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  1. KC.
    38 mins ago

    A safe, warm, dry, stable home. Access to healthy food and the ability to get to and from the store, carry some groceries, pay for them. Family, friends, community. To live in a peaceful country and community with a democratic system in place. Gorgeous trees outside turning endless shades of red, orange, gold, yellow … and the circumstances that allow me to step back, observe, reflect, appreciate, take this all in and connect with you all here. Thank you! Best for a beautiful day …

  2. Linda72766
    1 hour ago

    I include everything that others have written this morning. I feel fortunate, indeed.

  3. Carol Ann Conner
    3 hours ago

    When I turn on the faucet, drinkable water comes out
    When I set the thermostat hot or cold air comes out
    When I go to the grocery store, I can pay for my food
    I have a roof over my head
    I have good neighbors
    I have a loving family
    For these and many other basic things, I am grateful.

  4. Ose
    3 hours ago

    grateful for the life given, with all its wonders working in the body making life possible without even thinking of it, all the unnoticed service the body offers so freely, circulation, heartbeat, breath, liver, kidneys, bowels— all working together in harmony without even a glimpse of me doing something apart from offering it healthy food and water, which is available even without much effort, a gift of sorts when perceiving what´s going on in the world for most of our kindred brothers and sisters in war- suffering areas, the nomads in the desert, the poor in so many countries. it is a gift of sorts also to have a roof over my head, heating, clothing according to the season and on top very dear friends close to my heart and my beloved sister, all not at all taken for granted. Thank you dearly, life, for all these precious gifts.

  5. Elizabeth H67151
    Elizabeth H
    4 hours ago

    Being able to breathe and freely move all my limbs, the use of my 5 senses, clean water to drink, a home, electricity, food to eat, the use of my mind and some understanding of practices to touch a Presence beyond my mind, the ability to read and access to inspirational writers, having people in my life whom I love and who love me.

  6. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    4 hours ago

    This is an easy list.

    – Clean air to breathe
    – Clean water at the turn of a handle
    – The miracle of hot water
    – A warm and dry place to live
    – Safety and security
    – An abundance of locally produce food

    I try not to take any of this for granted. Because it is not. The random occurrence of my birth place and my ethnic origin have allowed me to access all of this. While I was not born into a wealthy family (as was my plan😁) I have not suffered any real physical privations and I consider myself very lucky indeed. This is not to say that I have not suffered, because I have, just not of hunger or cold or real oppression. All of this good luck could disappear tomorrow. So, I will give thanks and practice gratitude now. 🙏

  7. Nannette
    4 hours ago

    I am grateful for the love of others, the love of my animals…and the necessities of life as I know it. A warm home in the cooler months and a cool home in the warmer months. A safe home with clean water, electricity, flushing toilets, a comfortable bed, and a comfortable chair. The four seasons…right now outside my window are all shades of gold and yellow and the ground is full of leaves. A beautiful time of year. I am grateful for good music. I am grateful for the freedom to practice my religious beliefs and I am very grateful for this site and all of you who make each day better.

  8. Mary
    5 hours ago

    I am grateful for my breath
    and for the oxygen I breathe.
    I am grateful for my heart
    and for the blood
    which it pumps through my veins and arteries.
    I am grateful for clean water
    and for fresh food.
    I am grateful that I woke up this morning
    and am ready to live another day.

  9. Jenifer
    5 hours ago

    Having a roof over my head, food in my fridge, family/friends to reach out to.

  10. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen
    5 hours ago

    I’m grateful for the presence of Loc’s aunt and her family in our house. They bring us a lot of joy and the feeling of a traditional Vietnamese family. Her waking up around 5:00 AM to clean the house and cook breakfast gives me a familiar feeling that I have missed since living in the U.S. The presence of a traditional Asian woman in our home keeps the kitchen warm with the great smell of delicious dishes.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      4 hours ago

      My Ngoc, it’s like your childhood all over again. It’s a familiar setting where the adults wake up early, especially the woman cooking, cleaning, and everyone gathers around the table to eat rice and soup together. Based on my interactions with her, she does have a great sense of humor.

  11. L
    Loc Tran
    5 hours ago

    Food, shelter, and wifi connection are the basic things I’m grateful for. That curry ramen from Saturday was delicious. Days are getting colder and shorter. Quality wifi allows me to go on this site and interact with members here.

  12. Patti
    6 hours ago

    A comfy bed to sleep in. A safe home to live in. Clean water, hot showers, flushing toilets. This cup of coffee I’m drinking. The incredible park we live near now and all the walking paths that this city has provided. Each breath that carries me to the next moment.

  13. Pilgrim
    6 hours ago

    My family. Friendship. Those who listen well. The four seasons, in particular right now Autumn and her beauty. Good music.

  14. Mary
    Mary Mantei
    6 hours ago

    A simple, efficient home. Seasonal clothing g to protect and comfort my body. Everything my senses bring to me. Skin, such an amazing organ. Coffee. My foundational values. The power of our breath.

  15. Joseph
    Joseph McCann
    6 hours ago

    Breath. Sight. Vision. Sound. Stillness. Taste. Touch. Water. Life. Agua es Vida.

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