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  1. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    10 months ago

    Not today, seasonal allergies are getting the best of me lol. However I would have to say when I travel to a new place near or far (the new sense of a new adventure).

  2. Dolores Kazanjian
    Dolores Kazanjian
    10 months ago

    In 1969 when I moved back to NYC after a seven-year stint in suburbia I worked for the City government in a building in City Hall Park. A few days later I heard a commotion under my window, The Mets had just won the World Series (I think it was their first) and there was a party going on. My heart sang. “I’m home!”

  3. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    10 months ago

    Last week I spent the night in the redwoods.
    Walking around the thousand+ year old
    trees, really puts things into perspective.
    The soft forest floor. The light. The
    muted sounds. The unique smell.
    Also, anytime I’m going fast on my bike,
    really has a way of waking me up. Making
    me feel like I’m alive and physically moving
    through and being part of the world.

    1. Linda72766
      10 months ago

      That sounds wonderful!

  4. pkr29022
    10 months ago

    I am feeling alive right now in this present moment. Sitting on my terrace enjoying my coffee, after a peaceful restorative meditation. I am watching & listening to a mama & papa goose & baby goose hanging out in the vast green meadow before me squawking away!!!
    The sun is peeking out between big puffy clouds, the sky so blue. My view is heavenly; a slice of heaven before my eyes. I feel very much alive & thankful.🙏🏻❤️🪿

  5. Michele
    10 months ago

    Initially I think of a roller coaster – and I used to love them as a kid, but now not so much. I had gone on the Harry Potter Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure thinking that would be somewhat tame, but man, that was crazy and definitely made me feel alive and scared. LOL

  6. Barb C
    Barb C
    10 months ago

    I’m sitting in Cafe du Monde in New Orleans having cafe au lait and beignets smothered in a mountain of powdered sugar as I read this question. The jazz group is just starting to play again and a soft breeze is blowing. Alive alive alive indeed!
    Admittedly a pretty special experience and I’ve also felt very alive just sitting in my backyard listening to the birds and looking at all the green growth around me, or pedaling my bike and feeling the breeze I make as I move myself with the strength of my legs.
    As I think about these different moments I’m recognizing how often moving air is an element. It makes me feel extra alive.

    1. Barb C
      Barb C
      10 months ago

      For those who commented on my post yesterday about my conference panel and being a Dating Game bachelorette, it went really well! The audience voted that all three of us would be great dates for the contestant. All in good fun and lots of educational information about active transportation and transit provided along the way too.

      1. Carol Ann Conner
        10 months ago

        Barb, Sounds like a lot of fun…both the conference and the trip to Cafe du Monde. I love that place!

  7. Nannette
    10 months ago

    Just the day before yesterday when my husband and I and our dog and two cats arrived home from our trip to S.C. for my nephew’s graduation. When we drove into our driveway- just the sight of “home” and all that means made me joyful. Seeing my flowers blooming, the grass growing, and the birds singing….Home Sweet Home!

  8. Yram
    10 months ago

    About a week ago, I stood outside during a rain storm. I felt alive in the turmoil of the night sky.

  9. Mary
    Mary Mantei
    10 months ago

    Looking out a south window from our second story this morning …taking in the rain and the lush shades of green it is nurturing all around the neighborhood. Standing there doing my breath work made me feel one with all of the elements.

  10. Patti
    10 months ago

    I feel it right now. I finally got a good night’s sleep last night after working a few 12 hour days having to wake up before dawn, go to our kitchen to prep and travel to a resort almost an hour away to feed a fun film crew several meals. The business was appreciated, as we have been trying to get our catering into that realm, but this 51 year old body doesn’t do long days like she used to! Waking up at 6:30 this morning and being able to lay in bed for a bit before my girl dog insisted on her breakfast… then feeding her and her brother, opening up the door to let them out and getting hit in the face by the bright sun… life is good. I am alive and well and grateful for my life.

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      10 months ago

      Good for you SunnyPatti! I know the feeling of a few long days. Gravity has taken its toll but more frequent rests help me to come back to the moment and having gratitude for what I can still physically do.

