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  1. Antoinette88615
    1 month ago

    Curiosity maybe is t the word I would choose. Right now I would choose miracles! I have been so blessed by being able to attend another retreat in Stockholm and I can’t even explain how truly grateful I am. Thank you 🙏 Thank you for showing me the way to Truth I could never have dreamed this is amazing. Meditation and throwing away the false human mind is grace . Thank you!

  2. sparrow51014
    1 month ago

    . . . to listen carefully
    to the ocean within me,
    and pay attention
    to the rest of my life . . .

    . . . to free myself
    from the chains I wear . . .
    chains forged
    only by myself . . .

    . . . to live as closely as I can
    to all that is Divine,
    and still be connected
    to the wisdom of others . . .

    . . . to be, to simply be,
    neither beaten down,
    nor raised up
    by others . . .

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      1 month ago

      I Echo Beautiful.

    2. Mary
      1 month ago

      So beautiful Sparrow!
      This is what really matters.

  3. Carol Ann Conner
    1 month ago

    Since I moved back to my hometown over five years ago, I have taken an interest in my family history. How did my ancestors come to this area to settle and build their lives. I am curious about that.

    1. Mary
      1 month ago

      I am very curious about that too.
      We learn all kinds of history.
      Why not our family history?

  4. Mary
    1 month ago

    I have been using graphite pencils in my artwork for a few years now.
    I go to weekly groups and work on portraits and figure drawing.
    Curiosity is inviting me to start using color.

    Also I’m curious about Neptune and Uranus.
    I read recently that each have oceans on their surface.
    I need to look into this again.
    Oceans? Water???
    Probably not H2O, but still.
    I’m very curious and must get back to this!

  5. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    1 month ago

    Curiosity is inviting me to dig deeper into my subconscious to better understand how and why I operate the way I do and to dig deeper into my understanding of the world and how it works.
    And basically everything. I love learning new things.

    1. Mary
      1 month ago

      Me too!
      Basically everything!

  6. pkr29022
    1 month ago

    My curiosity today is about how am I going to find certain items on my family’s Christmas wish lists!! Not quite sure where to look etc. plus I am not fond of “having to shop”! I have to remind myself to have fun & be love as my curiosity leads me to the perfect gifts. ❤️

    Remembering John Lennon today. RIP🖤

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      1 month ago

      Give Peace a Chance,

      1. Mary
        1 month ago

        Yes, absolutely, Joseph.
        Give peace a chance.

    2. Mary
      1 month ago

      Yes, the victim of murder.
      Who’da thunk.
      The Beatles so talented,
      and each going their own way.

  7. Nannette
    1 month ago

    Mine is a simple curiosity today…I am curiously watching the thermometer…hoping it goes up to a warmer day. My dog, Clancy wants to go to the park…and has been asking for several days…Yes! he does let his wishes known. He stands by the door going down to the garage- or goes to the basement and sits next to the car! The cold really bothers me- so I am hoping for a warmer day to take a stroll in the park. Wishing everyone a wonderful Sunday.

    1. pkr29022
      1 month ago

      I too am hoping the temperature rises Nannette. I, like Clancy need to get outside & walk. I hope it warms up for you both.🙏🏻

    2. Elizabeth H67151
      Elizabeth H
      1 month ago

      I hope that you and Clancy get a warmer day today, Nannette!

  8. Elizabeth H67151
    Elizabeth H
    1 month ago

    I have a family member who lives about 5 hours away who was recently found to have early dementia– likely Alzheimer’s. I have recently started reading “The 36 Hour Day” to learn more. I already have done a lot of learning about dementia in the past, but it is different when it is one’s own family member. Curiosity invites me to follow into his mind and experience, and also to try to find ways to support him and the family members that live with or near him. And to find ways to maintain as rich as possible of a bond with him even though I can rarely travel and he can rarely travel.

    1. Nannette
      1 month ago

      Elizabeth, how timely your comment is! Last evening at Church our priest (age 57) told the Parishioners that he recently noticed (in the last few months) that he was having difficulty with his memory. Our pastor encouraged him to get “checked out”. It has been found that he has a cognitive disorder – the start of Alzheimers. I left Mass in tears. He is going to Lourdes on Pilgrimage and will pray for a miracle….but he knows full and well that may not be God’s plan. I join in prayer for your family member. I have no way to help our priest but to pray.

      1. Elizabeth H67151
        Elizabeth H
        1 month ago

        Oh my goodness, Nannette– sending love and prayers for your priest and your congregation! How brave of your priest to come forward and share this with the parishioners. And thank you for joining me in prayer for my family member.

