My son’s boss abruptly left his company. I made myself fully available to be supportive to him.
I am also training on a new goal at work and making a big effort to learn it which makes my Manager happy. She has a planned trip this fall and needs all of us to cover while she is out of the country. A well deserved trip for her.
People who work behind a counter
are often treated as robots or machines,
their presence
for the convenience of the customers.
Most are not paid handsomely,
and many work long hours
trying to raise children and make ends meet.
My husband, the cats, and I
have our own little circle of Joy . . .
outside of that,
I live a pretty solitary life
and see strangers and shop clerks
more than I do my friends.
It is for this reason
that I feel more connected to them than usual.
It has become a habit of mine to chat with them if they are of a mind,
or mention something pleasing about them,
whether it be their helpfulness,
their honesty,
their smile,
or maybe something they are wearing.
I suppose
that is how I spread a little joy around. ♥
I had dealt with many customer service folks on the phone lately. I often greet them with the time of day. I have also commented on their cheerful voice or something special that struck me. Often I hear a return “you made my day.”
I’ve had some really wonderful conversations
with service people,
dear Joseph,
who are so often ignored.
Everything we put out into the world
makes a difference,
whether it be positive
or negative. ♥
My husband and I both make a habit of talking with people, not just transacting with them. As one example, when we go to a restaurant he makes a note of our server’s name and when they tell us their name, we introduce ourselves. Often throws them–they’re not used to that moment being treated as genuine communication with good manners! We quickly become regulars they recognize when we come back. One woman at one of our favorite restaurants gave me marigold seeds I planted near my tomato plants last year. It adds so, so much to what would be pretty mechanical otherwise.
You’re right Sparrow. I do the same thing too.
I agree that service workers deserve to be treated well,
but I also just enjoy talking to them.
People are interesting and as I interact with them,
they become people who I know and like.
Why waste a good chance to connect, right?
But Sparrow, I was not surprised by your response to the question.
Kindness is kindness. 🥰 Right? ♥️
received a note of someone personally not known to me who had asked for some understanding about a person we both had looked after, and he was full of heartfelt joy and thanks for the reply received. So it felt that my reply did cause joy in him. It touched me in return, as it seemed to have reached him 1:1 related to my intention about deeper understanding and it seems to have met his way of understanding and perceiving, which is not at all taken for granted, and this little incident caused joy in both of us.
I feel as if improv is in a lot of my answers these days. Tonight the founding members of the new troupe I’m in will be at my house for our final planning session before next week’s recruitment rehearsal, which we hope draws people who will try out. I’ve made cookies already and will be baking mini bran muffins later today, slicing cara cara oranges, setting up crackers and cheese. Snacks create joy!
I regularly record poems in the morning for my daughters in our WhatsApp thread. If I go too long without doing so, my older daughter might say “Mom, where is the poetry?!” Today I recorded “Hope: An Owner’s Manual” by Barbara Kingsolver, part of a commencement address she delivered at Duke. Sharing here in case poetry brings you joy. We need to put effort behind our hope these days and when I witness people doing that, it creates joy for me.
I will call a dear friend today to see how she’s doing. She is dealing with a very concerning health issue. I will offer her comfort, encouraging words & laughter.
🕊️& 🩷
Today I’ll be doing my job that involves working with tradespeople on a construction site. I really enjoy interacting with them and getting to know them a bit. Some of them, we have worked with many times and it’s nice to see them and catch up.
I’ve always tried to make work fun. So, having a laugh, telling a story, or kvetching a bit, is just part of the job, but I like to keep it lite and positive and definitely include laughter and hopefully some joy.
These guys travel long distances and work long hours every day. Working in dirty, noisy, and dangerous places. They also take pride in their work and are true experts of their trades.
You can see the toll taken on their bodies. The sacrifices they are making are apparent. When a wealthy person says that they have worked hard for their money. I think of these guys and know for a fact, that most people, including myself, wouldn’t last a week, doing what they do for 30+ years.
