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  1. M
    Maru Kari

    I don’t understand what you want because more certainly cannot be less. that’s not my neighbor

    5 months ago
  2. Ose

    Less thoughts – more space to be
    less fear, panic, anger, ambition, expectation – more calm and equanimity
    less conflict – more peaceful moments
    less ´me´ – more living in the moment with you in heart

    7 months ago
  3. Dolores Kazanjian
    Dolores Kazanjian

    Every time I clean out a rat’s nest of accumulated “stuff.”

    7 months ago
  4. Avril

    Last night, Valentine’s Day dinner with my hubby. I should bring half the entree home cocktail is all I need—ever.

    7 months ago
  5. Nannette

    Immediately my mind goes to people!! Less people is a Blessing ….Right now I am in a Community – where my husband and I have a lot in rural Texas. Our motorhome is in a Co-Op Community of RV people…..most live here year round. We come for a few weeks and then go on our way. We enjoy it…but and that is a big BUT~…Neither one of us is accustomed to seeing people all day and every day- and what goes with that. It seems Gossip! I o not have that at my home in WV. I see a group (4-5 ladies) at least three Saturdays a month…for meditation. We meet for a few hours- we chat, have a reading, discuss the reading and meditate for 20 minutes or so. That is the extent of my interaction with others. Yesterday a “friend” came over with her husband. We have met them every winter for the past 7 years…for a few days to a few weeks. Yesterday she came bundled with gossip about the people in the park…and then mocked…yes- mocked me for being Catholic (and Ash Wednesday). It left a feeling in me…that I just want to return to the hollow- away from people. In this instance…LESS (one person) was MORE than I can contend with. It is not the way I am made or the way I want to be- but judgements and belittlement call me to be alone. However; here amongst all of you…I feel very Blessed. Thank you!

    7 months ago
    1. Michele

      Call her out on it Nannette, if not in person face-to-face, write a note.
      ‘It’s critical to defend yourself when you’re the target of mockery or criticism. Let them know that you won’t put up with their bad behavior. Be confident, but avoid being aggressive’
      I’m sorry you had to deal with that. Maybe next year, time for a new different location in rural Tx.

      7 months ago
    2. Joseph
      Joseph McCann

      I agree Nannette. When I see the RV campgrounds packed in the summer, I told my children (when they were small—35 and 33 now) they must come from neighborhoods with the homes close and they like to get even closer to alleviate their fear of the mountains. Those scenes have always kept me from buying a travel trailer.

      7 months ago
    3. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann

      During Covid I went to support one of my friends at a Protestant church as she became a temporary Minister to fill in . I was so proud of her first big assignment. As we talked in the parking lot some of the church members started ridiculing me for being Catholic . Never in a million years did I expect that. They tried to tell me I was sinning for being there but then said oh but Covid there is an exception right now. So I understand this completely what u experienced unfortunately!!

      7 months ago
  6. Antoinette88615

    Today I’m at the hospital for my migraine so I hope this helps doing less . Thanks 🙏

    7 months ago
    1. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann

      Hope you are feeling better Antoinette.

      7 months ago
  7. Charlie T
    Charlie T

    In my life (so far) I have downsized a few
    times and the feeling has always been of
    relief and freedom. All that “stuff” has a
    way of weighing me down, and in my job
    as a video editor, it’s all about pairing it
    down to the essential. Leaving in only the
    things that move the story forward.
    As I think about this, there are so many
    examples: less talking = more listening,
    Less ruminating = being more in the present,
    Less judgment = more compassion.

    7 months ago
    1. Mary
      Mary Mantei

      Charles, your work as a video editor is reflected in your posts. You are succinct and on topic.
      My friends refer to me as the minimalist, and I would agree. My goal? To only possess what is useful or beautiful in that it brings me joy. Lightness and freedom is my goal as well.

      7 months ago
    2. S
      Ana Maria

      Thank you Charlie T! I will keep a card with your words: “Leaving in only the things that move the story forward” As I strugle to get rid of items that I don’t need, I will use your words to help donate all the items that do not move my story forward. I thank you!

      7 months ago
  8. Joseph
    Joseph McCann

    My current state of mind says immediately alcohol. No alcohol for 2 days shy of two years, truly is more. More mental health. More physical health. More joy. More love. More compassion. More life.

    7 months ago
    1. Michele

      More smiles. 🙂

      7 months ago
    2. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann

      This is wonderful news, you are an inspiration!! Congrats

      7 months ago
    3. Nannette

      God Bless You, Joseph! You are amazing! Congratulations on this huge accomplishment. Wishing you many years of happiness in your sobriety!

      7 months ago
    4. Emmaleah46781

      Congratulations Joseph! Two years is no easy feat.

      7 months ago
  9. Barb C
    Barb C

    My first thought is that I understand the intent of the question–and that it’s very easy to adopt a “less is more” mindset when I’ve never truly lacked for anything. I’ve never been without a roof over my head, clean water, enough food, a bathroom to maintain my dignity and cleanliness. I’ve been poor, yes, but not truly without the fundamentals.

