My husband!!! He lets me be who I am always and never makes me feel bad about anything (even when maybe he should lol)
My dear friend as well. She let’s me be all parts of myself and just loves and encourages me 🙂
My darling husband. We are high school sweethearts who went our separate ways but found each other after first marriages. I am not too fat, too smart or too loud. He has seen me through life threatening sepsis and subsequent recovery. He perseveres through my perfectionism. I am so grateful for him. “God bless the broken road that lead me straight to you.”
Me!! Haha but true. I really am very self accepting. It’s not about being perfect because I am very far from a perfect person — yet I can certainly say of everyone on this planet I have the most patience and love for myself, good day, bad day, I am here for myself and have patience for me and I really believe in me as in that kind of sense of support for oneself. I have a perception of my relationship with myself as like a lot of trust and a lot of really liking me for how good me is towards me if that makes sense. I’d almost say there’s a lot of aspects to myself that I perceive as almost angelic in relation to myself — where in those moments of pain, there’s such an incredible compassion, patience and really like angelic quality towards myself. Like overtime I suppose that’s created a sense of really perceiving myself towards me as like very accepting and loving, an angel almost.
First and foremost at this stage in my life I am enough!! However, next I think of my dear life time Girl friends that know me and unconditional love me!
I miss my black cat, BC, but I am grateful I got to spend almost 10 years of life with him and give him the best life he deserved when his previous person didn’t care anymore.
Michele, Got your message about yesterday’s events. Glad it is physically over. Hope your mind can lay it to rest or as my son would say, “That dog done died.” However, I do understand your contemplating what you have learned. I know the courts are thankful that you served. If jury duty is any thing like the situation in my state, it’s hard to get jurors.
yes, the Judge told us exactly that, how hard it is to get jurors. Even while sitting before the jury panels were picked, you could hear many conversations of people not wanting to be there. I kept thinking, what if it were you’re family where a crime took place – would you like knowing a juror is up there not wanting to be and being negative already? This is where I was trying to be positive, look at the whole thing as a learning experience. I noticed a poster about Positivity – which really was exactly what everyone needed to be looking at.
My good friend, Diane. When I was creating new flower beds in our last home, Diane came to visit. She, herself, has beautiful gardens, I was definitely a newbie at gardening. She took a look at the beginning gardens and said, « Mary, if you didn’t do another thing, they would be perfect ». I truly have always felt she feels the same way about me.
The people that are currently closest
to me and in my life right now are my wife
and a couple of good friends.
They seem to be okay with me, even
with my shortcomings. I am honest with my
fears and anxieties, and they are okay with
that. I don’t have to pretend to have it
together or to be happy, when I’m not.
It’s an amazing feeling and it fills me with
warmth and calm.
The one who makes me feel like I’m enough just as I am? Without a doubt, it’s my husband Loc. Although we grew up in different environments and have different personalities, we fit together perfectly, like pieces of a beautiful puzzle. He accepts me for who I am, and I accept him for who he is. I believe that we don’t have to be the same to be a good match. Most importantly, we are both moving in the same direction in our lives.
My Ngoc, it’s why there’s the saying “Opposites attract; likes repel.” Especially early on, you’re instrumental in helping me better understand and feel more at peace with Paw Mu and her long list of advice for me going beyond my feelings and desires to look out for my best interests even as I age. I already saw similar bases. Being with you feels like a 1-shot 2nd chance to get it right to some degree. Your answer is an expansion of our answers from a question a couple days ago over familiarity and fresh perspective.
I used to look to others to make me feel that I was enough, to make me feel better, to validate my existence. These days, I am happy to say that I know that I am enough. I worked really hard to find a better life for myself, and much of that started with going inward to work out some old demons that I allowed to hold me back. It has taken some time, and I am still a work in progress, but I am happy with the person I am and grateful for everything that has helped me become stronger and more confident.
Sunnypatti, I can resignate with your post. I use to do the same, especially looking for women in my younger days like typical young adult guys do. Yes, it’s the women with long hair and natural sweet voices again. It led to the troubles I’ve talked about before regarding the woman who went great lengths to get her way and the Big Island one who happen to be besties. Going through those hardships and even the earlier days of my marriage has taught me to find happiness from within.
I’ve just always been a people pleaser – ever since I was a little girl. Wanting to make everyone happy, wanting everyone to like me because I made them happy… it’s too much work. I’m glad I learned that if I am happy with myself, those around me will like me just fine. And if they don’t, their loss 🙂 hahaha!
Sunnypatti, based on 1st and 2nd hand experience, as we age, we feel less of the necesity to be a people-pleaser. I’ve seen many answers here talking about this issue before. There’s no way we’ll be able to make everyone happy all the time, and that includes our spouse. As if for me, the majority of my friends have become guys. I’m only becoming happier with Ngoc, and she most certainly feel the same way these days.
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My husband!!! He lets me be who I am always and never makes me feel bad about anything (even when maybe he should lol)
My dear friend as well. She let’s me be all parts of myself and just loves and encourages me 🙂
My darling husband. We are high school sweethearts who went our separate ways but found each other after first marriages. I am not too fat, too smart or too loud. He has seen me through life threatening sepsis and subsequent recovery. He perseveres through my perfectionism. I am so grateful for him. “God bless the broken road that lead me straight to you.”
