Definitely not feeling well allows me to slow way down and take care of myself! Yesterday we had high alert for bad air Quality from the Forest Fires in Canada. Very frightening to hear you shouldn’t go outside but if you do wear an N95 mask & keep you windows closed! Thank goodness we had some rain early and there was a huge improvement. It helped bring up my Spirits today to enjoy some sunshine and be outdoors for a bit!
I tend to blame myself for things that, realistically, are just not my fault. I use hindsight and think of ANY WAY I could have prevented the problem. Sure, if I had complete knowledge of the future, I might have been able to prevent the problem, but often it’s just an unreasonable expectation. if I could step back and ask myself, “If it were someone else who acted as I had throughout the situation, would I blame them for the outcome?” then that would help me be more compassionate toward myself.
I have not been able to get here until later in the day…but what a great question to ponder. I find that I am always “busy”…I went to town this morning for a lovely pedicure …something I really enjoy and look forward to. Then I get there…and all I do is think…oh, I need to do this..and then go there- and then when I get home….blah, blah, blah. I need to stop and just be…to breathe and appreciate and be truly in the moment. Thank you, Thank you, and Thank you!
I had/have a few things on the “to do” list for the day. But as I watched the weather turn into glorious outside, and with the beach a mile down the road, I put the list aside, put on my walking shoes, and gave myself the gift of waiting on the list. As I walked the beach and the pier, I felt the calming set in and the joy of being there take over. My heart is at peace.
By not worrying about those things that haven’t happened and that may never happen the way I’m imagining it. By being creative, expressing my thoughts and telling stories. Reminding myself that I am loved and appreciated. By not engaging any actions, verbal or nonverbal, that will disrupt the synchronicity of my body, mind, and spirit. And most of all, by telling myself that I love ME.
Understanding that its ok to make small goals and accomplish them, that not everything has to be a big win. Also, allowing myself the grace to slip a little and when I recognize it to not give up and realize its ok that I slipped a little that the win is that I stopped it and didn’t slip anymore.
I already planned to take today off as a “just because” to make a 3-day weekend, so I have a head start. I have one “have-to” errand, one “while I’m out of the house I may as well” optional errand, and other than these the day is open. My husband and I had planned to go for a bike ride but rain started pouring down around 5 a.m. and it’s picking up right now, so that’s off the list. A day with books, coffee, and the cat may be just the ticket. I can let go of the idea that I need to “use” this day in some way and simply LIVE this day with attention and gratitude.
Oh Barb!! How wise you are!! to simply LIVE the day with attention and gratitude…you do not have to DO anything…just simply live, and enjoy the day you were given. Now…I really must remember this and LIVE it!! Thank you!!
By attempting to observe my own
actions. Without judgment and with
kindness and a soft heart.
By contemplating my path to
And as usual, by seeing things as they
are and not how I wish there were.
And acceptance.
Throwing away my daily checklist of chores would be the first step to being more compassionate toward myself today. I created it as a reminder but it has become a burden. I work in a public high school and the transition to my summer schedule is always difficult. I thought this checklist would help, but I”m not sure it has. Perhaps today I will disregard it and see if I truly miss anything critical.
Thank you for the difficult
and important work you do!
I too, am a list maker and I feel ya
on the burden. I think of it more as a
reminder list, so I don’t have to keep
remembering these things over and over
again. Also, my to do list is aspirational.
After something like nine months,
I finally got around to cleaning up and
organizing my garage, yesterday.
I did get some satisfaction from
checking this off. 😀
Also, on my list are the important
things, like meditation, stretching,
practicing gratitude, etc…
I hope you enjoy your summer!
Thanks for sharing. iWork in a public elementary school. I want to remind myself of my commitment to my students’ success and well-being. And not to beat myself up if I don’t achieve all my paperwork goals today. And take in the appreciation I receive from my colleagues.
I’m fairly self-compassionate. But, I still need to watch the internal dialogue. Sometimes I allow little unkindnesses to slip into my mind field. Those mutterings are harmful. I want to remember I’m doing the best I can.
Give yourself the gift of free bi-monthly inspiration including uplifting articles, diverse stories, supportive practices, videos, and more, delivered with heart to your inbox.