    That said, I’ve been downsizing possessions for years now, through multiple moves and deliberate choice. I had to deal with sorting my parents’ things in preparation for an estate sale and my mom had been experiencing early-stage dementia, which is to say there was a lot of stuff in various piles as she sorted and sorted, with a new system every day. I promised my daughters I won’t leave them with the same exhausting, overwhelming task. It brings me lightness of spirit when I reorganize a closet and post a bunch of items in our neighborhood Buy Nothing group. I set things free so they can live a new life with someone who will appreciate and use them to give them new life.

    7 months ago
    1. S
      Ana Maria

      Thank you!! Thank you!! I have been strugling with downsizing, again! Your post is powerful to me right now. I must, must! get rid of all these items that cause so much stress just by having them around. I thank you and Charlie T’s comment of “Leaving in only the things that move the story forward”. Powerful!

      7 months ago
  10. Carol Ann Conner

    I don’t know that I have ever experienced that less is more. But, I will say that there have been times when less has offered me the chance to grow more. Bishop Michael Curry’s quote (There’s power in love to help and heal when nothing else can. There’s power in love to lift up and liberate when nothing else will. There’s power in love to show us the way to live.) and the picture of the stones (I am U) reminded me of a book (Tales of a Magic Monastery by Theophane the Monk) that I have had on the shelf since the 1980’s and that I turned to often. I share a short meditation from it:

    I sat there in awe as the old monk answered our questions. Though I am usually shy, I felt so comfortable in his presence that I found myself raising my hand. “Father could you tell us something about yourself?”

    He leaned back. “Myself” he mused. There was a long pause.

    “My name…
    used to be…

    But now…
    it’s You.”

    7 months ago
  11. Michele

    My immediate thought for this questions goes to $… whether one is rich/poor/in-between $ cannot buy happiness. Rich ppl have problems, poor people have problems.
    Simplifying ones life goes along with less is more I think.
    Seeing loving kindness offered to one another is ‘more’ and gives one faith in human kind.

    7 months ago
  12. A

    For me, definitely Christmas. I used to be the person who always brought a ton of presents and gave a present to everyone. Now I realize that every single day is a present and stressing myself at holidays was not truly the best way. Now instead of giving out a bunch of Christmas presents, I look for every day to give something to someone whether it be a gift, a smile, an action, a phone call, a prayer. Stuff is just stuff and the vast majority of us have all the stuff we need.

    7 months ago
    1. Carol Ann Conner

      Thank you!

      7 months ago
  13. Mary
    Mary Mantei

    This is one of my most recent experiences. I have 9 siblings; a big Irish, at one time mostly Catholic, family. Our full family get-togethers, with all the nieces, nephews, partners, grand nieces and nephews, are large, at times raucous, fun, and actually quite stunning in some ways. And sometimes I leave knowing I haven’t touched base with everyone, haven’t learned a lot or shared much that is new, and craving quiet.
    Last Saturday, I had lunch with my niece, her husband and their two daughters. A perfect example of less being more. We talked about so many things that deepened what we knew of one another’s lives. This rarely would happen in full family settings. I left feeling more connected and satisfied. Less can and is more so often. There is certainly a place for both gatherings in my life. However, less people translates to more intimacy and richness of relationships for me.

    7 months ago
    1. Dolores Kazanjian
      Dolores Kazanjian

      i can relate. I married into a large Irish extended family like yours, and I love them all. But holidays, when we all get together, I often leave with that feeling of not really having shared in a genuine way. Please forgive the ethnic stereotyping, but as a culture the Irish are not big on expressing real feelings or thoughts. (My husband and I call it the “everything’s fine” syndrome). It is especially difficult for me, because my background is Middle Eastern, and our thoughts and feelings are always right out there.
      My solution is twofold. Primarily, I just love and accept them for who they are. Second, I can usually find one or more people with whom to have a “real” conversation.

      7 months ago
      1. Mary
        Mary Mantei

        Thank you Dolores. 🩷

        7 months ago
    2. C
      Carly J

      Mary! I feel you. So grateful for the large get together (I’m one of 9, too) but what I really crave is to know each person better, deeper and more wholly. I’m going to work on it.

      7 months ago
      1. Mary
        Mary Mantei

        I understand Carly. It’s a beautiful challenge. At our gatherings, I try to zoom in on those whose lives I know the least about, those whom I don’t see or communicate with as much as others. Seems we always surprise one another about something.

        7 months ago
  14. J

    Fewer or smaller bills: electric, gas, auto, groceries.

    I don’t think the question was meant for these things, tho they are truly correct answers for most of us. In reality, the less anxiety usually is better when it is less, and hate definitely is.

    7 months ago
  15. EJP

    Every day……as lless is truly more when you live each moment gratefully.

    7 months ago

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