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  1. TofuLove75790
    6 months ago

    I don’t know if I live from a place of love perse I think I live from a place of willingness to be in presence with other human beings and life as it presents and without the need to change anyone. Like I don’t think having dementia is the worst thing ever so long as the person is in a setting they are supported in their uniqueness similarly I view a lot of life similarly — so perhaps that could be viewed as perceiving via love. I want the people around me to live in what’s true for them and that may be a diversity of things I wouldn’t personally be into but I want them to have that freedom to choose what path is right for them. I don’t view people being different than me as bad — simply differences and that isn’t scary, that isn’t something to fear, that isn’t something to hate anyone for — it’s just differences. So I live from the belief other humans aren’t worth less than me and have a right to their own perspective and life path. I feel a tendency to want to help others live in their truth.

  2. Ose
    7 months ago

    Means for example staying able to reach out lovingly and warmhearted to all which is while in the same time, fear may shiver through me still but is not paralyzing or guiding any more.

  3. barba
    7 months ago

    Unfortunately, I only know this from theory and the longing for love and fressdom.
    I grew up in an atmosphere of constant fear. This affects every muscle fiber.
    All I have to do is look at my fears, notice them and question them.

  4. L
    Loc Tran
    7 months ago

    This evening, we had a large family gathering at one of my cousin’s house on my mom’s side of the family. I was able to have a great time and feel a strong sense of peace. Suzuki’s teachings have helped me get past fear. Doing something without needing to gain idea or feel special comes down to just 3 words. “Just do it.” We look for hows and whys more than we need to. When I’ve done that, it kept me on the spinny merry-go-around longer, and fear won.
    Being raised in a melting pod is an advantage I have. I can interact with many different cultural groups from: Americans, Vietnamese, Mexicans, African Americans… spending a little time here and there.

  5. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    7 months ago

    I try to choose love over fear for the most part. Fear will still be part of my life but I will choose to try to stay strong and have the courage to forge forward and deal with it the best I know how. Sending wishes of hope to everyone dealing with a current fear right now.

  6. pkr29022
    7 months ago

    As I have gotten older I have realized how much fear had been imprinted on me by my parents, family. My parents had a lot of fear/fears about so many things, life in general. I realized many years ago that this thing I grew up in fear of, I didn’t really even know what it was. All this “fear” that had been imprinted upon me I started to question it & unpack what it was. I realized my parents made their fears my fears. They were passing on to me what had been passed on to them. They did not know any better nor did they realize what they were doing.
    Over these last many years I have tried to rid myself of this phantom fear & incorporate love, abundance, joy, hope & faith into my being. When I come from a place of love I feel closer to the Divine. I am happier, lighter, more joyful.
    Life is not to be feared. ❤️✨

  7. Barb C
    Barb C
    7 months ago

    I mostly haven’t lived from a place of fear, but whether I’ve lived from a place of love is a good question. I live from acceptance of what is most of the time. Living from a place of love would be warmer, more affirmatively welcoming and encouraging of growth in a positive direction, more trusting of others.

    There was a question the other day about who makes it possible for us to be our truest self. If I live in fear of expressing my truest self that’s limiting. If I live with love and trust others more, I can express my truest self. That’s a vulnerable place. I’m going to think about this some more and explore what holds me back from that expression of self.

  8. Carol Ann Conner
    7 months ago

    I already answered today’s question but just saw this on FACEBOOK and wanted to share. Sometimes, we have to proceed even if it makes us shake in our boots! Love Zanna Keithley words on fear.

    There comes a day when you realize that the fear never really goes away,
    that if you really want something,
    you have to be willing to do it afraid.
    And maybe this is the only way you ever get to discover your fullest potential.
    Maybe you just have to dive right in and face the thing that scares you the most.
    Because in the end,
    it’s not the rejections and so-called failures that will haunt you.
    It will be your own potential left unexplored.
    So maybe you don’t need to wait until you overcome your fears to take the first step forward.
    Maybe you just need to know there’s something more important than fear. Something greater.
    Something worth fighting for.
    And maybe overcoming your fears is the least important part of your story anyway.
    Maybe what matters is that you’re scared but still determined.
    Shaky but still standing.
    Afraid but still willing to try.
    – Zanna Keithley

    1. S
      Ana Maria
      7 months ago

      Wow!! Thank you Karol! How I needed this comment this morning. I will share it with a loved one that like me lives fearfully. I will write it on a card to keep it in place I can read it everyday. Have a wonderful day!