My Ngoc, I’m familiar with pleasure. It’s fun until the novelty wares off. It’s easy to think that whatever we love loves us in return. Same can be said for people. That was me with a couple past women. Regarding your last statement from above, I know that you love me in return as well.
Notice something good about them, and tell them about it. For some time now I’ve been on a mission to assume other people are doing the best they can. This is not my resting face. I have a painfully overdeveloped gift of seeing what others do not wish to see even when it’s difficult – it’s the dark side of discernment – but I get blinded by the clarity of my vision. It’s so bright I can’t see the shape and texture of what’s in the shadows. So I have to ask for the grace to see, not more clearly, but more gently. When it comes, I just have to notice, look and say, “Hey! That’s really nice what you just did. What you are.”
I will go out into today with the attitude, “how can I see the Divinity in and as this person?” I have many problems driving today, and it’s over 100 miles. I will drive mindfully. I will allow others to pull out. I will be a beacon of temperance on the crazy roads.
Give yourself the gift of free bi-monthly inspiration including uplifting articles, diverse stories, supportive practices, videos, and more, delivered with heart to your inbox.
My son’s boss abruptly left his company. I made myself fully available to be supportive to him.
I am also training on a new goal at work and making a big effort to learn it which makes my Manager happy. She has a planned trip this fall and needs all of us to cover while she is out of the country. A well deserved trip for her.
People who work behind a counter
are often treated as robots or machines,
their presence
for the convenience of the customers.
Most are not paid handsomely,
and many work long hours
trying to raise children and make ends meet.
My husband, the cats, and I
have our own little circle of Joy . . .
outside of that,
I live a pretty solitary life
and see strangers and shop clerks
more than I do my friends.
It is for this reason
that I feel more connected to them than usual.
It has become a habit of mine to chat with them if they are of a mind,
or mention something pleasing about them,
whether it be their helpfulness,
their honesty,
their smile,
or maybe something they are wearing.
I suppose
that is how I spread a little joy around. ♥
I had dealt with many customer service folks on the phone lately. I often greet them with the time of day. I have also commented on their cheerful voice or something special that struck me. Often I hear a return “you made my day.”
I enjoy speaking to the folks behind the counter and addressing them by name. I think they enjoy it too.
I’ve had some really wonderful conversations
with service people,
dear Joseph,
who are so often ignored.
Everything we put out into the world
makes a difference,
whether it be positive
or negative. ♥
My husband and I both make a habit of talking with people, not just transacting with them. As one example, when we go to a restaurant he makes a note of our server’s name and when they tell us their name, we introduce ourselves. Often throws them–they’re not used to that moment being treated as genuine communication with good manners! We quickly become regulars they recognize when we come back. One woman at one of our favorite restaurants gave me marigold seeds I planted near my tomato plants last year. It adds so, so much to what would be pretty mechanical otherwise.
Lovely Sparrow.
Thank you,
dear Mary . . .
I think
that you might do the same thing,
only are perhaps not aware
of the impact you make. ♥
You’re right Sparrow. I do the same thing too.
I agree that service workers deserve to be treated well,
but I also just enjoy talking to them.
People are interesting and as I interact with them,
they become people who I know and like.
Why waste a good chance to connect, right?
But Sparrow, I was not surprised by your response to the question.
Kindness is kindness. 🥰 Right? ♥️
dear Mary . . .
kindness is kindness. ♥
received a note of someone personally not known to me who had asked for some understanding about a person we both had looked after, and he was full of heartfelt joy and thanks for the reply received. So it felt that my reply did cause joy in him. It touched me in return, as it seemed to have reached him 1:1 related to my intention about deeper understanding and it seems to have met his way of understanding and perceiving, which is not at all taken for granted, and this little incident caused joy in both of us.
Create joy for someone?
Intentionally truly see them and then be present to them.
