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  1. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann

    Right now… this upcoming Thanksgiving season I have joy in the fact that my daughter is doing well in her sobriety. Thank the Lord!
    I will also continue to try to find little events and things that will bring me joy. This Saturday i will attend a fiddle event at our local library in the morning and hopefully go for a nice walk on Sunday since the weather will be chilly but sunny.

    10 months ago
  2. Christina

    It feels to me that joy is where the heart is, so being with dear ones always opens to joy, like when my godchild came to visit recently and although being able only to see each other once or twice a year, we could meet many hours in heartfelt, deep running contact, as does playing music or singing alone as well as together, painting or being in nature. Only to find space for it all is a bit of a problem, as the list of what calls out to be attended to daily is almost never ending, like it is for many these days.

    10 months ago
  3. A

    Embracing joy is easy when you constantly look for the good in all situations.

    10 months ago
  4. a

    I think taking more opportunities, and saying yes more often would invite more joy into my life. I often tend to be apprehensive and shut down many things that come my way preferring the comfort of my routine, but I think breaking out of my comfort zone will help greatly in welcoming joy into my life. I want to live to the fullest, and that starts with breaking out of my shell.

    10 months ago
    1. Nannette

      Asteron and Laura…This fits me as well. I tend to stay in my comfort zone and not travel far from it. Asteron you made a very good point…Thank you!

      10 months ago
    2. Laura

      This sounds just like me, Asterion. Comforting to be in the company of people who struggle with the same things I do.

      10 months ago
  5. Yram

    Be aware!

    10 months ago
  6. Carol Ann Conner

    Trust…not take myself too seriously…let it be

    10 months ago
  7. Josie

    Birthday joy be yours throughout the year of life ahead, Sunnypatti!!šŸŽ‚šŸ™

    10 months ago
  8. Patti

    Today is my birthday, which is a great reminder to embrace joy more fully. I’m grateful for every day that I wake up, and I do feel like I’m always open for joy, but I don’t always embrace as much as I should because I’m so engulfed in my business. So what can I really do to embrace it more? I think using that gift of the Pause so that I can truly be in the moment. When we are here – now – joy embraces us, so how can we not embrace it back? I am embracing it now as I sit quietly in my home listening to a sound bath of healing thru my earbuds as I slowly start this day.

    10 months ago
    1. Michele

      Happy birthday SunnyPatti!! Wishing you a new year of joy, good health, and magical moments:)

      10 months ago
      1. Patti

        thank you!

        10 months ago
    2. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann

      Happy Birthday Sunnypatti, you share the same birthday as one of my coworkers.
      I hope you enjoy some down time to enjoy your birthday!

      10 months ago
      1. Patti

        thank you!

        10 months ago
    3. Laura

      Happy Birthday! I hope you found time today to treat yourself to something special.

      10 months ago
      1. Patti

        thank you! we had a very special meal last night at a French restaurant I’ve been wanting to try, which was all I really wanted šŸ™‚

        10 months ago
    4. pkr29022

      Happy Blessed Birthday Sunnypatti. Make your day the best ever. Cheers to You.šŸ„‚

      10 months ago
      1. Patti

        thank you!

        10 months ago
    5. Journey

      Happy Birthday Sunny Patti. Here’s to you!

      10 months ago
      1. Patti

        thank you!

        10 months ago
    6. Ngoc Nguyen
      Ngoc Nguyen

      Happy birthday to you, SunnyPatti!
      Wishing you all the best and joyful moments in your special day.

      10 months ago
      1. Patti

        thank you!

        10 months ago
    7. S
      Ana Maria

      Happy Birthday! May you enjoy this special day when we celebrate YOU!

      10 months ago
      1. Patti

        thank you!

        10 months ago
    8. a

      Happiest of birthdays! I hope this year, and all the ones to come, is filled with love and happiness!

      10 months ago
      1. Patti

        thank you!

        10 months ago
  9. Charlie T
    Charlie T

    Hmmm, Iā€™m generally a pretty joyful
    person. Self pity can get in the way.
    Practicing gratitude and just being in
    the present moment, exposes me to
    the joy that is always there.
    I know I am lucky. So lucky. I do think
    about the suffering in this world and
    the hatefulness and injustice that
    people are exposed to. But thankfully,
    this is not my reality. Holding both of
    these things at once, is to be alive in
    this world.

    10 months ago
    1. Nannette

      Charlie, Thank you once again for your wise words. I find the suffering in this world sometimes overwhelming. The abuse of animals that occurs actually keeps me awake at night. I belong to several animal organizations and it breaks my heart…and I cannot save or support everything and everyone. The suffering is not my reality nor my animals…and how grateful I am for that. Thank you for helping me see that.

      10 months ago
    2. Josie

      Thanks for this succinctly put insight, Charlie..
      “Holding both of these things at once, is to be alive in this world.”

      10 months ago
  10. Pilgrim

    I don’t know about embracing joy “more fully.” I primarily find my joy these days by being attentive to the nature outside my back sliding doors. Trees dropping leaves of changing color by the moment and covering my whole back yard. Squirrels, birds, chipmunks enjoying the days. The squirrels claiming acorns as their own, running to the spot where they stash their prize and hurrying back. I am otherwise primarily indoors these days as I heal from my fall. I don’t see many people outside in my condo area, especially with the colder temps setting in. In any case, I am open to joy at any time and do my best to “embrace” … pay attention.

    10 months ago
  11. Mary
    Mary Mantei

    Forgetting about myself and opening myself up completely to others; two-leggeds, four-leggeds, winged ones, and the rest! May you each find moments of joy this day.

    10 months ago
  12. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen

    As a full-time online student, the people I only meet day to day are my parent in-laws and my husband. Because of that, visiting this site and reading people’s reflections is a wonderful way for me to open myself up for joy. But honestly, I don’t want to embrace joy this way. It would be better if I could find some time to get out of my office, turn on background music and sing to my loved ones. I know it is good for my physical and mental health. However, every time I am about to turn off my computer, my classwork that I have not yet finished jumps into my mind and interrupts what I meant to do. So, understanding a theory is good for drawing a guideline, but truly following it needs a powerful mindset and more motivation. All right, student, at least you have spring break and summer break. Using these times to get involved to your community and family for joy embracing. Self-spoken! šŸ™‚

    10 months ago
  13. Michele

    Incorporate more fun days! I really need to go on a hike – it’s been way to long.

    10 months ago
  14. Laura

    I can pause and take the time to let in the joy that surrounds me.

    10 months ago
  15. EJP

    Live gratefully every moment of every day.

    10 months ago

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