Me!! Haha but true. I really am very self accepting. It’s not about being perfect because I am very far from a perfect person — yet I can certainly say of everyone on this planet I have the most patience and love for myself, good day, bad day, I am here for myself and have patience for me and I really believe in me as in that kind of sense of support for oneself. I have a perception of my relationship with myself as like a lot of trust and a lot of really liking me for how good me is towards me if that makes sense. I’d almost say there’s a lot of aspects to myself that I perceive as almost angelic in relation to myself — where in those moments of pain, there’s such an incredible compassion, patience and really like angelic quality towards myself. Like overtime I suppose that’s created a sense of really perceiving myself towards me as like very accepting and loving, an angel almost.
My friends S, S and O being my closent friends at school always makes me feel like being who I am is fine even when I get a bit energetic.
First and foremost at this stage in my life I am enough!! However, next I think of my dear life time Girl friends that know me and unconditional love me!
My husband, who has always loved me unconditionally, even when I didn’t deserve it.
My cats. They love unconditionally and are always there for me when I’m feeling down or lonely.
I am with you, Lauryn! My two cats are always there for me- and give me a reason to smile! My dog also is my best buddy!
My cat and any/all pets I have had.
Today is Black Cat Appreciation Day –
I miss my black cat, BC, but I am grateful I got to spend almost 10 years of life with him and give him the best life he deserved when his previous person didn’t care anymore.
Michele, I have two tuxedo cats…they are characters…and how I love them!1
We have a black tom and two black young cats…….his offspring. Never knew they had a day all unto their selves!
Haha sí, el gato negro here does struggling to answer thanks for the hint
Michele, Got your message about yesterday’s events. Glad it is physically over. Hope your mind can lay it to rest or as my son would say, “That dog done died.” However, I do understand your contemplating what you have learned. I know the courts are thankful that you served. If jury duty is any thing like the situation in my state, it’s hard to get jurors.
yes, the Judge told us exactly that, how hard it is to get jurors. Even while sitting before the jury panels were picked, you could hear many conversations of people not wanting to be there. I kept thinking, what if it were you’re family where a crime took place – would you like knowing a juror is up there not wanting to be and being negative already? This is where I was trying to be positive, look at the whole thing as a learning experience. I noticed a poster about Positivity – which really was exactly what everyone needed to be looking at.
I worry about the justice system. It’s becoming quite political.
Aww..I’ll have to give my cat, Midnight, some extra love today!
My dear sister Mary
Good longtime friends and family.
My good friend, Diane. When I was creating new flower beds in our last home, Diane came to visit. She, herself, has beautiful gardens, I was definitely a newbie at gardening. She took a look at the beginning gardens and said, « Mary, if you didn’t do another thing, they would be perfect ». I truly have always felt she feels the same way about me.
The people that are currently closest
to me and in my life right now are my wife
and a couple of good friends.
They seem to be okay with me, even
with my shortcomings. I am honest with my
fears and anxieties, and they are okay with
that. I don’t have to pretend to have it
together or to be happy, when I’m not.
It’s an amazing feeling and it fills me with
warmth and calm.
Many of the folks that I would have mentioned have transitioned. The book I am currently reading, has made me aware I can be this for myself.
The one who makes me feel like I’m enough just as I am? Without a doubt, it’s my husband Loc. Although we grew up in different environments and have different personalities, we fit together perfectly, like pieces of a beautiful puzzle. He accepts me for who I am, and I accept him for who he is. I believe that we don’t have to be the same to be a good match. Most importantly, we are both moving in the same direction in our lives.
My Ngoc, it’s why there’s the saying “Opposites attract; likes repel.” Especially early on, you’re instrumental in helping me better understand and feel more at peace with Paw Mu and her long list of advice for me going beyond my feelings and desires to look out for my best interests even as I age. I already saw similar bases. Being with you feels like a 1-shot 2nd chance to get it right to some degree. Your answer is an expansion of our answers from a question a couple days ago over familiarity and fresh perspective.
I used to look to others to make me feel that I was enough, to make me feel better, to validate my existence. These days, I am happy to say that I know that I am enough. I worked really hard to find a better life for myself, and much of that started with going inward to work out some old demons that I allowed to hold me back. It has taken some time, and I am still a work in progress, but I am happy with the person I am and grateful for everything that has helped me become stronger and more confident.
Sunnypatti, I can resignate with your post. I use to do the same, especially looking for women in my younger days like typical young adult guys do. Yes, it’s the women with long hair and natural sweet voices again. It led to the troubles I’ve talked about before regarding the woman who went great lengths to get her way and the Big Island one who happen to be besties. Going through those hardships and even the earlier days of my marriage has taught me to find happiness from within.
I’ve just always been a people pleaser – ever since I was a little girl. Wanting to make everyone happy, wanting everyone to like me because I made them happy… it’s too much work. I’m glad I learned that if I am happy with myself, those around me will like me just fine. And if they don’t, their loss 🙂 hahaha!
Sunnypatti, based on 1st and 2nd hand experience, as we age, we feel less of the necesity to be a people-pleaser. I’ve seen many answers here talking about this issue before. There’s no way we’ll be able to make everyone happy all the time, and that includes our spouse. As if for me, the majority of my friends have become guys. I’m only becoming happier with Ngoc, and she most certainly feel the same way these days.