        At a recent service, our minister (Unitarian Universalist) talked about the difference between being cured and being healed. Being cured might be to no longer have Alzheimer’s or a certain disease. Being healed could mean to still have it, but somehow to be at peace with one’s journey.

        1. sparrow51014
          1 month ago

          ”Being cured might be to no longer have Alzheimer’s or a certain disease. Being healed could mean to still have it, but somehow to be at peace with one’s journey.”

          Well said,
          dear Elizabeth . . .
          thank you ♥

        2. Carol Ann Conner
          1 month ago

          Elizabeth, I think your minister is wise.

  9. Michele
    1 month ago

    My son had gotten me a nice wooden Advent Calendar – I am curious as to what today’s lil gift will be. I’ve been enjoying opening each day, lol. I bought one for my daughter and it should be coming soon. Looking forward to filling it up with goodies.
    Have a nice peaceful relaxing Sunday everyone ☮

  10. Yram
    1 month ago

    I am curious to be in the world but not of it.
    I am also curious how an amaryllis, that is not to be watered, survive.

    1. Carol Ann Conner
      1 month ago

      I read this on line:Water the amaryllis when the top two inches of soil are dry, and allow the pot to drain. Avoid over watering, as wet soil can cause the bulb to rot.

      1. Yram
        1 month ago

        The instructions on this one was “No water needed.”

    2. Josie
      1 month ago

      Just received an amaryllis myself! Observing/ wondering the same thing.

      1. Carol Ann Conner
        1 month ago

        I read this on line: Water the amaryllis when the top two inches of soil are dry, and allow the pot to drain. Avoid over watering, as wet soil can cause the bulb to rot.

  11. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen
    1 month ago

    Today, I will take my first shift as a Crisis text-line counselor. I’m curious to expand my own resilience and empathy. I’m so nervous right now. But I want to help people in need with my warmhearted soul. Wishing everyone a wonderful Sunday.

    1. sparrow51014
      1 month ago

      I join the others,
      dear Ngoc,
      in supporting the work you are starting…
      you are very brave,
      and your natural warmth
      will respond to those in need. ♥

      1. Ngoc Nguyen
        Ngoc Nguyen
        1 month ago

        Thank you so much for your inspired words, Sparrow. 💐

    2. Nannette
      1 month ago

      What a wonderful gift you have….whoever reaches out to you; I am sure you will ease their pain with your care and your words. Good Luck and God Bless You.

      1. Ngoc Nguyen
        Ngoc Nguyen
        1 month ago

        Thank you so much, Nannette, for being with me. I’m thankful for doing ok with my first shift yesterday.

    3. Patti
      1 month ago

      what a wonderful offering! I think you’re going to do great.

      1. Ngoc Nguyen
        Ngoc Nguyen
        1 month ago

        Thank you so much, Sunnypatti, for your great support. ☺

    4. Michele
      1 month ago

      Good luck Ngoc with your first shift as a Crisis text-line counselor. 🙂

      1. Ngoc Nguyen
        Ngoc Nguyen
        1 month ago

        Thank you so much, Michele. Yours and eveyone’s words bring me confidence and grateful for the path I chose.

    5. L
      Loc Tran
      1 month ago

      My Ngoc, your strengths of being mindful of your words and depth align with this position. I wish you the best of luck on your journey.

      1. Ngoc Nguyen
        Ngoc Nguyen
        1 month ago

        My Loc, I’m pretty happy to have you here. Always be supportive and cares about me. Love U. ♥

  12. L
    Loc Tran
    1 month ago

    Curiosity is inviting me to build upon Paw Mu’s vision for me. I’m currently expanding upon my Vietnamese. My mom also sends me a bunch of stories to read. Developing deeper connections with the people Paw Mu advised me to stay closer to from my: family, elders, and culture prevents me from going alone, makes me feel like a part of something bigger, brings me closer to my origins, and protects me from modern societal chaos. Rebelion has convinced me that I’m a liberal. Some of that is true, but the truth is that I’m a wing with conservative roots.

  13. D
    Dawn Elaine Bowie
    1 month ago

    I am curious to see how the part of me that is intuition and heart will be developed.

  14. Joseph
    Joseph McCann
    1 month ago

    When I follow the path of least resistance, as water does when seeking its level, curiosity allows me to enjoy going with the flow. Helps me appreciate the suchness of each moment. To be alive now, explore what is in front of me, not was behind nor ahead. Curiosity killed the cat. Satisfaction brought him back. So, the saying goes. Namaste.

    1. L
      1 month ago

      Thank you for your response…it is very helpful to me today.

  15. Howie Geib97277
    Howie Geib
    1 month ago

    I was at a dinner party night before last with three friends. And one of them stated to me while we were clearing up in the kitchen that she had no definition of spirituality. No personal identification with the notion of it. I was so pleased she could be so self aware, say it matter-of-factly. Almost as a challenge. I thought about that all day yesterday.