To focus on all the positives and find God again.
Definitely not feeling well allows me to slow way down and take care of myself! Yesterday we had high alert for bad air Quality from the Forest Fires in Canada. Very frightening to hear you shouldn’t go outside but if you do wear an N95 mask & keep you windows closed! Thank goodness we had some rain early and there was a huge improvement. It helped bring up my Spirits today to enjoy some sunshine and be outdoors for a bit!
I tend to blame myself for things that, realistically, are just not my fault. I use hindsight and think of ANY WAY I could have prevented the problem. Sure, if I had complete knowledge of the future, I might have been able to prevent the problem, but often it’s just an unreasonable expectation. if I could step back and ask myself, “If it were someone else who acted as I had throughout the situation, would I blame them for the outcome?” then that would help me be more compassionate toward myself.
💵 … if I had it…
I have not been able to get here until later in the day…but what a great question to ponder. I find that I am always “busy”…I went to town this morning for a lovely pedicure …something I really enjoy and look forward to. Then I get there…and all I do is think…oh, I need to do this..and then go there- and then when I get home….blah, blah, blah. I need to stop and just be…to breathe and appreciate and be truly in the moment. Thank you, Thank you, and Thank you!
I had/have a few things on the “to do” list for the day. But as I watched the weather turn into glorious outside, and with the beach a mile down the road, I put the list aside, put on my walking shoes, and gave myself the gift of waiting on the list. As I walked the beach and the pier, I felt the calming set in and the joy of being there take over. My heart is at peace.
By not worrying about those things that haven’t happened and that may never happen the way I’m imagining it. By being creative, expressing my thoughts and telling stories. Reminding myself that I am loved and appreciated. By not engaging any actions, verbal or nonverbal, that will disrupt the synchronicity of my body, mind, and spirit. And most of all, by telling myself that I love ME.
Understanding that its ok to make small goals and accomplish them, that not everything has to be a big win. Also, allowing myself the grace to slip a little and when I recognize it to not give up and realize its ok that I slipped a little that the win is that I stopped it and didn’t slip anymore.
I already planned to take today off as a “just because” to make a 3-day weekend, so I have a head start. I have one “have-to” errand, one “while I’m out of the house I may as well” optional errand, and other than these the day is open. My husband and I had planned to go for a bike ride but rain started pouring down around 5 a.m. and it’s picking up right now, so that’s off the list. A day with books, coffee, and the cat may be just the ticket. I can let go of the idea that I need to “use” this day in some way and simply LIVE this day with attention and gratitude.
Oh Barb!! How wise you are!! to simply LIVE the day with attention and gratitude…you do not have to DO anything…just simply live, and enjoy the day you were given. Now…I really must remember this and LIVE it!! Thank you!!
By attempting to observe my own
actions. Without judgment and with
kindness and a soft heart.
By contemplating my path to
And as usual, by seeing things as they
are and not how I wish there were.
And acceptance.
Slow down and be in the present.
To remember that I’m just a human doing the best that I can.
Throwing away my daily checklist of chores would be the first step to being more compassionate toward myself today. I created it as a reminder but it has become a burden. I work in a public high school and the transition to my summer schedule is always difficult. I thought this checklist would help, but I”m not sure it has. Perhaps today I will disregard it and see if I truly miss anything critical.
Thank you for the difficult
and important work you do!
I too, am a list maker and I feel ya
on the burden. I think of it more as a
reminder list, so I don’t have to keep
remembering these things over and over
again. Also, my to do list is aspirational.
After something like nine months,
I finally got around to cleaning up and
organizing my garage, yesterday.
I did get some satisfaction from
checking this off. 😀
Also, on my list are the important
things, like meditation, stretching,
practicing gratitude, etc…
I hope you enjoy your summer!
Thanks for sharing. iWork in a public elementary school. I want to remind myself of my commitment to my students’ success and well-being. And not to beat myself up if I don’t achieve all my paperwork goals today. And take in the appreciation I receive from my colleagues.
I’m fairly self-compassionate. But, I still need to watch the internal dialogue. Sometimes I allow little unkindnesses to slip into my mind field. Those mutterings are harmful. I want to remember I’m doing the best I can.