Feeling a little off this week, state of RI had a cyber attack against Dept of health which affects my work. Plus our pending home move. Typically I enjoy my cup of coffee, getting txt or phone calls from my adult children, walking family dog and planning a fun activity on weekend. This weekend my friend Mike and I will attend a new celtic Christmas event we haven’t seen before.
Music; being with dear friends; cooking; meditation opening to stillness; reading a sutra; visiting here, reading and sharing; perceiving, being in nature.
My husband and I sit together every morning for a while. He brings me a cup of coffee, we talk about the day’s schedule and other mostly small things, the cat curls up or stretches out on my lap to soak up warmth. After a while he goes off to start his day, I read poetry and come to this site. It’s all peaceful and calm.
Walking in the woods near my house isn’t necessarily a daily activity, but frequent. If it’s been too long since my last walk I know I need to go back.
My routine is what keeps me going and fills me with purpose.
Visiting this site and practicing gratitude, doing my stretching/yoga, meditation, contemplation, and staying connected to people.
I have come to all of this the hard way. Resisting.
It’s only when I surrendered and became willing, that change started to happen and I became less stuck.
It’s been the questioning of my motives for resisting, that has been the most revealing.
This is interesting to me Charlie.
Only when you surrendered and became willing
did you make these changes.
I resist doing things like yoga and meditation.
I even resist taking walks.
I seem to like sitting a lot. 😐
I will be thinking about your words.
Thank you.
Enjoying mindful meals, going on walks, taking time to meditate and do some spiritual reading. My husband and I have a tradition that I read a poem from a poetry book aloud for us each evening. This practice of answering the grateful living reflection question and reading others’ responses.
~ Meditation.
~ Sipping my coffee while engaged here on this site.
~ My yoga practice.
~ Prayer time & reading spiritual passages.
~ Walking if weather permits; we just got 5 inches of snow!
~ Always checking in with Mother Nature, surveying the farm fields before me, looking at the sky, searching for the moon….
~ Music always. I have music playing in my home 24 hours!!!!
~ Reading.
“being silent”. thank you! I am working on being more silent when around other people, and I hope I can use this concept – if I can choose to be silent when things are being bantered about, and use that space instead to check in with my soul and see how “We” are doing in that moment, rather than chiming in because someone else or others are talking. I really like this, Sarah. thank you. There are so many contributions to today’s reflection that I am motivated by and enthused about. thank you all. carol ann.
My daily ritual of coming here and answering the daily question
while drinking my morning tea feeds my soul.
So I have a good start to each day.
This is a very good question for me.
Being in nature feeds my soul, but I find myself staying inside a lot.
It’s all about getting myself into a mindset
where I prioritize feeding my soul throughout the day,
rather than just getting things done or worse yet sitting on the sofa,
enjoying my view, while resisting any kind of doing.
Just being is fine. It’s the resisting and procrastinating part that isn’t fine.
Answering this question is a reminder that I’m not prioritizing doing things for myself.
I am spending a few hours a day with my Mom which does drain my energy.
Once again, I need to learn balance.
And motivation.
I think I’ll start setting an intention for the day, during my morning ritual.
I appreciate this, Mary. The difference between “just being”, (when content and aware…and hopefully grateful!) and the “resisting/procrastinating” (a sense of harboring conflict/discomfort/being stalled in ambivalence)….. This is interesting and helpful!!! Excuse me if I distorted your point at all, but I do appreciate you pointing to it. onward, Mary! thank you! – carol ann
I wake up with a cup of coffee, pray on My Catholic LIfe, and answer daily questions on this site are ways that feed my soul. Yesterday, I found something exciting to me, and I will make it my daily routine. There is a website called Action for Happiness that offers a calendar with actions we can do each day to cultivate our happy life. Today’s action is “Helping others by giving away something you don’t need.” If this sounds interesting to you, here’s the website: https://actionforhappiness.org/calendar
Happy Friday to all of you! 😊
I have been following that site for awhile. They have so many offerings. It pairs nicely with this site.
Thanks for putting the link up. I think folks will find it helpful.
I look forward to coming onto this grateful site each morning.
Watching some ASMR videos is relaxing
My daily medical cannabis partaking feeds my soul
Happy Friday ya’ll 🙂
The photo for the Word for the Day is beautiful, loved it.
I’m a person with many interests and outlets for expression. My love for people has been there from a young age. I just didn’t know how to interact with others. My mom brought the best out of me in that areaen
The closest item to an activity for me is to be a role model for other people with autism. I was once that person. A small and narrow circle is 1 of the symptoms. these people work best with constancy.
Autism is a broad field. It’s super individualized. The best we can do is to take care of ourselves before serving others. Self-care feeds my soul. It puts me in a better position to interact with others. I love company but also enjoy my alone time.
Give yourself the gift of free bi-monthly inspiration including uplifting articles, diverse stories, supportive practices, videos, and more, delivered with heart to your inbox.
Feeling a little off this week, state of RI had a cyber attack against Dept of health which affects my work. Plus our pending home move. Typically I enjoy my cup of coffee, getting txt or phone calls from my adult children, walking family dog and planning a fun activity on weekend. This weekend my friend Mike and I will attend a new celtic Christmas event we haven’t seen before.
Celtic Christmas event. That sounds wonderful, Robin Ann!
Music; being with dear friends; cooking; meditation opening to stillness; reading a sutra; visiting here, reading and sharing; perceiving, being in nature.
