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  1. F
    Felicia Neeley
    8 months ago

    I can actively honor the preciousness of my life by giving credit to the reason any of us have life.
    God is the reason.

  2. Ose
    8 months ago

    Be joyful and grateful for every day given and share its beauty, living and sharing also the creative talents and gifts given from life.

  3. Barb C
    Barb C
    8 months ago

    I’m aware every day of how many opportunities I have and how much privilege. When I consciously apply my privilege in service of justice, I’m actively honoring the preciousness not only of my own life, but the lives of others who have been held down and held back by systems of oppression that benefited me and people like me.

    Since we’re all connected, all the time, to particles unfathomable distances away across the universe, my energy is that of the universe. If I put out positive energy I’m improving my life, lives of those around me, my community, my country, the world, the universe. That’s how precious each and every life is.

  4. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    8 months ago

    By honoring all of my blessings. Besides a great family and some great life friends, I have been very blessed to own a house with my son. I have had a great job for almost 10 years (April 14!). Have a great guy friend that shares a lot of my same interests and has allowed me to fulfill my dreams of travelling to Europe now 3x, has given me an opportunity to sail again after 25 years (1970 28 ft Pearson that I found!) and shares my faith which is very important to me. I am also very fortunate to have very good health at almost 64 yrs old.

    1. Nannette
      8 months ago

      It sounds like a good life, Robin Ann…many Blessings to you!!

  5. Don
    Don Jones
    8 months ago

    Be a creative expression of vitality and Tov (good).

  6. pkr29022
    8 months ago

    I can honor myself, my life, by staying in the present moment. Do the best I can each day, be grateful, go forward with good cheer, think good thoughts. Look for the light & never never ever give up.✨❤️

  7. C
    Carly J
    8 months ago

    Stop worrying! It’s such a waste of time, energy and sleep. Will be praying about this today.

  8. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    8 months ago

    Right now, I think the best I can do, is to
    be present and live with gratitude.

  9. Pilgrim
    8 months ago

    A number of years ago, my own health/survival was questionable. I could not stop losing weight, and local doctors couldn’t figure it out. One doctor contacted another a ways from my home, and – long story short – after a lot of testing, this doctor suggested an “out of the box” solution. This approach saved my life. I had two young daughters at the time. I can never be grateful enough for this. I’d say I honor the preciousness of my life every day, taking good care of myself, loving my life and my family, listening to practitioners, and utterly grateful to be here.

  10. Kevin
    8 months ago

    Live into each day, as it comes with determination, hope, love and a prayer on my breath to live another day.

  11. Carol Ann Conner
    8 months ago

    How might I actively honor the preciousness of my life? By giving thanks for it daily and honoring the preciousness of all life. It is not always easy because the judgment of both others and self sets in but I’ve learned that gearing myself to approach both my own life and the lives of others with compassion helps. Attunement is a word often used by energy practitioners and I find it a helpful word. As Don Jones shared yesterday, “Attune. Then move masterfully.”

  12. Nannette
    8 months ago

    We have shared this form of question in the past- but each time we re-visit it; I believe it gives us time to pause and reflect once more on our life and how we want to live it. I am becoming more and more aware that I am no longer “young”. Most of my life is behind me- I cannot start anew….Of course; I can do new things, have new experiences but I cannot change the trajectory of my life. I am Blessed to still be alive – my Mom died at age 57 and my father at 67….and here I am at almost 72. I am so very Blessed to be in good health- no maladies at present. So with this in mind- it is a new day! We arrived in Georgetown, Texas yesterday for several days. We are in our motorhome with our dog and two cats…and will enjoy this beautiful Army Corp of Engineers Campground and explore some of the area. I am filled with gratitude that I am physically, mentally and financially able to do this. Life has not always been this way…and I am grateful for this new day…a true gift. And I am so very thankful for all of you- and your kind words and wisdom. Thank you.

    1. Yram
      8 months ago

      I can relate to outliving immediate relatives. My mother died at 38, dad at 72, 1st brother at 68, second brother at 50, and I’m almost 82. Yikes! I marvel everyday at that.
      Enjoy your travels.

    2. Michele
      8 months ago

      Enjoy your time in Georgetown, Tx – I searched and saw some pretty pictures of it, if you like caves there is Space Cavern there.

      1. Nannette
        8 months ago

        Thank you, Michele!! I will look up the Space Cavern!! How kind of you!! This is such a wonderful group of people. I am grateful for all of you!! Blessings my friend!

    3. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      8 months ago

      Thank you for that reflection Nannette.

    4. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      8 months ago

      Safe travels Nannette! Enjoy!

  13. Yram
    8 months ago

    I will be aware of being present in the moment.
    I also like to hug myself and tell myself I will take care of it the best I can.

    1. Barb C
      Barb C
      8 months ago

      That sounds like being as caring toward yourself as you would be toward a friend. Love it.

  14. Michele
    8 months ago

    I can actively honor the preciousness of my life by taking better care of it physically.

  15. A
    8 months ago

    I need to use my talents to help others and get out of my funk.

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