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  1. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    6 months ago

    I notice that I am better able to find peace and less anxiety when I choose to think about gratitude. I try to think about the current positives instead of the negatives.

    When I travelled to Ireland the weather was amazing accept the last couple of days some showers. Blue skies and sunny around 70 degrees. Amazingly sunscreen is really something they do not think about like we do!

  2. Linda72766
    6 months ago

    Although I had an extreme reaction to the covid shot yesterday, I am better today. Very scary. I have never had a reaction to the shots before. Still, I am grateful for the protection.

    My best wishes to all of you who are facing the hurricane. My thoughts are with you.

  3. Amber Maddox
    6 months ago

    Right now, it’s pouring down rain and doesn’t look like it’s letting up, but I’m all cuddled up with my furry friends and I’m grateful for this moment!

  4. Carol Ann Conner
    6 months ago

    I can’ t get passed today’s quote when I think of gratitude in this moment. “Extend the circle of “us” to include as much of the world as you possibly can.”
    I took my walk this morning with a good amount of back pain and found myself being thankful that my legs are strong.

    Richard Rohr’s meditation today speaks to being a monk while still embracing the world. It fits today’s quote and question. Link below:

  5. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    6 months ago

    Well, I am here at work and able to
    function physically and intellectually.
    Supporting myself and others with my
    labor. So I guess that’s going well.
    I am also grateful that I am able to
    slow down for a moment and notice
    what’s going on around me. To take it in
    and be in the moment to see the beauty
    alongside the suffering.

  6. Yram
    6 months ago

    My muscles worked to get me out of bed.
    The coffee pot and microwave worked.
    I have the ability to swallow and taste the coffee and how it warms.
    I can read the words everyone wrote.
    My husband slept well and is home safely.

  7. G
    6 months ago

    I am grateful for completing my academic works on time and happy for life being little easy on me these days.

  8. pkr29022
    6 months ago

    I am thankful for this new & beautiful day.
    A perfect Autumn day, sunshine, blue sky & good cup of coffee.
    Prayers for safety for all our friends here in the path of Helene.🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻

  9. Barb C
    Barb C
    6 months ago

    In a week of travel for work, I haven’t had any hiccups in my transportation connections or schedule.

    Yesterday we had a big wind storm for a very brief period that had very high winds around 40 mph. It carried huge quantities of dust and made the sky black. We had been on a walking tour before the wind storm in bright sunshine and then a bus tour and the timing was perfect so the worst of the gusts hit just as the bus got back to the hotel and we could all run inside. Then it passed and I could go on a bike tour later in air that had been swept clean.
    I woke with a migraine around 4:30 this morning but my migraine meds are working and 2 hours later I experience less pain.
    I needed this question today, as the migraine sent me back and this morning I’m managing a virtual workshop it from a hotel room where I will only have one monitor and it will be more challenging. This reminds me that it could be much worse.

  10. Josie
    6 months ago

    At this moment I am sitting outside at a cancer center, waiting to see my doctor after getting blood work done. I am grateful to be doing as well as I am two years after treatment.

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      6 months ago

      Thoughts to and for you Josie.

    2. Yram
      6 months ago


    3. Barb C
      Barb C
      6 months ago

      Glad you’re doing as well as you are, Josie.

  11. j
    6 months ago

    My job is going well, despite me being disengaged and distracted. My students are great kids and cause no problems for me to deal with. I would like to be fully engaged with them, I need to get out of this rut/grief.

  12. L
    6 months ago

    I feel like this is a question I should ask myself several times today.

    In this particular moment, grateful to have a roof over my head, plenty of food and water stocked up, and a purring kitty beside me as we wait for the storm to arrive.

    To Michelle, Sunnypatti, and anyone else based in the Southeastern US – Stay safe!!

    1. Michele
      5 months ago

      Thank you Lauryn. I hope you made out OK too

  13. Patti
    6 months ago

    I am breathing and got to wake up to another day. I have plenty of food and water, including extra containers filled up in case we lose power tonight or into tomorrow. Praying for all in the path of Hurricane Helene, including my sister, her husband and my nephew.

    1. Michele
      5 months ago

      Prayers for you and Sunnypatti and your family. I hope you made out OK.

    2. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      6 months ago

      Be safe Sunnypatti!

    3. pkr29022
      6 months ago

      Sunnypatti, prayers for you & your loved ones, safe keeping. 🙏🏻

    4. Yram
      6 months ago

      Safety for all who are in that path.

  14. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen
    6 months ago

    Choosing gratitude in this moment, the sense of headache is gone, and a heart that opens to new courage is here in this body.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      6 months ago

      My Ngoc, I noticed a night and day difference in you. Releasing the computer class and major wasn’t an easy decision but the right one. You sound much calmer and closer to the beginners mind than expert. “In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few” Shunryu Suzuki. Not only do I feel calmer when I’m closer to the beginner’s mind, I’ve noticed myself opening up and being more expressive as well.

  15. L
    Loc Tran
    6 months ago

    Life is going well for me right now. My marriage with Ngoc, mental health, and piano jobs are notable examples that jump out. Ngoc and I are continuing to gain a deeper understanding of each other and not putting stress on one another when the going gets tough. She and I discussed yesterday during our walks that there’s a clear difference between expression and acting out even if both can look similar. The former is mature, authentic, and feels calmer while the ladder is aggressive, immature, and selfish.
    For my mental health, it all points back to my answer from yesterday about feeling comfortable in my own skin and even the answer from the day before reminding me to be grateful for the way Paw Mu cared for me with enthusiasm, life lessons from her, and giving me direction during a time when I was lost. Being more at peace with her reduces inner conflict. It’s why there’s the old saying of “Opposites attract, likes repel.”
    A clear motivation renews my joy for piano. Opinions are just opinions. The world only cares about our abilities. That’s visible. Simply put, it all points to how we can be an asset to society and help it grow. Desires are more inside concerns and personal. The average person just has high hopes for my abilities. As long as I know that I put in the work to get to where I am which I certainly did, that’s what matters. Not only that, it helps me feel more satisfied now based on my needs which is closer to basic. Nature and nurture come together to create success and satisfaction.

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