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  1. S R
    S R
    1 week ago

    In the midst of chaotic moment, I create peace by listening critically but also in a reflective way, be present, aware, and attentive, and checking with the other being(s) of your observation and hearing using nonviolence communication (NVC) techniques making sure that the time is appropriate for all beings to lessen the chaos. To see the other being(s) as part of you or the community and share love and make the other being feel connected and belong.

  2. Barb C
    Barb C
    1 week ago

    Go for a walk in one of the parks near my home.
    Look at the sky.
    Inhale. Exhale. Repeat.
    Wait, remembering that this too shall pass.
    Consider what’s making it chaotic for those around me and look for how I can help. Do that.

  3. Tyrone Clownsmith
    1 week ago

    Actually if I accepted that why would I chant the mantra. Truth is the chaos brought to the point of near death makes me beg the heavens so the peace comes from above..I only have the power to create chaos if I limit myself to my own thinking

  4. Anna
    1 week ago

    I don’t like being around chaotic events, even if positive, such as parties and fairs. That said, my company (more than 300 people) usually organizes a special event for Christmas, and during the last one I found peace by meeting up with some dear colleagues I hadn’t seen for a while.
    Instead, I have to reflect on chaotic negative moments, for example the condominium meeting, where some people prevail with a very arrogant and sometimes offensive approach.
    In these circumstances I cannot find peace.

  5. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    1 week ago

    For me chaotic moments I found peace going to Mass. I also found this website in the height of extreme chaos in my life. Finding support groups. Also being in nature sometimes does helps, yoga also.

  6. Mary
    1 week ago

    As with yesterday’s question, the peace must begin from within myself.
    There is no faking it.
    Yesterday, I tried to get to the bottom of why my Mom was sitting at a table
    at her assisted living facility for over an hour, waiting for Bingo to begin,
    after I had prearranged for her to be taken to Bingo. (but not an hour early of course.)
    When I tried to get answers from Mom,
    she acted as though she didn’t know what had happened.
    Her caregiver at the facility tried to seem responsive and responsible.
    Reading between the lines, I determined the answer was a mix up
    caused by my Mom and her rather frazzled care giver.
    I was frustrated by the confusion, and it showed.

    I admit to trying to rescue Mom from her anxiety and depression.
    But where is my peace?
    I have to find my own before I can give it to anyone else.

    1. Anna
      1 week ago

      Ah, dear Mary… I know what you’re saying. My mother lives near my apartment, with a caregiver I don’t really like, my husband and I are constantly looking for balance.

  7. sparrow51014
    1 week ago

    …by being the peace. ♥

  8. Tyrone Clownsmith
    1 week ago

    I accept death at any moment

  9. Carol Ann Conner
    1 week ago

    Gratefulness provides me with a healthy perspective. It grounds me and keeps me on an even keel. When faced with pain and/or disappointment, I’ve learned to forsake asking myself, “Why me?” Instead, I look for the silver-lining and have found that there is always a thread of hope and a lesson I can learn even in times of chaos and despair. Gratefulness helps me  “Keep it Simple.”  Medical intuitive Carolyn Myss says that when life seems overwhelming she prays: “I surrender. Reach me any way you can.” That is truly a willingness prayer and it invites the life force to work in and through us for the evolution and well being of all. It’s a “WE” not a “ME” prayer.

  10. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    1 week ago

    Today’s WOTD has me thinking. I’ve always assumed that my actions mattered. But apparently this isn’t the case for everyone. It can make me feel naive when I’m confronted with the nihilism that’s in the world. Am I a fool for believing that what we do matters? As I’ve grown older, the answer to this has become clearer and easier.
    I will stand on the side of kindness and empathy.
    As for what I do to create peace in a chaotic situation, all I can do is control my actions. I can take a breath, exhale, relax any tension, and stay focused on what’s in front of me.

    1. Carol Ann Conner
      1 week ago

      Charlie, Amen!

  11. S
    Suzanne S
    1 week ago

    Create/maintain peace within myself. When I have capacity support/love/have action with others.

  12. pkr29022
    1 week ago

    I try to focus on my breath. Deep breath in & deep breath out. I breath in peace & breath out peace. I try very hard to keep all my energies focused on my breathing.
    Continue to think good thoughts. ❤️

  13. Patti
    1 week ago

    I think it might depend on what kind of chaotic situation I am faced with, but I do believe I would always start with the breath. Slowing down the breath, focusing on each inhale and each exhale. Finding peace within so that it can ripple outside of me. If I am feeling anxious, I like to place my hands over my heart as well. It’s a mudra and helps to create calmness and emotional balance.

    1. sparrow51014
      1 week ago

      I like placing the hands over the heart . . .
      an instinctive gesture,
      dear Sunnypatti,
      that immediately invokes
      peace within. ♥

      1. Patti
        1 week ago

        I love that it works without any chaos, too 🙂

  14. Carla
    1 week ago

    Being an extrovert, I can sometimes be the one in the thick of things in a family situation. Professionally, I’m sometimes the one who helps to de-escalate people or be the listener who helps validate the concerns and questions of community members. Skills and tools I’m led to use are slow deep breathes, talking in softer tones, increased non verbal communication of a head nod or smile. Usually not touching the person Re-acting but giving them space. And of course, prayer mantras said silently in my heart for guidance and direction from Wisdom / Sophia.

    1. sparrow51014
      1 week ago

      dear Carla . . .
      how we behave
      has untold consequences
      in situations where there is chaos.
      Thank you for this. ♥

    2. Carol Ann Conner
      1 week ago

      Lord, Make me an instrument of your will.

      1. Carla
        1 week ago

        Thanks Carol, I’ve been a student of Franciscan spirituality for years…Yes! Make me an instrument of Your Peace…the rest flows from there. Blessings! 🫶🏽

  15. L
    Loc Tran
    1 week ago

    I find peace in chaotic moments by focusing on what I was born to do which is to play piano. It’s why I have Michael Jordan as the GOAT. He focused on basketball and stayed away from politics. And yes, republicans buy sneakers too.

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