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  1. Robin Ann

    Sailing! My friend retired now 8 years ago and together we found a 1970 Pearson 28 sailboat for sale after he got certified in a sailing class. Beforehand, I sailed with my ex-husband when i was in my late 20’s on Lake Champlain (NY/VT) and New England shores. Coming back to it 8 years ago was a little nerve wracking in my late 50’s but it is a lot of fun! Now mostly sailing in sheltered waters of Narragansett Bay. Besides that I enjoy biking on mostly bike paths here , cross country skiing and hiking. Love to go to outdoor summer concerts in the summer, go to the beach mainly to walk, farmers markets etc. Love to plan excursions and travel.

    1 year ago
  2. Don Jones

    Mainly working with my hands – in the garden with hands in the soil, In the workshop working with wood or restoring an antique, writing, walking down by the water with Bella (my kelpie dog).

    1 year ago
  3. Dolores Kazanjian

    I am grateful for the reminder to include fun on a regular basis. So many (almost all) of the groups I was involved with have dissolved with the pandemic. But I got a lot of good ideas from the posts here. Thank you all.
    And, having said that, I do a lot of things for pleasure (which to me is not the same as “fun”) are singing, puzzles, walking the dog, watching my favorite TV shows or a good movie, cooking, eating at a good restaurant, going to a concert or theater.

    1 year ago
  4. luv-1-nutter

    Chant, dance, and then partake in eating sanctified foodstuffs as sanctioned – I am very spiritual which includes exercise of wrestling and swimming with friends who are fortunate to live along the serpentine Smith river in California.

    1 year ago
  5. Sheila

    These probably wouldn’t be called fun, but what gives me pleasure and joy is: taking a walk and being in Nature, listening to CD’s by sound healer Steven Halpern, shopping at Whole Foods, writing notes and cards to people, drinking a Remedy Organics wellness shake. Thank you to everyone who shares their reflections! Blessings to all 🧘‍♀️🌈

    1 year ago
    1. A
      Ana Maria

      I love your list! I was thinking “I don’t do anything fun, what can I write?” And then I see your comment! I do like to do all these things!! Going to the farmer’s market, being around fresh produce, the fact that I can buy any of them, gives me pleasure. What a privilege. Thank you for introducing me to Steven Halpern!! I just selected him as a favorite. Beautiful.

      1 year ago
  6. Barb C

    Great question for a Friday! Most Saturdays my husband and I walk from our home to our farmers market, around 2.5 miles. We hold hands, talk or don’t, look at birds, watch for a seal’s head to pop up in the bay. After the market we may get coffee and go sit at the. water’s edge, go to the bookstore or the consignment store that sells outdoor gear or somewhere else–basically we’re on a low-key unscripted date. A couple of weekends ago we went to a restaurant with a pool table, had lunch and shot pool, which I haven’t done in years. We look forward to each Saturday. Even though we walk during the week a bit, taking breaks from being at our computers by doing laps around the neighborhood, taking a big chunk of the day to spend time together is special. And fun!
    Another kind of fun comes from girlfriend time: Bike rides in summer with a friend who lives nearby when we ride around and look for yard sales, or getting coffee and a pedicure and going shopping with a friend I get to visit a couple of times a year in the town I lived in for many years.
    And bike rides always provide fun, solo or not. April is #30DaysOfBiking, when I’ll try to ride every single day (you can pledge your commitment at Even if it’s just a lap in my driveway every ride counts, and when we moved I used it to explore my neighborhood and see it in a new way.

    1 year ago
    1. Robin Ann

      oh nice! I will have to check out that bike website. I enjoy biking too

      1 year ago
  7. Pilgrim

    Walk the beach, watch the birds, squirrels, chipmunks, etc. in my backyard, spend time with my family, listen to music, read. As the seasons change, I like to change out some of the smaller items of seasonal decor. Right now I have rabbits and spring flowers on the mantle, turtle and bunny artwork on my display shelf, etc.

    1 year ago
  8. Yram

    I enjoy reading, crafting, cooking, and socializing. My greatest pleasure is being quiet while watching nature.

    1 year ago
  9. Carol

    Honestly, not much. I do play a few word games and solitaire variations on the computer that I find relaxing and fun. Most of the activities that I considered fun, I can no longer do. That said, I do experience joy…the joy of sharing homemade baking goods with neighbors and family; the joy of listening to music that inspires me; the weekly visit from my son and our adventures together; phone calls with my 100 year old uncle; the time I spend writing each day.

    1 year ago
    1. Yram

      That sounds like a great mixture of brain stimulus, socialization, and purpose.

      1 year ago
      1. Carol

        YRAM, What a gracious thing to say. Thank you

        1 year ago
  10. Mary Pat

    Hello everyone! I have two kinds of fun I guess. One I started several months ago is painting. I listen to Gregorian chant or Taize music and I paint. Other music as well, but similar. There is some modern music that is similar, and it is fun and relaxing for me, so to me, that is very relaxing and a kind of meditative fun, but I still consider it fun. Serious fun.
    The other kind is listening to good music, walking Joy, our dog or playing ball with her. Having friends over, or going for coffee or a meal with friends, going to concerts or plays and such with friends, going to Rocky Mountain National Park with friends and taking a picnic lunch along or just going to Lory State Park with friends. Such fun things to do! And those kinds of fun are fun-fun!
    Thanks for this. I needed it.

    1 year ago
  11. Joseph McCann

    I read in the comic strip “Pickles” that “Happy people do not need to look for fun.” On that note I read that “Happiness is not striving for happiness”. I myself spend much of my down time in the mountains. 40 years ago I spent summer in the mountains herding sheep for a few years. Took the job for the simple reason I have always felt comfort from the mountains and being above timberline. I have gathered cows at the end of summer in the mountains many times to numerous to mention. I also experience a good deal of joy (and at times sadness when hail strikes) from raising a vegetable garden. Received that gift from my maternal grandfather who had a truck farm. Our grandkids will be here for the month of July and those two interesting young souls always bring me joy.

    1 year ago
  12. Laura

    Read, go for a walk, watch a movie, call a friend.

    1 year ago
  13. O.Christina

    Singing is always joyful and fun, playing cards with some dear friends, playing music is calling for more now, cooking together, spending time together playing, laughing and dancing, being in nature and enjoying the birdsong in spring now. It is heartwarming to laugh and to share fun with all concerned when it is just that, fun 😊

    1 year ago
  14. EJP

    I enjoy time at the playground with my grandchildren, listening to all the laughter and joy.

    1 year ago
  15. Kevin

    I row whaleboats out in the harbor with my rowing team. We’ve been together now for 24 years, and it is one of the most life-confirming and camaraderie building high points of my life.

    1 year ago

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