Cathie, this sort of attention is in short supply. Thank you.🩷
I feel as if improv is in a lot of my answers these days. Tonight the founding members of the new troupe I’m in will be at my house for our final planning session before next week’s recruitment rehearsal, which we hope draws people who will try out. I’ve made cookies already and will be baking mini bran muffins later today, slicing cara cara oranges, setting up crackers and cheese. Snacks create joy!
I regularly record poems in the morning for my daughters in our WhatsApp thread. If I go too long without doing so, my older daughter might say “Mom, where is the poetry?!” Today I recorded “Hope: An Owner’s Manual” by Barbara Kingsolver, part of a commencement address she delivered at Duke. Sharing here in case poetry brings you joy. We need to put effort behind our hope these days and when I witness people doing that, it creates joy for me.
Barb, I love the energy in this poem, Hope; An owner’s Manual. It is just right for so many things in my life right now. Thank you for the joy!🩷
I like that one, thanks for sharing : )
What a great poem,
dear Barb . . .
I’ve always liked Barbara Kingsolver.
Thank you for posting it. ♥
I had a couple of these bran muffins for my breakfast today. They’re so handy because the recipe makes a big batch of batter to keep in the fridge and bake when you want fresh hot muffins. Like snacks, muffins are joy!
I will smile more than I have been smiling in recent days!
I will call a dear friend today to see how she’s doing. She is dealing with a very concerning health issue. I will offer her comfort, encouraging words & laughter.
🕊️& 🩷
Today I’ll be doing my job that involves working with tradespeople on a construction site. I really enjoy interacting with them and getting to know them a bit. Some of them, we have worked with many times and it’s nice to see them and catch up.
I’ve always tried to make work fun. So, having a laugh, telling a story, or kvetching a bit, is just part of the job, but I like to keep it lite and positive and definitely include laughter and hopefully some joy.
These guys travel long distances and work long hours every day. Working in dirty, noisy, and dangerous places. They also take pride in their work and are true experts of their trades.
You can see the toll taken on their bodies. The sacrifices they are making are apparent. When a wealthy person says that they have worked hard for their money. I think of these guys and know for a fact, that most people, including myself, wouldn’t last a week, doing what they do for 30+ years.
Beautiful consideration and respect for another’s reality, Charlie. Thank you for being that type of person.🩷
Thank you for a shout out to celebrate the laborers of this planet Charlie T!
I’ll compliment someone when I’m out today.
And I’ll make a tasty dinner for my husband to come home and share with me this evening.
Continue to live simply.
I was caught by the word “internationally”. It is a reminder to be in the present moment.
I spend less time on short videos and movies, and more time on my Loc. 😍
I love short videos, but they don’t love me in return, but Loc does! 🌱
That’s beautiful Ngoc.
And so true.
My Ngoc, I’m familiar with pleasure. It’s fun until the novelty wares off. It’s easy to think that whatever we love loves us in return. Same can be said for people. That was me with a couple past women. Regarding your last statement from above, I know that you love me in return as well.
Notice something good about them, and tell them about it. For some time now I’ve been on a mission to assume other people are doing the best they can. This is not my resting face. I have a painfully overdeveloped gift of seeing what others do not wish to see even when it’s difficult – it’s the dark side of discernment – but I get blinded by the clarity of my vision. It’s so bright I can’t see the shape and texture of what’s in the shadows. So I have to ask for the grace to see, not more clearly, but more gently. When it comes, I just have to notice, look and say, “Hey! That’s really nice what you just did. What you are.”
I will go out into today with the attitude, “how can I see the Divinity in and as this person?” I have many problems driving today, and it’s over 100 miles. I will drive mindfully. I will allow others to pull out. I will be a beacon of temperance on the crazy roads.
Thank you for modeling safety on the roads. We need everyone to do that. You’ll be saving lives along the way as your actions have a ripple effect.
I drove pretty well yesterday. This choice stayed with me for most of the day. There were episodes of distraction.
Blessings on your travel today.
May you find joy and rest as you travel.
I will take the dog for a good long walk today in nature……creating joy for all.