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  1. barba

    Marvel at the wonders of nature on a morning walk
    the richness of our everyday lives while cooking
    on the internet, marvel at everything there is in the world, all the different ways of living

    1 month ago
  2. Ose

    Like most of you mentioned, it is meditation and sharing here where the light of gratefulness appears more easily to shine and enlighten the dark, inspiring hope to finally arrive to surrender to it all.

    1 month ago
  3. Antoinette88615

    Without a doubt it’s hands down meditation! I can’t imagine not having the method of letting go each and every day!

    1 month ago
  4. Carol Ann Conner

    The Daily Question because it is truly a community in which I can be myself. I care deeply for its members and the wisdom they share.

    1 month ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      Carol, of all the communities I’ve been apart of whether it’s the real world or FB groups, this one’s the best. I’ve benefitted a lot over the 3+ months I’ve been here. This community has certainly given me the best chance to be myself as well.

      1 month ago
  5. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen

    Actually, this site and Catholic Daily Reflection are my main sources. I also belong to two other communities called Mighty and Click to Pray. I start my day with Catholic Daily Reflection, where I gain valuable life lessons. Then, I visit this site, which cultivates seeds of positivity and a deep connection to my inner world. After that, I visit Mighty, where community members share information about mental issues and real-world problems. Lastly, I visit Click to Pray. There, I read others’ prayers and reflect on how blessed I am. I thank God for what I have and what I don’t have.

    1 month ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      My Ngoc, I see you on a lot of sites. I can tell how much they’re helping you. There are many resources out there with only more to come.

      1 month ago
  6. Barb C
    Barb C

    Coming here each morning to read the question and your responses and think about it. I don’t always find something I want to say but the mental reminder is there.

    Spending a bit of time with my husband, who brings me my first cup of coffee and sits with me a while, is my daily time to feel grateful for our love and companionship. I don’t want to take that for granted. We added this to our mornings when we realized how easy it was to just plunge into the day and not really connect.

    1 month ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      Barb, quality time is a shared love language between us. Having that goes a long ways.

      1 month ago
  7. Nannette

    This site and all the wonderful folks who visit every day and share their wisdom, experiences, thoughts , and practices. I do not know what I would do without all of you and your shared voice. Indeed something to be grateful for! I also start each morning with a prayer of gratefulness and end my day in the same manner.

    1 month ago
  8. L

    My daily visits to this site where I learn from all of you every day here, along with my daily walk where I enjoy the nature around me and reflect further on the quote and question of the day, and how I might carry that knowledge with me throughout the rest of the day and beyond

    1 month ago
  9. Charlie T
    Charlie T

    Mostly, this practice of spending time
    contemplating the daily question and
    formulating an answer, keeps me in the
    Gratitude loop.

    1 month ago
  10. Patti

    This one 🙂

    1 month ago
  11. Liza

    Prayer and intentional mindfulness remind me to live in gratefulness.

    1 month ago
  12. L
    Loc Tran


    1 month ago
  13. Yram

    I will echo all the comments. I will add a practice I do regularly. For each letter of the word thrive, I write how I achieved it during the day.
    T= talk to someone
    H = did I ask for help
    R = what kind of rest did I take
    I = what intrigued me
    V= did I follow my values
    E= how were my eating and exercise habits

    1 month ago
    1. Yram

      Thank you for your kind thoughts. It has been a game changer for me.

      1 month ago
    2. Joseph
      Joseph McCann

      Dear Yram, I have not seen this before. I too will write this down. Thank you.

      1 month ago
    3. Barb C
      Barb C

      Love this, Yram. Thank you for sharing it.

      1 month ago
    4. Nannette

      Yram, This is wonderful!! Thank you for sharing! I will write it down and try to make it a part of my day. You are amazing!! Thank you!

      1 month ago
  14. Josie

    This daily reflection quote & community help me start my day being mindful of life’s abundance…and to be grateful.

    1 month ago
  15. Joseph
    Joseph McCann

    A daily mediation, a reflection to the daily question here, my sobriety from alcohol, mindful standing yoga and the world around me when I step outside, each new day that is gifted to me, to observe and be grateful for all life.

    1 month ago
    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann

      I have just come in from feeding the cats and Pooch out in the barn. On my way I was following my breath while looking at the waning moon in the predawn sky. An owl was hooting from a cottonwood tree and a falling star passed in my line of sight. Have not seen one in a while and these occurrences help me to “maintain a grateful perspective”.

      1 month ago
      1. Nannette

        Oh Joseph, What a beautiful vision for those of us who did not experience your early morning vison. Thank you!!! You have such a wonderful way with words and helping us “see” what you have seen. Blessings my Friend.

        1 month ago
      2. Josie

        What a serendipitous alignment of some
        of the universe’s most magnificent gifts~~ great way to start your day. Your poetic choice of words shares that gift with us. Thanks, as always, for “paying it forward,” Joseph.

        1 month ago

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