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  1. TofuLove75790

    That I’m not like other people and that’s actually OK. I feel a lot of my life I’ve struggled with being different and having this expectation I conform or fit with people’s norms and expectations. I don’t have to fit though and no one does. There’s no set rule that says your life needs to be exactly like this — you can weigh anything, look however you want, live where you want, do for your job what makes sense for you to do, if you are happy working pizza delivery and living with your parents at 35 playing video games, there is nothing wrong with that, who defines worthwhile life, if everyone is happy — there’s just people living and existing and I think I give myself freedom to enjoy my life fully which I feel is a result of realizing that — you don’t have to do anything actually except be you, live your life, be here right now and appreciate this moment.

    Feel what you feel, live what you live — enjoy, be, do. People have this concept, if you are depressed, what a horrible life — if you have this disability, that must be the worst ever — but those are just ideas and fire burns but it also warms, life has a complexity and beauty even in the midst of so much if you allow the space for there to be more than one way you need to be, they need to be, everything can just be and it’s OK. I appreciate my comfort with discomfort — you don’t always have to be like the most peaceful and blissed out, there’s joy in the frenetic, there’s beauty in the pain — there’s RICHNESS in the complexity of life and even the supposed negative emotions. There’s beauty in the sound of a car alarm going off at 3am and beauty and joy in the garbage dumpster full of trash and rats scampering about — this wild incredible life has beauty everywhere if you just let yourself simply BE.

    2 weeks ago
  2. M

    Today I have to say to inner me….that it’s okay and not to be hard on myself ,it’s fine if I am taking time to figure out things….

    2 months ago
  3. barba

    I want to be mindful of the critical thoughts and judgments about me and connect me with what is true right now.

    2 months ago
  4. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann

    I had an annual eye exam this morning and I am going to try a new RX for dry eye. My mind and body felt exhausted this a.m and I ended up leaving my cell phone in the bathroom. I got home and used a housemates cell phone to try to call. No answer. I had my daughter try also. Well long story short I had to wait all day, drive back and thank goodness it was there! It was definitely giving me anxiety because I have only had that phone for 4 mos and my WFH VPN is on it. I managed to remember box breathing as part of one of our wellness zoom meetings at work and did that and for sure it helped!!

    2 months ago
  5. Ose

    Will play some music not today any more as it is too late but tomorrow will be space for it and some more of meditation. May you all find a good night´s sleep and rest tonight.

    2 months ago
  6. Linda72766

    It has been a stressful time for me, and I have not taken care of myself as I should. I came down with covid, which forced me to rest.
    I appreciate my strong body and all it does for me, and today I will remember to stop, breathe, and give thanks for my life.

    2 months ago
    1. Michele

      Speedy recovery to you Linda – one of my best friends just told me yesterday she has Covid too – odd, have not heard much about Covid in awhile, and then here we go…

      2 months ago
      1. Linda72766

        Thank you, Michele. We are currently having a high incidence of covid in Oregon.

        2 months ago
    2. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann

      Oh no! Get well soon!

      2 months ago
      1. Linda72766

        Thank you, Robin Ann.

        2 months ago
    3. L
      Loc Tran

      Linda, take care, and get well soon.

      2 months ago
      1. Linda72766

        Thank you, Loc.

        2 months ago
  7. C
    Carly J

    I made an appointment and I’m going to see a chiropractor today! When my body is unaligned, often I am too.

    2 months ago
  8. Antoinette88615

    Today I bought some amazing sourdough bread at a local bakery. It was excellent and so with the money . Even though I think 10 dollars is a lot for bread ! So yummy!

    2 months ago
    1. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann

      They sell a mini loaf at my local grocery store that makes there own bread ($1.99). I love it too!

      2 months ago
    2. L
      Loc Tran

      Sounds delicious, Antoinette.

      2 months ago
  9. Palm

    I’ve had two days of much needed solitude. I can be grateful for the services that allowed this. I can rest and remember that I deserve it and need it to recover from the flu. Appreciate myself for having cleaned the house so I can be more comfortable.

    2 months ago
    1. Michele

      Wishing you a speedy recovery Palm.

      2 months ago
      1. Palm

        Thank you Michele!

        2 months ago
    2. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann

      oh no, the flu. Hearing a lot of illnesses in our community lately. Feel better!

      2 months ago
      1. Palm

        Thank you!

        2 months ago
    3. L
      Loc Tran

      Palm, as an introvert myself, I can totally understand the feeling. It’s very relaxing and puts us in a better position to socialize with others when the occasion calls us to do so.

      2 months ago
      1. Palm

        That’s how it is for me too, Loc Tran

        2 months ago
  10. Carol Ann Conner

    I missed a doctor’s appointment yesterday. My mind has been a muble-jumble since my sister’s death. I can care for myself by just accepting that I need to grieve. I’m learning that self-compassion is not easy.

    2 months ago
    1. Yram


      2 months ago
    2. Palm

      Carol, I am with you, I realise that I don’t easily give myself what I need. Wishing you lots of care during this grieving time

      2 months ago
      1. Carol Ann Conner

        Thank you PALM

        2 months ago
  11. Charlie T
    Charlie T

    By stopping and taking a quick inventory
    of my current situation. By appreciating
    the small things that can slip by without
    notice. By showing myself the same
    kindness I have for others.

    2 months ago
  12. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen

    Today, I’m a happy person. Yesterday, I was upset because I discovered that the opportunity for my siblings and me to gather is too far away. Today, I accepted it with a better mood. I appreciate the three good pieces of news that I recently received alongside the unwanted news.
    First, my mom passed her U.S. visa interview. Second, I just received an email from USCIS that my interview for naturalization is scheduled.

    2 months ago
    1. Michele

      Congrats Ngoc!

      2 months ago
    2. L

      Ngoc, congrats on your mom passing the visa interview and on receiving your interview appointment notice! I know first hand how slow USCIS is to process these types of cases, so that’s great news!

      I was also upset yesterday about some news I received. Your message about acceptance is really helpful to me today.

      2 months ago
    3. L
      Loc Tran

      My Ngoc, I’m glad you’re in a much better mood today. I can clearly tell. I knew it all along. After our walk yesterday morning, I already noticed signs of your mood starting to improve. Having a partner, especially spouse, to talk to will make a difference. Getting a good night sleep helps too.

      2 months ago
  13. Patti

    I could take time & practice some yoga or pull up a workout video on youtube and be grateful for this body that works really hard, gets me to and fro, and holds this soul of mine while I am on this earth.

    2 months ago
  14. Josie

    A Ram Dass quote that always re-centers me is
    “Be Here Now.” I will bring this back to my screen-saver as a reminder to resist the urge to “jump ahead” of this present moment.

    2 months ago
  15. Nannette

    Today is a gift…I truly know that. Another day is not a given…as I recently learned. I am Blessed to be here and I will appreciate each part of the day that I am given. I am grateful to have the chance to see what this new day will bring.

    2 months ago

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