      1. Patti
        10 months ago

        Yes! I am grateful this body still does what I like and need it to do!

    2. L
      Loc Tran
      10 months ago

      Sunnapatti, I’m glad you were able to get a good night sleep. That goes a long ways.

      1. Patti
        10 months ago

        Sleep is so important. When I was managing a department at Whole Foods, I would tell my younger employees that all the time. I love sleeping! hahaha!

  11. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen
    10 months ago

    On the morning of my birthday, the day before yesterday, as I brought the waste basket outside, I immediately noticed the vibrant signs of spring. In front of our house, there were colorful tiny flowers we call “rock flowers” because they grow on the rocks alongside our driveway. I hadn’t paid attention to the beauty of spring around me due to focusing on the final days of my school year. When I saw the flowers, I experienced a surge of creativity and the powerful energy of life.

    1. Michele
      10 months ago

      Happy belated birthday Ngoc:)

    2. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      10 months ago

      Happy Birthday!

    3. pkr29022
      10 months ago

      Happy happy Birthday to You…🎶🥳

    4. Barb C
      Barb C
      10 months ago

      At our house we refer to it as a birthdayweekmonth because we figure why stop celebrating after 24 hours? Happy day!

    5. Yram
      10 months ago

      Happy Birthday!

    6. L
      Loc Tran
      10 months ago

      My Ngoc, I remember that was the day you were able to go a couple steps forward on your project. That fresh air sure helps.

  12. Laura
    10 months ago

    Earlier this week. There was nothing special going on. I walked into the house at the end of the workday. But that day it was as though I could sense every molecule floating in the air. Furniture stood out in sharp relief. Everything felt new yet simultaneously familiar.

    1. Barb C
      Barb C
      10 months ago

      I’ve occasionally had that extra sharp tuning in experience too, Laura. It is definitely something to stop and notice.

  13. Joseph
    Joseph McCann
    10 months ago

    Just a few moments ago. I went out to let the dog out of the barn. It is 35 degrees and misting. This part of the world received snow/rain mix yesterday. First moisture from the sky since March 27th. The aroma of the wet, leafed out tress, wet earth, wet grasses and clovers, the dripping sounds. Agua es Vida. I sense the aliveness. Namaste.

    1. Michele
      10 months ago

      that sounds so refreshing – it’s so hot here in Fl and with increased humidity very uncomfortable.

  14. EJP
    10 months ago

    Spending time with my grandchildren…..experiencing life through their simplicity always brings a deep sense of aliveness.

  15. Pilgrim
    10 months ago

    When I was back on the beach a few days ago after many months away. After a pretty bad fall stopped me in my tracks last fall, followed by winter and recuperation, a trip to the beach was like coming alive again. My son-in-law drove me and walked with me to keep a bit of a watch for safety sake. I was/am so grateful for a new season of hope and possibility!

    1. pkr29022
      10 months ago

      Dear Pilgrim, happy you are healing & enjoying time at your beloved beach.
      Take it all in.❤️🙏🏻😊

      1. Pilgrim
        10 months ago

        Thank you, PKR!

    2. Michele
      10 months ago

      I know how much joy this must have brought you as you had been anticipating going to the beach for awhile now. So glad it happen! Keep going!

      1. Pilgrim
        10 months ago

        I will keep it going, for sure, Michele! Thank you!

    3. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      10 months ago

      Godspeed as you continue on your healing journey, Pilgrim. Look how far you have come!

      1. Pilgrim
        10 months ago

        Thank you very much, Mary! I am so grateful.

    4. Laura
      10 months ago

      So happy for you, Pilgrim.

      1. Pilgrim
        10 months ago

        Much appreciated, Laura!

    5. Ngoc Nguyen
      Ngoc Nguyen
      10 months ago

      I’m glad for your enjoyment, too! Have a nice weekend!

      1. Pilgrim
        10 months ago

        Thanks so much! May you have a good weekend, as well!

    6. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      10 months ago

      Glad you are back to your beloved beach Pilgrim.

      1. Pilgrim
        10 months ago

        Thank you so much, Joseph!

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