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  1. Linda

    My core elements – my husband, our children, the church, exercise, meditation, time in nature and inspiring books.

    2 months ago
  2. Robin Ann

    Getting plenty of rest, Eating Healthy, My Spirituality, Supportive & meaningful relationships, Having joyful moments, Mindful Exercise and choosing kindness as often as I can.

    2 months ago
  3. Nannette

    Today, I am having a hard time ansering this question. The core elements of well being in my life…my husband, my extended family, my faith and being able to ask my God for Help. and the thread that joins everything is love. This morning I was awakened by the news that one of the members in the Community that I share in the winter months in Texas was killed in an automobile accident and that his wife is not expected to live. This man was a neighbor, an acquaintance….and someone that walked his dog several times a day past our motorhome. “lucy” the dog and my boy “Clancy” would dance with joy seeing one another. Before we left in APril..I caught Jerry to say I did not want to miss him ..I wnated to say goodbye…He said “why are you worrying we will see each other again next year”. We are not promised next yesr, or tomorrow or the next hour. God Speed, Jerry…may you rest in peace. I pray that your wife will soon be at your side…as she depended fully on you. It is Lucy your four legged companion that I am worried about. May you rest in peace. I am broken hearted.

    2 months ago
    1. Yram

      Sheltering you in love at a time when words fall short.

      2 months ago
    2. Nannette

      Thank you all for your kindness and comforting words. What a Blessing you all are. Namaste…

      2 months ago
    3. Mary Mantei

      Peace, Nanette.

      2 months ago
    4. Michele

      Sorry for your loss Nannette – my condolences to you.

      2 months ago
    5. Joseph McCann

      A stark reminder of the impermanence of all. Rejoice each morning that is gifted. Comfort and compassion your way Nannette.

      2 months ago
    6. Robin Ann

      Nannette, so sorry for your loss. Very very sad.

      2 months ago
  4. O.Christina

    sharing with dear friends and loved ones; kindness and care; arts; gratefulness for the moment being right now after a storm turned out to have been in a teacup; meditation and when possibly entering stillness, sometimes when approaching and being on deeply valued holy ground where Love prevails – and to again open up to when having lost sight for a moment through being moved.

    2 months ago
  5. Kevin

    What are the core elements of my life’s well-being?
    Spirituality and

    2 months ago
  6. Dolores Kazanjian

    The practice of gratefulness in general and this site in particular. Regular meditation practice. Healthy diet. Good friends. Loving husband and dog. And, most of all, the grace of the Great Creator.

    2 months ago
  7. pkr

    My connection to the Great Spirit. Prayer. Meditation. My yoga practice.
    Mother Nature. Time outdoors. Redwood Trees. Walking every day.
    Laughter. Music. Reading. Conversation.
    Love for my daughter, my family.
    Art. Flowers. Landscape paintings.
    Tennis. Baseball, too.
    Gratefulness, thankfulness for it all.

    2 months ago
  8. Pilgrim

    Kindness. Listening well. Spending time outdoors/at the beach if possible. Being with family. Yoga.

    2 months ago
  9. Barb C

    Well, for one thing I am a champion sleeper! I get 7 or 8 hours of good sleep most nights. My husband sleeps very poorly and wakes up super early so I know to appreciate this.

    Walking and other regular movement are essential to me. This goes with being outside in nature at some point every day.

    I enjoy good food and cooking and have moved away from the diet culture attitudes that interfere with enjoyment. That has taken conscious effort and I’m happier for it.

    I seek out and appreciate art for its visual delights. As I write this I’m on a train southbound from Tukwila, Washington to Olympia at the end of my week of travels. We just passed a series of sculptures mounted on poles alongside the tracks showing funny gawky birds taking off in flight. Noticing that and smiling is part of my well-being today.

    I’m so fortunate to have loving family and good friends in my life and they’re core to my life. My husband’s love for the past 18 years has been my foundation. My love for my daughters from the day they were born is the same.

    I’ve been reading since I was 5 years old. Escape into other worlds through fiction, the contemplation of poetry, learning from nonfiction–all of these are core elements of my well-being.

    Mom raised me with values of empathy and kindness. Starting from those keeps me grounded and connected.

    As I list all these I also think about how I would cope if any of these were lost. My inner resilience and optimism are also fundamental to my well-being.

    2 months ago
    1. Mary Mantei

      Beautifully shared, Barb, thank you.

      2 months ago
  10. Yram

    I came up with a list but in pondering more, I think it is summed up in the word of the day:
    ” The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory. ” Howard Zinn

    2 months ago
  11. Chanel Adams

    The core elements of my well-being are my core values. Also, my daily mindfulness, meditation, and prayer practices. I can’t live without them.

    I also want to make more time for the Grateful practice and community, but I’ve been so busy in the past week or so. This place helps me slow down and stay grounded.

    2 months ago
  12. Avril

    I love when the daily question really makes me think. The term core elements inspires me to reflect on the core values which I distilled during my ACT training several years ago. These are qualities I want to bring forth in my life on a daily basis, whether or not I am achieving my goals. My core values are mindfulness, spirituality, kindness, discipline, and gratefulness. When I am embodying these elements, I live joyfully and meaningfully. There are other core elements that are external to me: My family, my communities, and nature. When I am attending to all of these external elements grounded in my values, life is good.

    2 months ago
    1. Yram

      Your values come across in your sharing! And responding.

      2 months ago
      1. Avril

        I appreciate you, Yram

        2 months ago
  13. Charlie T

    The core elements of my wellbeing are
    my practices and reminding myself that
    my goal is Kindness and love.
    Being in nature or even just exposing
    myself to what’s outside my door, is
    also a big part of my wellbeing.
    And movement seems to be helpful.
    Some kind of exercise or hard physical
    effort always seems to improve my
    sense of wellbeing.

    2 months ago
  14. Ngoc Nguyen

    The core elements of well-being in my life are gentleness, saying things that bring peace and unity, healing, and not dividing or hurting others.

    2 months ago
  15. sunnypatti

    Meditation. Love. Water. Getting outside. Digging in the dirt. Swimming in the ocean or another body of water. Yoga. Connecting with my husband, family and other loved ones. Sleep.

    2 months ago

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