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  1. pkr29022
    4 hours ago

    I am inspired by all of it as others have already stated.
    The rising sun I saw this morning & the full moon I saw rise yesterday evening.
    The changing leaves, especially those I witnessed this past weekend in the Upper Michigan peninsula. Stunning, glorious….
    Flowers, every single one of them!
    Trees, especially BIG trees. The Redwoods are my touchstone. Love, love ‘em.❤️
    Birds, their songs. Butterflies…………………………✨

  2. Antoinette88615
    7 hours ago

    All of it ! How could nature not inspire every moment of life ! The body of the universe is all inspiring! I love you !

  3. H
    Hamisha Bhana
    7 hours ago

    Nature inspires me by its ability to renew itself effortlessly, this to me is incredibly beautiful and shows the resilience of our dear mother nature.

  4. Pilgrim
    8 hours ago

    Let me count the ways! We have 4 seasons in Michigan, so that is a good place to start. Even as a little girl, our neighborhood full of children was a place of exploration and creativity. (I think of the movie Now and Then.) I love the multiplicity of change and surprise just watching my back yard all these 73 years later. I also grew up in a family that spent a lot of time on the water or in the woods. Freedom and gift of the outdoors has always been a precious part of my life.

  5. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen
    8 hours ago

    The resilience of grass is remarkable. They grow and change colors through the spring and fall seasons, hide under the snow in winter, and reappear when spring arrives.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      7 hours ago

      Yes, my Ngoc. They appear weak, because they’re small and short but are actually strong.

  6. Patti
    9 hours ago

    The rising and setting of the sun and the moon. Thinking about how the sun is just sitting in its spot in the Universe shining light for all of life. And the moon moving around the earth, pulling the ocean tides in and out… and effecting my body at the same time! Seeing bees in flowers. Watching butterflies flutter around, knowing they came out of a cocoon to fly. How some of my plants have revived themselves when I wasn’t quite so sure they’d make it. And the trees changing color, dropping their leaves, preparing for winter.

    I’m sure I could find so many more examples of the inspiration of Mother Nature! She is so talented and diverse, making things happen as they should.

  7. J
    10 hours ago

    Plant life is especially inspiring to me. In the desert, we get a multitude of colors in a seemingly inhospitable climate and area. Yet, even in the 100 plus temperatures of Arizona, chlorophyl works, plants grow, those with leaves may have flowers, those without adapted over time and moves the chlorophyl to the bark or trunk, and those without leaves, really do have them. They are what we call thorns. And when the desert is in bloom? Magical!

  8. Mary
    Mary Mantei
    11 hours ago

    To see the natural world unfold each season without expectation to be anything except exactly what it is, is a reminder to consider doing the same. Humans struggle with the process of change, while nature simply is. I want more of that in my life!

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      10 hours ago

      Very true, Mary. We have many ideas on how things should be.

  9. Joseph
    Joseph McCann
    11 hours ago

    The whole show. The interconnectedness of all. Our planet earth is one of, I do not know how many, but it is many, that just so happens to have all the ingredients for life. Nature is life, I am life. Namaste.

  10. L
    Loc Tran
    12 hours ago

    I go on a morning walk to the park everyday. There’s a beautiful lake in front of my house. The fall colors representing change inspires me to let go of limitting stories and embrace change. Strangers coming up and greeting me inspire me to build connections and see the value of human nature.

  11. Michele
    12 hours ago

    The beauty of it – nothing like looking up at the brightness of a full moon.
    Beautiful trees – weeping willows, old oak trees with Spanish moss, birch trees, so many others
    Seasonal changes of nature inspire me with decorating.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      11 hours ago

      Michele, I use a meditation App called “Soothing Pod” my wife introduced to me. One of the exercises talks about the 4 seasons. We’re now in the season of letting go.

  12. Laura
    12 hours ago

    Everything is connected, from apex creatures to the smallest microbe. We all have our place. Everything, when living as intended, contributes to the overall balance of the whole.

  13. EJP
    12 hours ago

    Early morning sunrise bringing a new day……a fresh start.

  14. A
    Amber K
    14 hours ago

    I love the beauty that flowers bring. I am also fascinated by the sky, whether it is a bright blue sky or the darkness of the night. Yesterday morning on my run early in the morning while still dark, I saw the largest moon in the sky. It was incredible!

    1. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      11 hours ago

      Amber, just think about this, even though we are all over the world, we are all looking at that same glorious moon, albeit at different times of day. It is one of many ways we are connected through nature.🌕

      1. A
        Amber K
        9 hours ago

        Yes Mary, I never thought about it like that! Thanks for sharing.

    2. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      11 hours ago

      I listened to a talk by Eckhart Toole in which he described meditative method for presence. It is to look at a single flower, following one’s breath. Not naming it, just focusing on the whole, the beauty, of a single flower. Name a flower for a child and they may never truly see a flower again.

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