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  1. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann

    I spent 3 nights on the sailboat (Destination Newport RI). We walked a lot, slept, ate and listened to Irish concert music near the Harbor and attended Mass in the Irish section of Newport for the first time. I needed this time to find my joy again since I am uncertain about my daughter’s future and sometimes I just can’t seem to get that out of my mind.

    1 year ago
  2. Christina

    To be able to stay in or come back to the present moment would be helpful. To be apprehensive about the future is based on experiences in the past, projected along assumed timeline, while only now a new seed based on insight and kindness can be planted. Well known – still difficult to Be sometimes. In the same time – it is possible by now, now and again – now. And it was possible today also, unfolding. Thank you.

    1 year ago
  3. Don
    Don Jones

    If I look to my garden, there is no guarantee of good fruit. But I know if I do certain things, then the likelihood of good fruit becomes much more enhanced. So, I focus on what I can do now.

    1 year ago
  4. KC

    Pause – When I am aware that I am caught ruminating, in the past or future, I can pause – and return to the present, again and again. So many great practices everyone has shared. Such an incredible kit of resources we are blessed with. I guess for me it is about getting back into my body/ mind – grounding, rooting, connecting, and somehow getting out of my head into my whole body. Finding my feet, etc. Always learning new practices, even if / as I have tried and true faves. My latest is to try affirmations – perhaps a bit like Butterfly has shared… such as I am safe etc. Starting with metta for self, then sending it out to others.

    I am finding Sharon Salzberg’s book Faith helpful these days. She quotes a woman speaking from a women’s prison – ” When you’re in prison, it’s especially important to try to live in the present moment. It’s easy to get lost in the past, which you can’t change anyway, or to get lost hoping for the future, which is not yet here. If you do that, it’s like you’re not really alive’… ‘I choose life’.

    Warm Sunday wishes all. Very best to Joseph and Cheryl on your Alaska cruise. What an exquisite landscape and journey to celebrate your moments together! …

    1 year ago
    1. Barb C
      Barb C

      Thank you for the mention of Sharon Salzberg’s book. Putting it on my library list. What a wonderful quotation and perspective.

      1 year ago
  5. Charlie T
    Charlie T

    I take a breath, and remind myself of
    the good fortune I’ve had. Not sure
    If I read this here, but it seems appropriate.
    “I’ve had a lot of worries in my life,
    most of which never happened.
    – Samuel Clemens

    1 year ago
  6. Linda72766

    The future is unknown. All I have is the present, and the ability to prepare as best I can for my future self.
    My husband is older than me and is suffering with a variety of ailments, but he arises each day ready to complete the tasks he has set for himself. He does joke “If I had known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself!” but he carries on anyway. May I have the courage to do the same.

    1 year ago
  7. P

    I have a well-embedded neural pathway that wants to direct me to lack of trust based on past experiences. Part of my work in the world is building a new pathway that knows and practices trust. It’s ground is faith that says “All shall be well….”.

    1 year ago
  8. L
    Leah U

    When I feel apprehensive about the future, I realize that I am thinking too far ahead of time. I pause, look at where my feet are, and take “first things first.” I focus on the here and now. Anxiety is because I am trying to predict the future and I am not that powerful, only my higher power is that powerful, and I can leave that up to Him. 🙂

    1 year ago
  9. Barb C
    Barb C

    My mom referred to this kind of apprehension as “borrowing trouble”. I try not to do that. If I catch myself whirling around in the what-if maelstrom, I pause, breathe, and remember the sun’s going to rise tomorrow no matter what. I let go of the desire to try to fix something that hasn’t even happened yet, and do what I can now, here, in this moment.

    1 year ago
  10. Antoinette88615

    I let go and the universe is there all the time !

    1 year ago
  11. Yram

    In this case the past helps me stay in the present. History repeats itself. There is much in the past that helps the present so that helps me trust.

    1 year ago
  12. Laura

    When I stress about the future, I ground myself in the present. Life is rarely as scary in the present as it is in the imagined future. In the present I feel able to meet challenges. With that confidence, trust flows more easily.

    1 year ago
  13. Joseph
    Joseph McCann

    I have had many times in my life that I future tripped. Spent a lot of anguished moments over it. Self-medicated over it many times too. But you know what, here I am, and gratefully alive and well. I need to trust in the unfolding of the universe, stay in the present, avoid future tripping and the snake eating its tail worry. Things always have a way of working out. Sometimes not exactly to my liking but always they work out. I just need to accept the unfolding, breathe and be grateful for the ride. We made it to Anchorage without a hitch although I thought it was 1 hour earlier than Mountain time and 3 hour earlier than Eastern time but it is 2hr and 4hr respectively. It is 4:20 am here….I woke up at my usual hour but actually my body says it is 6:20 am.

    1 year ago
    1. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann

      How exciting enjoy your trip!!

      1 year ago
    2. Michele

      420 is a good time😆

      1 year ago
    3. Josie

      Grateful to know you & Cheryl made it safely to Anchorage, Joseph. Enjoy every moment!!

      1 year ago
  14. Butterfly

    I recently had a very stressful and anxious situation with a social worker who decided I didn’t need as much care as I have been having. A week of fear and anxiety about how I would survive without the help I do need followed. Then the evening before a second meeting with this social worker a carer came to help me who I don’t see very often. She is a healer and suggested sitting with me for a while in a healing space. This was good as I am very senitive and open to healing sessions. During this time I heard a voice say “You are safe. You will always be safe”. Immediatly I felt all my anxiety melt away and I stayed feeling calm right through the night and throughout the feared meeting. To cut a long story short, all turned out well and I continue to have all the help I need. And, of couse, I will always be safe, even if I can’t see it at the time, and whether I am in this body or not!

    1 year ago
    1. Barb C
      Barb C

      So glad you have the care you need. This carer sounds like a wonderful person.

      1 year ago
  15. Nannette

    I have said often that I am very Blessed. At the present I continue to be healthy and in relatively good condition (I could lose a few pounds :)….so for this time- this present time…I trust the future. None of us know what it holds. For today; I will enjoy what I have been given and not worry about the future. I spend so much of my time worrying about things –and it is such a waste of energy; however it seems to be who I am. For today…I am happy and I am Blessed and very thankful.

    1 year ago
    1. Dolores Kazanjian80021
      Dolores Kazanjian

      “I could lose a few pounds” sounds like worrying about the future to me. Is it endangering your health? If so, just lose the damn pounds. If not, let it go.
      BTW, forgive unsolicited advice, but after years of unsuccessfully trying to lost my excess pounds, at my doctor’s suggestion I tried intermittent fasting. I lost about 40 pounds, and have kept it off for over 15 years with no effort whatsoever. I used tohe 5-2 version, but there are others.

      1 year ago

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