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  1. l

    Music and meditation. Meditation has been a tremendous help with processing my thoughts and becoming comfortable in discomfort.

    I’ve always loved music. While I listen to music every day, I haven’t played as much as I used to. A recent break up from a long-term relationship has given me ample free time that has been filled with playing again. With that comes with learning theory and listening to songs from the composition perspective. I didn’t realize how much I was missing that until this break up and it’s certainly helped with the healing process

    10 months ago
  2. O.Christina

    Being still and centered especially these days. Being alert and present. Being with friends and loved ones. Thank you.

    10 months ago
  3. Robin Ann

    Going to Mass today feeds my soul. I love my church! Besides that it is a very rainy week-end here so my soul
    is being fed by packing and getting ready for my vacation to Scotland!

    10 months ago
  4. Linda

    Making art, talking with my husband, making (and eating!) good food, connecting with my friends. All is well.

    10 months ago
  5. Don Jones

    I feel it is the inner work, daily reflection in the journal and the pre-dawn walk.

    10 months ago
  6. Dolores Kazanjian

    Visiting this site and my virtual friends who share gratitude. Petting the dog.

    10 months ago
  7. Cathie

    Daily activities to feed my soul – thoughtful or prayer words, holy reading(whatever that means to you), meditation, contemplation/silence, and right-action. I rarely fit all of them into my day, but they feed my soul.

    10 months ago
  8. L

    Taking care of my 5 cats. They bring so much joy to my life.

    10 months ago
  9. Charlie T

    That’s an easy one. My routine of
    stretching, meditation, making and
    drinking coffee, practicing gratitude,
    and staying connected. Also, the
    daily check-in with my wife is amazing.
    Anytime I can be outside in nature
    feels so good and calms me.

    10 months ago
  10. Barb C

    Starting each morning having coffee with my husband and talking about what the day holds for each of us, then reading poetry and coming to this site.
    Going for walks around the neighborhood and looking at the sky, trees, birds, people walking their dogs, whatever is there for me to notice, truly look at, and appreciate.
    Recording “delights” in my daily journaling: In the moment I notice something that gave me a flash of delight, which I get to experience again when I write it down and yet again if I go back and read the list from a previous day. I’ve been doing this for 3 months now, ever since reading “The Book of Delights” by Ross Gay. In the past I’ve done different types of lists as a practice, such as noticing a particular sense over the course of the day or just “things noticed”–moments I really tuned into. By adding the element of delight I’ve gone looking for delight. I find what I seek in every day, even if it’s only a moment or two.

    10 months ago
    1. L

      I love this idea. I have a blank notebook sitting on my bookshelf waiting for the perfect use – a journal of delights sounds just right.

      10 months ago
  11. Pilgrim

    Primarily, spending time outdoors. In good weather, being at the Lake Michigan beach nearby. I enjoy walking the pier, watching children and families gathered and having a blast, and just loving being in that place. It has been a privilege throughout my life to always have some access to various beaches, cottages, etc., thanks to my parents/family. Grateful!!

    10 months ago
  12. Laura

    Quiet time in the morning followed by this gathering of fellow travelers, and a long walk in the afternoon.

    10 months ago
  13. Yram

    This site and all the participants.
    My morning quiet time.
    Checking the upcoming weather of my far away family.
    Spiritual readings.
    A warm blanket.
    A hearty laugh.

    10 months ago
  14. Butterfly

    Coming onto this website helps me to stay focused on what’s really important and spending time in a meditation where I focus on my breathing and quiet my mind. If my mind won’t be quiet I just let it mumble along in the background!

    10 months ago
    1. Linda

      Love this! Just letting your mind mumble along…I can relate!

      10 months ago
  15. Nannette

    Waking up to say good morning to my husband…seeing my dog and cats first thing and saying good morning to them! This site and all of you folks…how I would mmiss each and every one of you if something ever happened to this sacred place. Looking out my wondows (no curtains, shades or blinds here!)…and seeing the trees and all the green right now…the occasional bird passing by….and the quiet of the forest.

    10 months ago

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