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  1. Kevin
    1 year ago

    Today’s strikes me as “odd,” for some reason because I’ve never felt it necessary to be creative so that those I love would know I am grateful for them in my life. When someone I love says, “I love you, Kevin,” I respond with, “I love you too,” in a tone that means something to us both. Nothing more, nothing clever needs saying.

  2. Christina
    1 year ago

    … simply from my heart, thank you, to my dear boss, to my dear friends, to the Sangha I belong to, to you all here for having been with me all the way so far through thick and thin. Hope and trust must come from within, even when there might be almost no reason any more for hope. It is a choice. You helped me to find back to hope, to let go, to find back to joy. What a gift, undeserved. These days, a lot of mirroring became awareness. Volunteering is one of my current possibilities to give back some of this support and joy. Thank you dearly, from my heart.

  3. Barb C
    Barb C
    1 year ago

    Not wildly creative, but showing appreciation today. My best friend in town who is chosen family to me wants to look at our home remodeling project that’s under way and approaching the finish (in a couple of weeks). She’s been a great resource throughout–good design sense and was remodeling her own kitchen so I picked her brain a lot. She helped me paint the walls and ceilings of two rooms so she’ll get to see them with the trim in place and painted. We’re meeting there in a bit and afterwards I’ll ask if she wants to go to the nearby bakery for a latte and a goodie, my treat.
    On the day we painted the rooms we stopped for a latte and I secretly bought a bag of good coffee that I slipped into the front carrier space of her cargo bike (we biked to pick up the paint and hauled it using her bike). It was fun to be there when she discovered the coffee.

    1. Michele
      1 year ago

      Love this.

  4. C
    Christopher Le Flore
    1 year ago

    I’m going to take my wife and kids on a river walk with the dogs, and probably go cook dinner with our extended family in the evening. I’ll take our guitars and play with my son while we are there, and probably play a board game with the kids, nieces, and nephews.

    The best way to show somebody what they mean to you is to give them your time and attention. Leave your phone in the car.

  5. pkr29022
    1 year ago

    Today, 1/20, is a dear friends birthday. I will send her a happy birthday text & call her later for a chat. I will pray for her too, pray that the “light” shine upon her today & lift her up.✨🌟✨

  6. Christina
    1 year ago

    🙏💖🌇🏡🌃🌕💤🌈✨❤️🙏 and a big big Thank you to all, from my heart. May you all be blessed.

  7. Nannette
    1 year ago

    I am not very creative at all…whenever I hear that word…I wince ! 🙂 The only creative thing that I think I do is cook…so tonight will be a new tofu dinner with peanut sauce for my husband. For my nieces…I have been emailing them=.telling them that I love them.

  8. Carol Ann Conner
    1 year ago

    The most creative way you can show love is by truly being present to your loved ones and telling them you love them. If they do not live where you live, keep in touch, check on them regularly, be a good listener, encourage them, believe in them and help them when it nourishes but does not cripple their growth.

  9. Sharon66441
    1 year ago

    I sent e-cards to my two daughters and a friend, expressing my love for, and appreciation of them.

  10. Journey
    1 year ago

    As a joke, I showed my husband this question and asked him to think about how he can creatively show me he is grateful for me. He laughed out loud and walked away! I love our relationship and that we can joke around like this. I will trouble and tease him a little more than I normally do today and will also find a couple of things I can do for him today. Great question.

    1. Barb C
      Barb C
      1 year ago

      I love this! “Oh, honey, can I have you read something?”

  11. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    1 year ago

    Thank you for this prompt.
    I will put aside an hour or two today for
    creativity, and I will attempt to be thinking
    of the ones I love, while doing it.
    We’ll see if I can come up with anything
    worth sharing.

    1. Carol Ann Conner
      1 year ago

      Love your answer Charlie. I would call it “creative willingness.”

  12. Yram
    1 year ago

    I don’t know if this is noticed, but when I put my husband’s compression socks on, I tenderly hold his feet for a second and send love and a prayer for healing.

    1. Carol Ann Conner
      1 year ago

      YRAM, Noticed or not, You are a willing instrument of grace and as Ann Lamont says, “Grace never leaves us where it found us.”

  13. Patti
    1 year ago

    I’m not feeling very creative at the moment, but I’m sure this day will give me the opportunity to show some gratitude to my loved ones 🙂

  14. Mary
    Mary Mantei
    1 year ago

    Make life a little easier for someone. And ideally, there is a little surprise in the mix. Enjoy this day, my Friends.

    1. Carol Ann Conner
      1 year ago

      Mary, So true.

  15. Michele
    1 year ago

    Love this question today – my daughter has been so helpful to me since moving in right at the same time my step-mother has been hospitalized and my electric issues. She’s been cooking wonderful meals and cleaning and this question is a nice reminder to make me think of something creative to do for her today.
    Enjoy the weekend everyone. Happy National Cheese Lover’s Day ya’ll, mmmmm.

    1. Carol Ann Conner
      1 year ago

      Michele, May you and your daughter’s day be filled with presence and pure enjoyment of each other.

      1. Michele
        1 year ago

        Thank you Carol – we did, we’ve been going through my clothes, jewelry and packing up items to donate to Goodwill. Feels great to unclutter and get more organized 🙂

    2. Barb C
      Barb C
      1 year ago

      Michele, I always get a smile from your sharing of whatever national day it is. I’m a vegetarian and often say cheese is what stops me from being a vegan! Cougar Gold aged white cheddar, made by the creamery at my alma mater Washington State University, is my absolute favorite (and a while back won the world cheese competition as best aged white cheddar with 99 points out of 100!). It’s packed in a can and I occasionally order one to be shipped to a friend or family member as a surprise gift. This is a reminder that it’s been a while since I did that. It’s a spendy gift so I save it for when someone needs to cheer up or to celebrate.

      In case anyone wants to try the best cheese in the world:

      1. Michele
        1 year ago

        Thanks Barb, just ordered 2 cans, the Cougar Gold and the smokey one. Can’t wait!

      2. Carol Ann Conner
        1 year ago

        Thanks, Barb!

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