Caring for others everyday at work makes you think twice about reacting to people who are rude or snappy towards you. You never truly know what someones going through, not that it’s an excuse for people to treat you badly, but you have to put yourself into their shoes sometimes. Being kind to them in those situations may be exactly what they need.
It has always been a gift to be allowed to caring for others, which I did with all my heart and hopefully to the benefit and well being of others. Still, life has confronted me also with facing shadow aspects of the “i”, like deep seated fears, pride and insecurities, limitations to unfold this hearts intention to serve unlimited Love. A needed and sometimes extremely painful process to heart´s opening. Deeply grateful for all support and guidance of all concerned, including your precious being here in this sacred place. Thank you dearly, friends.
I am a very compassionate person. It is my nature to help others. It is very gratifying to help others.
However it is a struggle at times especially with loved ones. I am trying to find a balance right now to relieve some of my stress. When things do not go as planned it is heartbreaking. Yes a part of life but one needs to keep treading water and not drown. Tonight’s church homily spoke to me. I still need to believe in miracles : )
I have been privileged to care for many due to volunteer work I’ve done over the years. It’s taught me to be a better listener. It’s afforded me the opportunity to experience what it is like to walk in another’s moccasins. It’s placed me in physical danger a few times and taught me the importance of caring for myself. All and all, it has enriched my life and taught me to love deeper and wider. I love listening to the song St. Theresa’s Prayer by John Michael Talbot…link below:
Au quotidien, lorsque prendre soins des autres représente un défi pour moi, je me rappelle qu’Il est en chacune de ces personnes, qu’Il s’y cache sous des figures plus ou moins aimantes. Aimer et prendre soins des personnes aimables et reconnaissantes n’est pas un réel défi, c’est même plutot facile. Mais prendre soins d’une personne difficile, c’est là que commence mon amour pour Dieu et pour ses enfants qu’Il met sur ma route. Aimer et prendre soins inconditionnellement, là est l’Amour véritable. Les impacts? Cet Amour me rapproche de Dieu, Il comble mon coeur et m’indique que je suis sur la bonne route. C’est un défi. Un véritable défi. Mais Ô combien nourrissant pour l’âme!
On a daily basis, when taking care of others represents a challenge for me, I remind myself that He is in each of these people, that He hides there under more or less loving figures. Loving and caring for kind and grateful people is not a real challenge, it is even rather easy. But taking care of a difficult person, that’s where my love for God and for his children begins. Loving and caring unconditionally is true love. The impacts? This Love brings me closer to God, It fills my heart and tells me that I am on the right road. It’s a challenge. A real challenge. But O how nourishing for the soul!
On a daily basis, when taking care of others represents a challenge for me, I remind myself that He is in each of these people, that He hides there under more or less loving figures. Loving and caring for kind and grateful people is not a real challenge, it is even rather easy. But taking care of a difficult person, that’s where my love for God and for his children begins. Loving and caring unconditionally is true love. The impacts? This Love brings me closer to God, It fills my heart and tells me that I am on the right road. It’s a challenge. A real challenge. But O how nourishing for the soul!
Caring for others has been a huge part of my life. As a teenager I lived with my brother and his family with four children. I helped care for them in all ways that I could. I became a nurse and cared for others for over 40 years. In my mid 40’s I went back to school – and then taught University students how to care for patients…and in some instances I taught them that in order to be a nurse you must CARE. Phyiscally caring for another is one of the most precious gifts that one gives another. You have to give a part of yourself…you have to care…and some just cannot do that. I do not have children…so my pets have taken on that role. I love my animals and care for them wholeheartedly…My husband..of course- I care for him…we are a part of one another. Care and caring is what makes us human beings…
I also agree with what Pilgrim said…”Caring for others has sometimes been a struggle”..sometimes no matter how much you care the other person is not receptive and we must accept that and do what we can. In closing….I think of all of you on a daily basis and I care for you and I am so grateful for this community of people who share their thoughts and lives each day. Blessings and Peace to all.
Caring for others gets me outside myself. Caring also changed me. It rubbed off my sharp corners. When I think back to the person I was before I had children, and the person I am now with my kids grown, the contrast is stark. Some of it was just plain maturing. But the day in, day out demand of caring for and raising those girls taught me what love is.
As hard as it is to be a Mom, I love caring for my children. I am a worrier – I worry all the time. My core character is being a caring person.