    There IS an invitation. I see it all around me.

    I am immersed in a culture that is heedlessly, indulgently, insolently, destroying our planet. Self justifying it, trapped in this closed feedback loop of consumption with the embedded understanding of a universe that is so limited and outdated that is irreconcilable with reality. Truly it is like we are all sleepwalking off a cliff.

    The invitation is to, one, NOT despair and wring my hands and feel sorry for myself. Two, align with the power that surrounds me. The power of life, or creativity, of miraculous perfection and precision, what is outside my window in the natural world. To search for a coherent cosmology so that I can replace this embarrassing mess, this broken worldview. So I am on a pilgrimage, a hunt, not for something I can own as an ideology but for something that can own me.

    Matthew Fox said:”Compassion is about interdependence. how you translate interdependence into its human behavior is compassion at two levels: celebration and justice-making, because injustice is the rupture of relationships—the attempt to deny interdependence. Justice is NOT a human moral category so much as a cosmic habit. It’s that quest for homeostasis, for balance. We have it in our bodies. The body’s wisdom, like the universe’s wisdom, is a quest for balance. The ecosystem seeks balance, and therefore justice.”

    So I am curious. How can I join the procession, the ongoing habits of the universe and leave all the ways I am incongruent to it behind? How can I, starting this morning, walk in the world as one awakened? It’s as if I materialize, come to, standing in the middle of a frozen pond…and the ice is beginning to crack all around me. What’s going to be my next move? And I am grinning.

    1. Mary
      1 month ago

      Wow, Howie, such questions!
      I hear that there needs to be big changes
      at the level of society in order to make a real difference.
      But no society is a monolith.
      Societies are groups of individuals.
      So what can the individual do?
      Every society needs a leader,
      and also a thinker, who can think about things in new ways.
      And then an effective communicator who can change hearts and minds.
      I’m very interested, curious, to see where your heart and mind will lead you.

    2. c
      Carol Ann
      1 month ago

      nice, Howie. a good morning read. thanks for putting it out here. “So I am on a pilgrimage, a hunt, not for something I can own, …but for something that can own me”. Well, I hope whatever it is that each of us is seeking finds us soon, and we are blessed enough to recognize it when it does! Glad you’re grinning, Howie! hope you have a lovely Sunday. carol

      1. Mary
        1 month ago

        Beautifully said Carol.
        I also hope to have my eyes and heart open
        so that I can see opportunities that my heart is seeking.

    3. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      1 month ago

      Who is Matthew Fox. Howie? It is difficult for one who is frugal, does his best to work the land in a holistic, caring way and likes to be invested as much as possible with one’s own carbon footprint, while living in the western capitalistic world where the philosophy of M & M rules. The philosophy of Me and More. Thank you for your reflection.

      1. c
        Carol Ann
        1 month ago

        thank you for asking, Joseph. And thank you for the love you pour in to caring for the land. c

      2. Howie Geib97277
        Howie Geib
        1 month ago

        He is an Episcopal Priest. Called a ‘Green Prophet” by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Matthew Fox is considered the “father of Creation Spirituality.” His work has attempted to rescue Christianity from the destructive tendencies which now surround it. He is an author of 15 books including “A Spirituality Named Compassion” and “The Reinvention of Work: A New Vision for Our Time.” Basically a trouble-maker (in the best sense of the word). Have a great day Joseph.

        1. Mary
          1 month ago

          I was looking at Matthew Fox’s website.

        2. Howie Geib97277
          Howie Geib
          1 month ago

          Mary…the mystic in me sees all the universe as allies…I think as a society we are bottoming out…so first there will be some kind of jackpot which will then force us as a species, to regroup. The best thing I can do is try to minimize my impact, pray and meditate a lot, consciously reinforce my interconnectedness to all living beings, in the moment, and lastly try to stay out of the way when it all starts to fall apart. I am confident that as that unravelling happens there will concurrently be a massive awareness of creativity surrounding us…and truly know that we are NOT alone.

          1. Mary
            1 month ago

            Mystics, yes every society needs mystics.
            I have thought that this incoming president
            would bring on a bottoming out
            and then a wave of people who want save our earth
            and make sure that human rights are prioritized
            would rush forward and change all for the better.

        3. Carol Ann Conner
          1 month ago

          Matthew Fox was a Roman Catholic priest (Dominican, I believe) but the Roman church kept silencing him and he had to depart. He became an episcopal priest after that. I have followed him for years and have what I think was his first book, “Original Blessing.” I also have his book “Meditations with Meister Eckhart.” Both are wonderful and helpful books.

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