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  1. A
    10 months ago

    My amazing boyfriend. My new job. My amazing parents. My loving grandma. The sun outside. My grades in school. my friends. my home. my baby nephew. my ability to go to therapy. my tax returns. the trips I have coming up. my yummy food. my gift cards.

  2. Amy
    10 months ago

    This last year and a half has brought a lot of change and some unwanted health and career challenges; however, there have been blessings in it, too: getting to be home during the last few months of one of our dogs’ lives, being around the house for the other dog left behind who all the sudden got clingy because he misses his buddy, finding a consistent yoga and meditation practice to manage my anxiety that I’m realizing has always been with me, developing new female friendships bonded by some similar challenges, learning to be a human “being” and not a human “doing”, and getting in touch with what “I” like and learn to disconnect from my workaholism.

  3. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    10 months ago

    I have renewed hope for my daughter who is doing great! I also have 3 ex sister-in-laws that I have reconnected with thru everything
    going on with my daughter. I love that we have reconnected after 18 yrs! One was sooner then 18 yrs to be honest. I have good health, Life time friends that do not live near me but we stay connected and now some have also grown children so we connect more frequently. I have a great job of almost 10 yrs next month and a guy companion that has many of my same interests of sailing, celtic music, travel, hiking and biking. My son and I own a beautiful home in a rural area and it is very peaceful and scenic here.

  4. Dolores Kazanjian
    Dolores Kazanjian
    10 months ago

    In the late stages of my life, I have mellowed out, become more spiritual, established a gratefulness practice, experienced the kindness of people and become more kinder and compassionate. This from someone in her earlier years was a driven overachiever.

  5. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    10 months ago

    I am finally able to live without so much
    anxiety. Why I took so long to start
    this project, is still a mystery to me.

    1. Charlie T
      Charlie T
      10 months ago

      I know I’m commenting on my own
      post, but, after reading all of your
      responses, I am reminded of what
      attracted me here in the first place.
      Your responses made me laugh, sigh,
      exhale deeply, and made my heart
      feel full. Thank you all for sharing 🙏

  6. Emmaleah46781
    10 months ago

    I am blessed with renewed health, blessed with a renewed sense of hope for my son from his new program, and the beginnings of a new love

  7. C
    Carissa Thomas
    10 months ago

    I’m blessed for my health and that I can run and exercise. I’m also blessed for the friends that I have right now and choosing me at this season of their life as well. I’m grateful to have such a wonderful job and community that supports me in what I want to do. I’m blessed that I am resilient and keep growing no matter the circumstances in my life.

  8. Barb C
    Barb C
    10 months ago

    Oh, so many! I’ve recently been reading books about women growing older. Our society glorifies youth and when I was young I couldn’t have realized how much I would appreciate this season. I’m comfortable with who I am, secure in myself rather than seeking approval and external validation. I’m able to pause and respond rather than react and rush in, with my responses informed by much more experience so I know that this too shall pass, whatever “this” is. I do rewarding work and can use what I’ve learned over the years to lead and coach others in their own growth.
    But then, I’ve enjoyed every season of my life as I lived it and all of those years are inside me. I expect to appreciate future me too; she’ll be carrying current me with her.

    1. Carol Ann Conner
      10 months ago

      Beautifully shared, Barb. Thank you.

  9. Yram
    10 months ago

    Going with the flow and here I am at 80+ years and today 55 years of marriage! Yikes.
    I am so grateful for it all. There have been many hills and valleys but today I feel optimistic and energetic.
    I credit the folks on this site for all the wisdom and companionship in helping me.

    1. Michele
      10 months ago

      Congrats on your 55th wedding anniversary!

      1. Yram
        10 months ago

        Thank you!

    2. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      10 months ago

      55 years, that is a bunch of good mornings and good nights Yram!

      1. Yram
        10 months ago

        Thank you!

    3. Carol Ann Conner
      10 months ago

      Yram, Congratulations on your years and your anniversary years!

      1. Yram
        10 months ago

        Thank you!

    4. Barb C
      Barb C
      10 months ago

      Happy anniversary!

      1. Yram
        10 months ago

        Thank you!

  10. Kathryn31583
    10 months ago

    Spring, the season of hope and promise. As I begin to walk into the later decades of life I stand in awe of the power of love and hope. My family has literally picked me up, held me up and dried my tears and calmed my fears as I maneuver through recovery and healing after a ruptured brain aneurysm.

    1. Michele
      10 months ago

      Wishing you healing energy and a speedy recovery.

    2. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      10 months ago

      Healing thoughts your way Kathryn.

    3. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      10 months ago

      This also happened to my cousin, very scary. Glad you have lots of family support and glad you are here too!

    4. Yram
      10 months ago

      I am happy you are in recovery! And have great support.

  11. Josie
    10 months ago

    Though my body is in late autumn due to two cancers in last two years, treatment was successful & I am now a survivor of both, thank God, good care & many pray-er supporters. A blessing from all this has become a much slower, more contemplative life. Many blessings facilitate my ability to live this way. I am grateful for each.
    This morning’s quote from THICH NHAT HANH touched me deeply. I’m grateful to be a person who smiles regularly during the day. This is another blessing of having so many needs taken care of by angel-like caregivers. Namaste to all.

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      10 months ago

      Namaste to you Josie.

    2. Dolores Kazanjian
      Dolores Kazanjian
      10 months ago

      I, too have had amazingly kind caregivers show up in my life. And I, too, call them my guardian angels.

    3. Carol Ann Conner
      10 months ago

      Josie, In another quote from Thick Nhat Hanh, he says that “…a smile is the simplest form of meditation.” That rings true for me as a smile always brings me into the present moment. Another monk, John Michael Talbot says that “…a blessing is a double-edged sword.” Your post today confirms that even the challenge of cancer can produce a blessing.

  12. Patti
    10 months ago

    At the age of 50 (just this time last year), I started working for myself, with my husband. I never would have dreamed that possible, even just 5 years ago. When it feels really hard, I remind myself what a blessing it truly is. I also feel more aware and generally more confident.

    1. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      10 months ago

      This is awesome! You did it!

    2. Yram
      10 months ago

      Keep up the great work.

  13. Joseph
    Joseph McCann
    10 months ago

    It is a blessing to have a mostly functioning body in the early winter of my life. Visiting my father and step-mother, 91 and 88 respectively, last week was joyful yet a stark lesson in the impermanence of all and me in particular. A reminder to embrace each day I am gifted. To live with mindfulness and gratitude as spring is arriving, the plants and trees are waking up to give it one more go. I will awaken grateful, join in and give it one more go too.

    1. Amy
      10 months ago

      Love your comment, Joseph, about that you, too, “will awaken grateful, join in and give it one more to too.” Good reminder that we can do what the seasons do.

    2. Carol Ann Conner
      10 months ago

      Joseph, Your willingness to make the trip to see your father and step-mother was surely a blessing to them. My son’s visits mean so much to me.

    3. Josie
      10 months ago

      Love this last line, Joseph.
      “I will awaken grateful, join in and give it one more go too.”
      Captures my sentiments perfectly today. Thanks.

  14. Michele
    10 months ago

    AARP discounts

  15. Laura
    10 months ago

    In my mid-60s I care less about what others might think of me. I am following my heart and my own interests more often. I miss my kids but I no longer have the daily worries of raising them. They are flourishing on their own. I have what I need for each day, not just a stingy portion but an abundance.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      10 months ago

      Laura, having gotten past my social barriors, I feel the same way. I care less about what others think of me and am finding myself following my own heart and interests more often. It unleashes us and opens up many doors.

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