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  1. Kelen Quintana
    Sailor Moon
    2 months ago

    – I view love and stability as scarce. I’ve had much upheaval in my life and I struggle to find my footing to appreciate what i still hav eversus what I’ve lost. This fluctuates, but I want to continue to focus on gratitude for what I do have, as well as what i can build for myself moving forward.

  2. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    3 months ago

    The only thing that comes to mind with scarcity for me is family and friends not really local except for my son. I do have many friends and family less then an hour or 2 away but as I get older it is a bit on my mind. Of course on-line social media is wonderful for keeping in touch w/friends and family too. I am content otherwise and I do enjoy my alone time as I get older and look for ,lots of fun things in the area that brings me joy! Today however was just way too hot and humid so i was content to stay in AC!

  3. Ose
    3 months ago

    A dear friend suggested this yesterday. Easier said than done sometimes. Fullness of life and an overflow of God’s presence would be perceived, residing in gratefulness for all which is. Contentment means as well letting go of all expectations and desires. Not easy at all, at least for me.

  4. barba
    3 months ago

    In some areas, I may not notice the lack until I start looking for satisfaction in my life.
    Today, for example: I am looking for belonging, friendship, security. I look at my relationships and notice that I long for these qualities – out of a lack of trust. And there are moments without any underlying lack, in which satisfaction simply appears, out of abundance, not out of lack.
    The difference? Can I control it? For me, it is important to notice that I sometimes have a lack. And then not to act, just observe. Often, peace and satisfaction then appear on their own. Out of nowhere, like the lack before.

  5. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    3 months ago

    When I practice gratitude, I automatically
    feel more contentment. And with
    contentment, comes a more relaxed , less
    stressed, calmer, and a more balanced

  6. Linda72766
    3 months ago

    My anxiety drops way down.

  7. Jenifer
    3 months ago

    I am able to really sit with my gratitude and honor what I have and what’s in front of me rather than desiring something else.

  8. pkr29022
    3 months ago

    When I view my life through the lens of abundance rather than scarcity I notice all that I am blessed with now & all my blessings in the past. I am grateful for all my riches, big & small.
    I have never bought into the illusion of “keeping up with the jones’”, all shallow & empty in my opinion. I try not to compare myself to others.
    I was raised with a “poverty mentality “ & have worked a lifetime to undo this imprinting.
    In my opinion there is so much more to life than 💰& material possessions .
    I am very blessed.

  9. Barb C
    Barb C
    3 months ago

    Less online shopping! In all seriousness, so many systems are in place to encourage us to feel dissatisfied, as if we lack some shiny object. Being mindful, approaching my life with contentment because I truly have so, so much to be grateful for, makes it much easier on the web or in person to recognize I don’t need the shiny, whatever it is. I may choose to add something beautiful and useful to my life in a deliberate way.

    This is just one example of approaching life with contentment. It’s what came to mind because I recently took a class from Dacy Gillespie of Mindful Closet called Making Space. Such a thoughtful and therapeutic approach to rethinking my relationship with clothing and bringing a critical eye to the fashion industry that seeks to make us feel less-than and pushes a scarcity mindset so they can sell us more-more-more. Dacy is a very different kind of style consultant who does a lot of thrifting, supports ethical companies, and avoids the diet culture mentality so common in our society. Her approach is grounded in awareness and contentment with who we are and the bodies we have now, not the bodies magazine editors and Instagram influencers tell us we should yearn for.

  10. Carol Ann Conner
    3 months ago

    Interesting question on this very hot day in NE Kansas. My air conditioner quit working on Tuesday afternoon. Technician worked for 3 hours on Wednesday without success. Appears to be an electrical problem. Electrician called in and comes at noon today. Facing possibility of no air for the weekend. My daughter is visiting from Louisiana. Staying at a motel last night to the tune of $186 a night after sweltering for two nights at home. Memorial dinner in honor of my sister who passed away in late June is scheduled for Saturday night with 40 folks coming in from out of town. Reminding myself that as a kid we had no air conditioning and survived! (Little easier than when you are 82!) Hard to feel contentment rather than scarcity right now when my daughter and I are kind of like two vultures sitting on a tree limb and one says to the other: “Patience my A-s! I’m going to kill something!” But if I can stay in the present…moment to moment…all is well. We are together…people who loved my deceased sister will gather…it’s like a family reunion. Life is good. Thankfully, I can pay for the motel and the repairs. This, too, will pass. There is no scarcity of love.

    1. Yram
      3 months ago

      Carol, I wish you peace and trust as these next days roll out. Thinking of you and your family.

    2. Nannette
      3 months ago

      Bless You Carol, I pray that the electrician found the problem and you and your daughter and family can be comfortable once again. It is funny that we survived no AC as children…but now we have become “conditioned” to it and life is sometimes very difficult without it.
      I also pray that the Celebration of your sister’s life is a day of great joy and reflection. All your loved ones will be with you…and that is a wonderful gift. My prayers will be with you and yours.

    3. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      3 months ago

      Carol, my father had a mimeograph on the refrigerator when I was young. It was of two vultures sitting on a tree limb one saying to the other “Patience Hell. I’m going to kill something.” Thanks for the jog of my memory bank. As children we thought it was hilarious. You are right, there is no scarcity of love!

    4. Charlie T
      Charlie T
      3 months ago

      Sorry to hear about your AC issues.
      Why is it, that it’s always when guests
      are coming over that the AC/furnace/
      septic system goes kaput?
      I’m sure you will figure something out
      and this gathering will be memorable.
      Sending cool thoughts your way.

    5. Barb C
      Barb C
      3 months ago

      Your last line is wonderful, Carol. Wishing you some breaths of cool air.

    6. pkr29022
      3 months ago

      Dear Carol, I know about no air conditioning when the outside temps are beyond, it is an xtremely challenging predicament to be in. You will survive! I will pray for you & all your loved ones; you will have “abundance” to take care of your hotel bill.🙏🏻
      Bless you & your daughter.✨🙏🏻💦

  11. T
    3 months ago

    I am more at peace and grateful. It makes the things that I worry over seem so much less important.

  12. Pilgrim
    3 months ago

    I am 73 years of age, and grateful to be here … on this planet, content. It could certainly have been otherwise. Everything has not always been “easy” and continues thus. Today is a new day … “how, then, shall I live?” Let’s find out!!

  13. Patti
    3 months ago

    I realize that I have all that I need. I have a safe place to live, food to eat, clean water to drink, and a safe, paid off car to get me where I need to be with a big hatchback that holds our 2 big dogs comfortably. When I think of these things, I am grateful and at peace.

  14. Yram
    3 months ago

    I feel appreciative and handle what I have with respect and care.

  15. Nannette
    3 months ago

    It may be where I am in my life….but I am very content. There were times when I was worried about this or that. But I always had enough food, and a warm shelter. I have never wanted for a lot…(my husband would differ 🙂 As a child I longed for safety and peace and always a dog! The years have passed oh so quickly…I have supported myself since the age of 16 however: I had shelter and love from my brother and his family. I have made my own way with God’s help…Now at this age…I am grateful for everything, I know it is a privilege to live here in the United States, and I am grateful for that every day…despite all of our discords and murmurings..we have a good country. I have all I need (and my dog too). not something that I need to worry about…and I am very grateful for that. God Bless all who come here.

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