass by. Now, I’m taking action to change my situation instead of waiting around for something to just happen. I saw a quote that goes “action is the antidote to despair”. I’ve been thinking about that a lot and putting it in practice. Life really is a gift and it’s more fun and enjoyable when you’re putting yourself out there to try new things. I am starting to feel hopeful again and it’s a nice thing to feel. For that, I am grateful. 🧡

    2 months ago
  3. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann

    By being available for my children when they need me. Today my son found out his new GF’s aunt has cancer that has spread throughout her body.
    Apparently all the aunts have this gene that causes bladder cancer.

    I also help member’s of my Company’s health plan with daily issues and it certainly feels great when the issue is resolved in their favor! So many are suffering with health issues and it is heart breaking but if I can help them and respond quickly I know I am making a difference.

    2 months ago
  4. D

    Say a prayer of thanks, hug my children, send my mom a quick message of love and thanks.

    2 months ago
  5. T

    By remembering that even though my body isn’t as healthy as it could be, I am alive and able to do the things that bring me joy (yoga, meditation, getting outdoors).

    2 months ago
  6. Linda72766

    I have a lot of worry about my husband’s health. But he is happy to be alive, and grateful for all the support he is receiving from family and friends (and me!) Following the “one day at a time” philosophy helps me to just be present for today, and not spend my time worrying about things I cannot control.

    2 months ago
    1. Yram

      With you in spirit, Linda.

      2 months ago
      1. Linda72766

        Thank you, Yram.

        2 months ago
  7. Dolores Kazanjian
    Dolores Kazanjian

    I will, as o do each day, spread kindness and light wherever I go no matter how I feel. And today I feel pretty crummy lot of pain and little sleep. But coming here always makes me feel better.

    2 months ago
    1. Yram

      Yes and fir me to see your name.

      2 months ago
  8. Charlie T
    Charlie T

    How do I reciprocate for the gift of life?
    Maybe a card? A bottle of wine? How
    about flowers? But who would I give it
    to? What address would I send it to?
    All joking aside, I am grateful for this life.
    I think that taking care of myself and those
    around me, is the only way I can think of
    to be thankful for this gift.
    Amidst the craziness of moving, I found
    time yesterday to stretch, meditate, and
    a short therapy session. I feel good about that.
    I also continue to reach out to friends that
    are suffering right now and offer my
    support and try to actively listen to what
    they have to say.
    I loved this mornings Ansel Adams quote.

    2 months ago
  9. sparrow51014

    . . . by living it to the fullest,
    of course.

    But there is more to it than that . . .
    by putting into the world
    more than I take out,
    by consciously honoring the gifts of the day,
    and by joyfully embracing what it brings.

    2 months ago
    1. D


      2 months ago
  10. L

    I’m struggling today. I have no answer to this question.

    2 months ago
    1. sparrow51014

      has days like this,
      dear Lauryn . . .
      I can only say
      you may not feel it,
      but you are being held in Grace
      with love . . . ♥

      2 months ago
  11. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen

    First of all, I appreciate the comments from Michele, Linda, and my sweetheart Loc for helping me with my English. I haven’t fully recovered from my headache, but each day, I’m happy to observe it’s getting better than the day before. I will show my appreciation for today’s gift of life by letting go of overthinking, relaxing my mind, and preparing to sing to my husband’s aunt to thank her for giving me a new pair of wireless microphones.

    2 months ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      My Ngoc, relaxing your mind is another area I’ve noticed improvement in you. The typical person may not be able to spot your improvement, but I’ve noticed that in you in many areas. We have hidden personalities. As long as we notice progress in ourselves and each other, that’s what matters. This is one of the benefits to having a partner/spouse. The only other person responsible for our inner lives, around halfway anyways, is our partner/spouse. Halfway is quite a lot.

      2 months ago
  12. Nannette

    This one really hits home with me!! I am very aware to be thankful for each day.. How Blessed I am to have another day in which to love my husband and my animals and family. I get to be in my home.. To see the great outdoors; hear the birds and appreciate all the gifts I am given. I start my day when I open my eyes and thank God for this day…and that I am here.

    2 months ago
  13. Yram

    Keep in mind the quote of the day by Ansel Adams, a great photographer:
    Life is your art.
    An open, aware heart is your camera
    A oneness with your world is your film.

    2 months ago
  14. L
    Loc Tran

    Go out there and play the piano for people at Menards.

    2 months ago
  15. Palm

    Appreciating every moment. Stopping and being conscious of my breath when I notice that I’m falling into doing as a means to an end, until I am back to the precious flow of life.

    2 months ago

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