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  1. barba
    5 months ago

    Let go of the pressure of having to be special and right, of being able to do everything, of “having everything under control”.
    Remove the tension

    1. Mary
      5 months ago

      Yes, yes, yes!

  2. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    5 months ago

    I am also reading this in the evening,
    Nannette, so I guess I’ll reflect on today.
    It all starts with self compassion doesn’t it.
    Learning to love ourselves seems to be
    a life long lesson. I will try to remind myself
    that I have tried and succeeded in a few
    things. I have put myself out there, even
    though I was terrified.

  3. Nannette
    5 months ago

    Since I am reading this late in the evening…my day is over. But before bed I am going to have a cup of tea and enjoy that time. I will remember this question tomorrow and not be so hard on myself. I have not been exercising as much this week…as I should (post heart attack). The last weeks I have been walking 3-5 miles every day. This week only 2 miles a day….but I am busy all day. So I am going to be good to myself and know that 2 miles each day is better for me than 0 miles. Wishing you all a good night and a peaceful and refreshing sleep. God Bless.

    1. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      5 months ago

      That is awesome that you are walking every day!

    2. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      5 months ago

      Thank you, Nannette. I drink some tea every night when I read all the days reflections. A small ritual of sorts. May you have a peaceful rest also.

  4. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    5 months ago

    By telling myself I am valued even when I am having a bad day!

  5. Ose
    5 months ago

    Just being compassionate. After a long busy day, I go to sleep now. No more words left other than may all have a good night´s sleep, including me.

  6. KC.
    5 months ago

    I can practice being more compassionate towards myself today by remembering and practicing to pause, and check in through the day, even if for three slow, deep belly breaths.

    When/ as I connect with many inner resources, I can more easily set clear intentions of where and how to focus my attention through the day – including being open to whatever unfolds, and letting go of too rigid a plan, plans or expectations. Finding the balance being planning, non-planning, going with the flow, letting go and trusting spirit … Letting go of overthinking and relaxing into being with, open to and accepting life as it is, and the day as it unfolds…

    1. Mary
      5 months ago

      I love “finding the balance between planning and non-planning, going with the flow…being open to and accepting life as it is, as the day unfolds.” This is beautiful and so wise KC. A much needed reminder to me. Thank you!

  7. devy39652
    5 months ago

    By breathing deeply when feeling stressed about what’s going on. Comforting myself with words and doing things that I enjoy doing to appreciate who I am and what I have to offer

  8. Carol Ann Conner
    5 months ago

    “Don’t plan it all. Let life surprise you a little” As Judy Alvarez says, by letting the day surprise me. And Richard Rohr’s meditation today tells me how to do that!

    1. sparrow51014
      5 months ago

      ”You can start right here, in the middle of your messy life. Your beautiful, imperfect, perfect life. There is no other time, and the exact place you find yourself is the best place to enter. Despite what they might have taught you at Bible Camp or in yoga class, you are probably not on your way to some immaculate state in which you will eventually be calm and kindly enough to be worthy of a direct encounter with the divine. Set your intention to uncover the jewels buried in the heart of what already is. Choose to see the face of God in the face of the bus driver and the moody teenager, in peeling a tangerine or feeding the cat. Decide. Mean it. Open your heart, and then do everything you can to keep it open. Light every candle in the room….”

      It reminds me,
      dear Carol,
      that not everything is what I thought it was,
      and that it is ridiculous to try to make yourself perfectly perfect . . .
      I ruined so many things by doing this.
      It is destined to fail and miserably.
      I am learning to walk the path,
      forgive myself,
      and open my eyes and heart
      with love . . .♥

      1. Carol Ann Conner
        5 months ago

        Yes, Yes, Yes.

  9. Antoinette88615
    5 months ago

    By knowing when to given in and ask for help . Now I’m going to get help for migraines. The hospital will help.

    1. Mary
      5 months ago

      Help for migraines.
      That’s wonderful, Antoinette!!

    2. Carol Ann Conner
      5 months ago

      Antoinette, Sending loving energy your way.

  10. j
    5 months ago

    With the relationship struggle I’m currently in I have been very down on myself asking what could I have done different. Why am I not good enough, pretty enough? I know that is not me, that he has his own problems and is emotionally unavailable to tend to me and my emotional needs. When he puts himself first I know this isn’t a reflection of my worth. I know that I am worthy of love and I will remind myself that today. I also know that someday he will come back to me when he is ready to love me wholly. But, if he doesn’t there will be someone else that will love me the way that I want to be loved.

    1. Yram
      5 months ago

      This is very difficult and a long journey. You are precious. May you find the help you need and plug into it. You have many on your side.

    2. sparrow51014
      5 months ago

      I used to tie myself up in knots,
      dear Jenn,
      thinking these thoughts and doubting myself…
      for many, many years,
      most of my youth,
      if I must admit.
      It is an extremely painful and self-destructive way to live.
      My heart breaks for you,
      and my earnest prayer for you
      is that you try and trust the Universe a little
      and believe in yourself and in your own self worth..
      I almost died before I found my way
      and life is too precious to waste.
      Look into the heart of a flower and breathe it in . . .
      it’s a good start. ♥

    3. Carol Ann Conner
      5 months ago

      Jenn, It took me a long time to realize that I had to learn to love myself. It’s an inside job. My wish for you is that you stop worrying about being worthy and know that you are of worth. There is a big difference between worthy and worth. We may not always be worthy but we are always of worth. Remind yourself of that until you believe it. No matter how long it takes, it is “worth” the effort. It seldom happens overnight. Big virtual hug coming your way!

  11. Mary
    5 months ago

    Maybe I can be grateful for myself.
    Maybe I could treat myself and speak to myself
    the way I would treat and speak to a much loved family member.

    As I have started today feeling a little down,
    I am remembering the possibility in a new day.
    That lifts me up. ♥️
    Sending love to all!

    1. Carol Ann Conner
      5 months ago

      Mary, Sending that love right back attcha!

  12. L
    5 months ago

    By accepting myself and rejecting negative self talk and future tripping — already caught myself once this morning.

    By allowing room for life’s natural surprises and going with the flow.

    By practicing self-care, going for a walk, eating healthy foods, getting the proper amount of rest

    By showing up as my best self.

    1. Yram
      5 months ago

      I love the list!

    2. Mary
      5 months ago

      I needed to hear this today. Thank you Lauren!

  13. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen
    5 months ago

    Giving myself the opportunity for a change. Not succeeding in computer science doesn’t mean I’m a failure. I’m not alone. There are supportive people who will always be with me.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      5 months ago

      Very well said. Once we calm down, we’ll realize that our support system goes beyond each other. People have different ways of showing care. We complain and deflect blame to protect ourselves. It feels comfortable just like eating chocolate. We’re also limiting the power within our own hands to take action and make changes within our control. When we point the finger at others, there’s 3 pointing right back at us.

    2. Mary
      5 months ago

      Wishing many blessings for you Ngoc
      as you look for new opportunities and possibilities!
      There are many paths. ☀️☀️☀️

  14. L
    Loc Tran
    5 months ago

    I’m only continuing to feel more comfortable in my own skin. Staying the course is my way of showing compassion to myself today. As the old saying goes “If it aint broken, don’t fix it.”

    1. Carol Ann Conner
      5 months ago


  15. Patti
    5 months ago

    By accepting and loving myself more.

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