My husband and I sit together every morning for a while. He brings me a cup of coffee, we talk about the day’s schedule and other mostly small things, the cat curls up or stretches out on my lap to soak up warmth. After a while he goes off to start his day, I read poetry and come to this site. It’s all peaceful and calm.
Walking in the woods near my house isn’t necessarily a daily activity, but frequent. If it’s been too long since my last walk I know I need to go back.
My routine is what keeps me going and fills me with purpose.
Visiting this site and practicing gratitude, doing my stretching/yoga, meditation, contemplation, and staying connected to people.
I have come to all of this the hard way. Resisting.
It’s only when I surrendered and became willing, that change started to happen and I became less stuck.
It’s been the questioning of my motives for resisting, that has been the most revealing.
This is interesting to me Charlie.
Only when you surrendered and became willing
did you make these changes.
I resist doing things like yoga and meditation.
I even resist taking walks.
I seem to like sitting a lot. 😐
I will be thinking about your words.
Thank you.
I too,
dear Charlie,
have come to all of this the hard way.
By resisting . . .♥
Me three.
Me four, but I’m still resisting.
Me too, Mary!
Enjoying mindful meals, going on walks, taking time to meditate and do some spiritual reading. My husband and I have a tradition that I read a poem from a poetry book aloud for us each evening. This practice of answering the grateful living reflection question and reading others’ responses.
~ Meditation.
~ Sipping my coffee while engaged here on this site.
~ My yoga practice.
~ Prayer time & reading spiritual passages.
~ Walking if weather permits; we just got 5 inches of snow!
~ Always checking in with Mother Nature, surveying the farm fields before me, looking at the sky, searching for the moon….
~ Music always. I have music playing in my home 24 hours!!!!
~ Reading.
Playing in the band.
Yes, yes….Scarlet Begonias.💜
Visiting this site and reading all responses
Taking my daily walk
prayer and meditation
good morning, Carol!!
Good Evening Carol Ann. I hope your day brought you joy.
oh! thank you! 🙏🏼 it did🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🌲🦌🐾
Being silent
Walking outside
Going to candlelight Mass
“being silent”. thank you! I am working on being more silent when around other people, and I hope I can use this concept – if I can choose to be silent when things are being bantered about, and use that space instead to check in with my soul and see how “We” are doing in that moment, rather than chiming in because someone else or others are talking. I really like this, Sarah. thank you. There are so many contributions to today’s reflection that I am motivated by and enthused about. thank you all. carol ann.
My daily ritual of coming here and answering the daily question
while drinking my morning tea feeds my soul.
So I have a good start to each day.
This is a very good question for me.
Being in nature feeds my soul, but I find myself staying inside a lot.
It’s all about getting myself into a mindset
where I prioritize feeding my soul throughout the day,
rather than just getting things done or worse yet sitting on the sofa,
enjoying my view, while resisting any kind of doing.
Just being is fine. It’s the resisting and procrastinating part that isn’t fine.
Answering this question is a reminder that I’m not prioritizing doing things for myself.
I am spending a few hours a day with my Mom which does drain my energy.
Once again, I need to learn balance.
And motivation.
I think I’ll start setting an intention for the day, during my morning ritual.
Wishing all a grateful day. ♥️
I appreciate this, Mary. The difference between “just being”, (when content and aware…and hopefully grateful!) and the “resisting/procrastinating” (a sense of harboring conflict/discomfort/being stalled in ambivalence)….. This is interesting and helpful!!! Excuse me if I distorted your point at all, but I do appreciate you pointing to it. onward, Mary! thank you! – carol ann
No distortion Carol Ann. ♥️
I wake up with a cup of coffee, pray on My Catholic LIfe, and answer daily questions on this site are ways that feed my soul. Yesterday, I found something exciting to me, and I will make it my daily routine. There is a website called Action for Happiness that offers a calendar with actions we can do each day to cultivate our happy life. Today’s action is “Helping others by giving away something you don’t need.” If this sounds interesting to you, here’s the website:
Happy Friday to all of you! 😊
I have been following that site for awhile. They have so many offerings. It pairs nicely with this site.
Thanks for putting the link up. I think folks will find it helpful.
Thank you,
dear Ngoc,
for sharing this website. ♥
Thank you for sharing the site, Ngoc!
My Ngoc, I saw the happiness meeting yesterday. I love how organized they are.
Opening up the drapes and seeing the daylight. Coming on this site.
Sometimes I will doodle or just cursive write with no intention.
I look forward to coming onto this grateful site each morning.
Watching some ASMR videos is relaxing
My daily medical cannabis partaking feeds my soul
Happy Friday ya’ll 🙂
The photo for the Word for the Day is beautiful, loved it.
I’m a person with many interests and outlets for expression. My love for people has been there from a young age. I just didn’t know how to interact with others. My mom brought the best out of me in that areaen
The closest item to an activity for me is to be a role model for other people with autism. I was once that person. A small and narrow circle is 1 of the symptoms. these people work best with constancy.
Autism is a broad field. It’s super individualized. The best we can do is to take care of ourselves before serving others. Self-care feeds my soul. It puts me in a better position to interact with others. I love company but also enjoy my alone time.
Coming to this site, moving my body, laughing, being with others I love, and resting 🧡
I crack myself just about every day. Lately the barn kittens/cats have been a good dose of merriment.
Laughing! Yes
Laughter is so much fun!
Bingo!!! yes to laughing, and gratitude for it!!! I can easily forget to remember to laugh!! thank you both for the nudge!! My soul thanks you!
Prayer, meditation, exercise, this site.