      1. L
        Loc Tran
        7 months ago

        Carol and Ana Maria, I needed that one too. This one also reminds me of “Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind” on when Suzuki talks about how practicing zen shouldn’t be about gaining idea and anything special throughout the book in different variations. Shifting from the mindset of purpose and expecting something in return to “Just do it” is a working progress. The beginner’s mind opens up the door of determination.

  9. L
    7 months ago

    I open myself up to new experiences.

    Looking back at my childhood now, I can see how much my mother lived from a place of fear…she was often anxious….and would always catastrophize….

    Some of those negative thought patterns were inevitably learned by me, and now as an adult, I’ve been working to replace those ideas and thoughts with ones that are more positive and beneficial to my life.

    Living from a place of love allows positivity, gratitude, peace, and understanding to play a more active role in my everyday experiencing of life.

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      7 months ago

      I have had my issues with future tripping and self-sabotage. Practicing staying in the present and practicing living in the now has helped reduce both considerably. Thank you for the words to ponder Lauryn.

  10. Carol Ann Conner
    7 months ago

    Everything because my perspective changes.

    I love today’s quote by J. Krishnamurti “If you begin to understand what you are without trying to change it, then what you are undergoes a transformation.”

    Transformation is a powerful word and it hinges not just on choice but more precisely on willingness. In my life it has occurred most frequently when all my choices have brought me to a point of surrender, a point where I have forsaken all choices and have become vulnerable enough to be chosen. I wrote the following poem in the Summer of 1995 and hope that by sharing it someone else will experience the gift that willingness brings. I have shared it before so many of you are familiar with it but I see new folks out here so I share it again.

    The Wings of Willingness

    The Butterfly awakens inside the cocoon – TRAPPED.
    Her wings embedded in her sides – CHAINED.
    Her mind is reeling – AFRAID.
    Every circumstance says she can’t move.
    She bargains; she pleads.
    But at last, she lets go.
    The power of surrender surges through her.
    Little by little, the darkness begins to fade into light.
    At last, she is using her freedom rightly.
    Her prison begins to crumble.
    Her wings begin to spread.

    Some of us build cocoons from the inside out
    And the only way to shed them is to let go.
    No amount of digging, scratching or pushing can remove them.
    Only letting God send those who can comfort and guide,
    Only letting God peel off one layer at a time will constitute real change.
    Transformation is God’s business.
    Willingness is mine.
    When I can truly let God be God,
    My wings will spread and I will discover that
    I have always been able to fly!

    Carol Ann Conner, June 1995

  11. Patti
    7 months ago

    Living from a place of love offers me a more peaceful, balanced life. It helps me pause before speaking or making decisions. It helps me remain compassionate rather than judgmental. Fear will always have its place, but love is a stronger force if I allow it to be.

  12. Michele
    7 months ago

    I wish there wasn’t fear, but there will always be fear so we have to deal with it.
    Enjoy the weekend everyone.

    Here is the Link Avril mentioned 6 mths ago – I rec’d my letter today

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      7 months ago

      Thank you, Michele.

  13. Jenifer
    7 months ago

    Love is letting go of fear. Or rather, letting fear not take control over the situation. When I acknowledge my fears but continue to act/respond/behave in a loving way, magic happens. Everything flows a bit better. Things aren’t that scary anymore. It’s a moment of simple bliss, may you all go about your day with letting go of fear and tuning into love. 🧡

  14. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen
    7 months ago

    The more I love, the more I fear. The fear of loss. The more I fear, the more I lose my current valued moments. Eventually, I understand that detachment is the key to peace of soul. To me, it’s not a path from fear to love, but rather love to fear, fear to detachment, detachment to peace, and peace to more love.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      7 months ago

      My Ngoc, love this. It’s tempting to place expectations on others the more we love them. Detachment is the key to unlocking everything and is the right way to love.

      1. Ngoc Nguyen
        Ngoc Nguyen
        7 months ago

        Love you, Loc <3

        1. L
          Loc Tran
          7 months ago

          Love you too, my Ngoc.

  15. Mary
    Mary Mantei
    7 months ago

    Influence. Fear, unexpected and otherwise, is a part of my reality. I don’t ignore it, my best strategy seems to be to feel it for all it’s worth. Then, I can begin to consider something else. I am not sure it is always love, but it is something different than fear. Then I begin to soften, and I can consider possibilities. That is where the influence comes in. Often, I can shift my whole response, heart, mind, body, spirit. That’s when I move to a place other than fear, and make choices that influence my situation.

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