I helped care for my Grandmother when she was diagnosed with her cancer, and my mom when her disease progressed and moved on to palliative/hospice care.
I care for my co-workers – I try to be there for them both professionally and personally. Working for a tissue bank cares for both donors and recipients.
I care about everyone here on this site – we uplift each other.
I see on the news the caring for the people of Maui, Lahaina – much more is needed. (lets not forget Ukraine too)
In a nutshell CARING = LOVE
I have always been a caring and sensitive
person. Sometimes to my own detriment.
Caring a little too much about what others
thought. I enjoy helping friends and
neighbors. I don’t have children and I
have somehow avoided being a true
caregiver. I’ve always had a partner to care
for and that has always been a priority.
It seems as though, in this life, caring for
myself has been a full time job. Oh yeah,
and cats. I’ve usually had cats around to
take care of. They have given me so much
love. Especially in those lonely and dark
Newtons 3rd law of motion; For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. I know caring is not motion in the physical sense, but it springs forth emotion. Positive emotion for the care giver and the cared for. I feel caring for others results in more care giving and compassion among people, not less. Caring for others is an innate part of our wiring and of other animals in creation, at least within species and with their young. Caring impacts my life to help continue the attitude of gratitude by warming my heart and hopefully the hearts of others.
In many ways large and small, caring for others has been my life. Coincidence, opportunity, education, and a call to ministry, have led my heart and spirit to work with children and teens for 45 years, and to provide pastoral care to persons throughout the span of their lives, and my own. God could call me home tomorrow (though I pray not!) and my life is complete.
What comes to mind first is being a mother. I have had the privilege of giving birth to three boys. My only focus during those years was to put my entire life into making them feel loved and cared for. A solid foundation so that they could thrive. I’m happy to say they are all doing well right now and that gives me joy. Thank you .
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Caring for others everyday at work makes you think twice about reacting to people who are rude or snappy towards you. You never truly know what someones going through, not that it’s an excuse for people to treat you badly, but you have to put yourself into their shoes sometimes. Being kind to them in those situations may be exactly what they need.
It has always been a gift to be allowed to caring for others, which I did with all my heart and hopefully to the benefit and well being of others. Still, life has confronted me also with facing shadow aspects of the “i”, like deep seated fears, pride and insecurities, limitations to unfold this hearts intention to serve unlimited Love. A needed and sometimes extremely painful process to heart´s opening. Deeply grateful for all support and guidance of all concerned, including your precious being here in this sacred place. Thank you dearly, friends.
I am a very compassionate person. It is my nature to help others. It is very gratifying to help others.
However it is a struggle at times especially with loved ones. I am trying to find a balance right now to relieve some of my stress. When things do not go as planned it is heartbreaking. Yes a part of life but one needs to keep treading water and not drown. Tonight’s church homily spoke to me. I still need to believe in miracles : )
I feel doing what I care for translates to a fulfilled life.
I have been privileged to care for many due to volunteer work I’ve done over the years. It’s taught me to be a better listener. It’s afforded me the opportunity to experience what it is like to walk in another’s moccasins. It’s placed me in physical danger a few times and taught me the importance of caring for myself. All and all, it has enriched my life and taught me to love deeper and wider. I love listening to the song St. Theresa’s Prayer by John Michael Talbot…link below:
Thank you for sharing that song, it is beautiful!
Au quotidien, lorsque prendre soins des autres représente un défi pour moi, je me rappelle qu’Il est en chacune de ces personnes, qu’Il s’y cache sous des figures plus ou moins aimantes. Aimer et prendre soins des personnes aimables et reconnaissantes n’est pas un réel défi, c’est même plutot facile. Mais prendre soins d’une personne difficile, c’est là que commence mon amour pour Dieu et pour ses enfants qu’Il met sur ma route. Aimer et prendre soins inconditionnellement, là est l’Amour véritable. Les impacts? Cet Amour me rapproche de Dieu, Il comble mon coeur et m’indique que je suis sur la bonne route. C’est un défi. Un véritable défi. Mais Ô combien nourrissant pour l’âme!
