I have been doing daily blood pressure and heart rate readings since my heart surgery. The days I take time to do something for myself, like making time to read, my heart rate is lower.
i bought a book on the history of Scotland a while ago and finally sat down to start reading it. Very fascinating since it starts out how the country was formed back in the Ice ages. I agree with being on social media too much is not nourishing especially facebook. Today I also took a 2 mile walk with Stanley (dog) and rested. I am finally feeling more like myself after having COVID
Nourishment…first of course I’m thinking of food, but then also that there are several other forms of nourishment- nature, exercise, sleep, knowledge, friendship, love… focusing on each of these areas individually- and maybe setting small goals for each.
I think it comes from balance. Those thoughts and decisions that take me out of balance usually end up with skinned knees. If I equate daily living to riding a bike, then balance will deliver the best results.
Honestly, I am taking this literally, and know that I need to do better at providing nourishing meals for myself and my husband. I have gotten away from cooking since retiring and plan to get back to it now.
The first thing that comes to mind,
is exercise. I need to be more regular
about this. Getting out for a quick walk,
bike ride, or going to (I can’t believe
I’m saying this) the gym. My mental and
physical health, really benefit from this.
And of course, connection. I really get so
much from this. It really feels like
nourishment. Last night while working,
I had the opportunity to hang out with
some locals (real salt of the earth) at a
little crossroads market.
There was definitely some alcoholism, but
it was so nice to see people just relaxing
after working, shooting the breeze, and
obviously enjoying earth other’s company.
It felt a little like anthropology. Good
to know that this still exists, in one
of the most expensive places on earth.
It took them a minute to figure me out,
as I was dressed in my chauffeur’s
get up. But after some initial hesitation,
we were able to connect and exchange
stories and I learned a thing or two.
Several comments point to the need to remove things that drain nourishment. I’ve reduced my time on social media quite a bit and am making Sundays “app-free” except for my morning time in this space and reading poetry at sites I visit every morning. As I started that practice I found it carried forward into the weekdays. Each time I find myself in a pause where I would have reached for my phone to look at something and I don’t, that’s a moment of mindfulness and awareness and that’s nourishing. The time that doesn’t get thrown into the rabbit hole is time with which to read with intention, go for a bike ride with my sweetheart, clear out some things I don’t need and post them in our neighborhood Buy Nothing group–all actions that nourish.
I could relate to the picture for the word of the day. I just want to BE. Curled up and content with what IS. My nourishment will come from seeing all as being good.
Taking more time to pray and listening to music….being mindful. Taking time to think about the remainder of my life- how I want to live. We don’t know how many days we are given and I need to use them wisely. Eating in a healthy manner…which I do most of the time. Continuing daily with all the folks here on Grateful Living.
physical – my breakfast nourishment right now is a delicious waffle with my blueberry flavored coffee. I will be sure to drink plenty of water especially because I will be mowing the back yard soon
spiritual nourishment – visiting this website
emotional nourishment – meditations, loving kindness and positive self talk
To continue on with my daily practices of mindfulness, meditation, standing yoga and of course gratitude. That helps with the mental side of the equation. For the physical side to continue with preparing meals with only ingredients that I can pronounce. Not going overboard with a nightly snack, some call it dessert, but I know it is really a daily dose of sugar in its unrefined state!
Give yourself the gift of free bi-monthly inspiration including uplifting articles, diverse stories, supportive practices, videos, and more, delivered with heart to your inbox.
I have been doing daily blood pressure and heart rate readings since my heart surgery. The days I take time to do something for myself, like making time to read, my heart rate is lower.
I have read some novels set in Scotland which I have really enjoyed. Dog walks are great.
i bought a book on the history of Scotland a while ago and finally sat down to start reading it. Very fascinating since it starts out how the country was formed back in the Ice ages. I agree with being on social media too much is not nourishing especially facebook. Today I also took a 2 mile walk with Stanley (dog) and rested. I am finally feeling more like myself after having COVID
Nourishment…first of course I’m thinking of food, but then also that there are several other forms of nourishment- nature, exercise, sleep, knowledge, friendship, love… focusing on each of these areas individually- and maybe setting small goals for each.
I think it comes from balance. Those thoughts and decisions that take me out of balance usually end up with skinned knees. If I equate daily living to riding a bike, then balance will deliver the best results.
Honestly, I am taking this literally, and know that I need to do better at providing nourishing meals for myself and my husband. I have gotten away from cooking since retiring and plan to get back to it now.
The first thing that comes to mind,
is exercise. I need to be more regular
about this. Getting out for a quick walk,
bike ride, or going to (I can’t believe
I’m saying this) the gym. My mental and
physical health, really benefit from this.
And of course, connection. I really get so
much from this. It really feels like
nourishment. Last night while working,
I had the opportunity to hang out with
some locals (real salt of the earth) at a
little crossroads market.
There was definitely some alcoholism, but
it was so nice to see people just relaxing
after working, shooting the breeze, and
obviously enjoying earth other’s company.
It felt a little like anthropology. Good
to know that this still exists, in one
of the most expensive places on earth.
It took them a minute to figure me out,
as I was dressed in my chauffeur’s
get up. But after some initial hesitation,
we were able to connect and exchange
stories and I learned a thing or two.
Yes! I had mentioned friendship — but connection was really what I meant. I feel this way too – so nourishing to the soul
Several comments point to the need to remove things that drain nourishment. I’ve reduced my time on social media quite a bit and am making Sundays “app-free” except for my morning time in this space and reading poetry at sites I visit every morning. As I started that practice I found it carried forward into the weekdays. Each time I find myself in a pause where I would have reached for my phone to look at something and I don’t, that’s a moment of mindfulness and awareness and that’s nourishing. The time that doesn’t get thrown into the rabbit hole is time with which to read with intention, go for a bike ride with my sweetheart, clear out some things I don’t need and post them in our neighborhood Buy Nothing group–all actions that nourish.
I could relate to the picture for the word of the day. I just want to BE. Curled up and content with what IS. My nourishment will come from seeing all as being good.
I will continue to work at corralling the hypercritical voice in my head. It’s like a frost that zaps and stunts my own growth.
Taking more time to pray and listening to music….being mindful. Taking time to think about the remainder of my life- how I want to live. We don’t know how many days we are given and I need to use them wisely. Eating in a healthy manner…which I do most of the time. Continuing daily with all the folks here on Grateful Living.
By owning my thoughts, feelings and actions…
physical – my breakfast nourishment right now is a delicious waffle with my blueberry flavored coffee. I will be sure to drink plenty of water especially because I will be mowing the back yard soon
spiritual nourishment – visiting this website
emotional nourishment – meditations, loving kindness and positive self talk
To continue on with my daily practices of mindfulness, meditation, standing yoga and of course gratitude. That helps with the mental side of the equation. For the physical side to continue with preparing meals with only ingredients that I can pronounce. Not going overboard with a nightly snack, some call it dessert, but I know it is really a daily dose of sugar in its unrefined state!
Giving up what does not nourish me. I need to start with what drains me … that includes people, spaces and places.
Also draining is the constant barrage of bad news.
Thank you for “voicing this”. I need to reexamine this in my life.