English translation:
On a daily basis, when taking care of others represents a challenge for me, I remind myself that He is in each of these people, that He hides there under more or less loving figures. Loving and caring for kind and grateful people is not a real challenge, it is even rather easy. But taking care of a difficult person, that’s where my love for God and for his children begins. Loving and caring unconditionally is true love. The impacts? This Love brings me closer to God, It fills my heart and tells me that I am on the right road. It’s a challenge. A real challenge. But O how nourishing for the soul!
Google English translation:
On a daily basis, when taking care of others represents a challenge for me, I remind myself that He is in each of these people, that He hides there under more or less loving figures. Loving and caring for kind and grateful people is not a real challenge, it is even rather easy. But taking care of a difficult person, that’s where my love for God and for his children begins. Loving and caring unconditionally is true love. The impacts? This Love brings me closer to God, It fills my heart and tells me that I am on the right road. It’s a challenge. A real challenge. But O how nourishing for the soul!
Caring for others has been a huge part of my life. As a teenager I lived with my brother and his family with four children. I helped care for them in all ways that I could. I became a nurse and cared for others for over 40 years. In my mid 40’s I went back to school – and then taught University students how to care for patients…and in some instances I taught them that in order to be a nurse you must CARE. Phyiscally caring for another is one of the most precious gifts that one gives another. You have to give a part of yourself…you have to care…and some just cannot do that. I do not have children…so my pets have taken on that role. I love my animals and care for them wholeheartedly…My husband..of course- I care for him…we are a part of one another. Care and caring is what makes us human beings…
I also agree with what Pilgrim said…”Caring for others has sometimes been a struggle”..sometimes no matter how much you care the other person is not receptive and we must accept that and do what we can. In closing….I think of all of you on a daily basis and I care for you and I am so grateful for this community of people who share their thoughts and lives each day. Blessings and Peace to all.
Thank you Nannette.
Caring for others gets me outside myself. Caring also changed me. It rubbed off my sharp corners. When I think back to the person I was before I had children, and the person I am now with my kids grown, the contrast is stark. Some of it was just plain maturing. But the day in, day out demand of caring for and raising those girls taught me what love is.
As hard as it is to be a Mom, I love caring for my children. I am a worrier – I worry all the time. My core character is being a caring person.
I helped care for my Grandmother when she was diagnosed with her cancer, and my mom when her disease progressed and moved on to palliative/hospice care.
I care for my co-workers – I try to be there for them both professionally and personally. Working for a tissue bank cares for both donors and recipients.
I care about everyone here on this site – we uplift each other.
I see on the news the caring for the people of Maui, Lahaina – much more is needed. (lets not forget Ukraine too)
In a nutshell CARING = LOVE
A message so beautifully said, ..and, I must add, lived Michele. Thank you.
Thank you Josie.
Caring for others has sometimes been a struggle, has often been a learning curve, but has always been a gift.
Perfect. Well said, Pilgrim.
I have always been a caring and sensitive
person. Sometimes to my own detriment.
Caring a little too much about what others
thought. I enjoy helping friends and
neighbors. I don’t have children and I
have somehow avoided being a true
caregiver. I’ve always had a partner to care
for and that has always been a priority.
It seems as though, in this life, caring for
myself has been a full time job. Oh yeah,
and cats. I’ve usually had cats around to
take care of. They have given me so much
love. Especially in those lonely and dark
Sometimes caring for ourselves is the hardest job of all.
I agree – caring for cats and our pets benefits both them and us. 🐈💞
The impact on my life that caring for others creates enables me to see the multitude of blessings that I have and live more gratefully.
Newtons 3rd law of motion; For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. I know caring is not motion in the physical sense, but it springs forth emotion. Positive emotion for the care giver and the cared for. I feel caring for others results in more care giving and compassion among people, not less. Caring for others is an innate part of our wiring and of other animals in creation, at least within species and with their young. Caring impacts my life to help continue the attitude of gratitude by warming my heart and hopefully the hearts of others.
In many ways large and small, caring for others has been my life. Coincidence, opportunity, education, and a call to ministry, have led my heart and spirit to work with children and teens for 45 years, and to provide pastoral care to persons throughout the span of their lives, and my own. God could call me home tomorrow (though I pray not!) and my life is complete.
What comes to mind first is being a mother. I have had the privilege of giving birth to three boys. My only focus during those years was to put my entire life into making them feel loved and cared for. A solid foundation so that they could thrive. I’m happy to say they are all doing well right now and that gives me joy. Thank you .