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  1. S
    Samuel David
    1 week ago

    Appreciate the time you took to put this together—thanks!

  2. G
    Gene Moses
    3 weeks ago
  3. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    4 weeks ago

    A little bit of self love and additional quality time with my daughter. A friend of mine told me she flies Breeze airways and I was checking it out last night because I hope my daughter will fly up to Rhode Island this summer. This morning I saw a Valentine’s special posted and decided looking at the price 50% off) I would fly down again end of April for a few days. I normally in the past go to Cape Cod close to my bday but my dear friend passed away Nov 2024. It is a big bday for me this year! The universe was telling me to take the leap for another trip to Florida lol

    1. Michele
      4 weeks ago

      My daughter recently flew Breeze too, and same, I had never heard of it either and I live here in FL. Enjoy some more quality time with your daughter and the nice FL weather in April.

  4. Ose
    4 weeks ago


    1. Anna
      4 weeks ago

      Fantastic, Ose!!

  5. S
    Suzanne S
    4 weeks ago

    Others: Show up, be present. Not necessarily new the best I can offer.
    Me: I want to love me more with intentionality. Where am I missing out on love because I am blocking or old protections getting in my way? I want to look at those parts and deeply love those parts of me.

    1. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      4 weeks ago

      This is good work, Susan. Blessings on your journey.

  6. c
    Carol Ann
    4 weeks ago

    by being happy today and sharing that with those around me. I love today’s daily quote – it just plain nailed it for me. I especially appreciate the acknowledgement of working lovingly for community, even with a broken heart. What else are we to do? This morning I was texting with a dear friend who moved far away last year. She just got a really rough diagnosis to contend with – but today, her son, dtr-in-law, and two grandkids are visiting her and we texted back and forth about our valentine cookie baking progress and her grandkids having tickle matches on the big bed with their folks, and I thought there is nothing better to do to deal with her diagnosis than bake cookies and love on those kids right now. We texted recipes and photographs and it was a lovely way to spend time together from across the country. Happy Valentines Day, community. May we hold a space for it in our hearts everyday we get.

    1. sparrow51014
      4 weeks ago

      What a beautiful picture you have painted,
      dear Carol Ann . . .
      I send your dear friend
      my heart
      with love . . . ♥

    2. Michele
      4 weeks ago

      Beautiful Carol Ann – thank you for sharing… reading about the grandkids tickle matches on the big bed made me smile. Great way to spend time together from across the country, you are absolutely correct on that 🙂

  7. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    4 weeks ago

    I can try to stay oriented to love. Looking out at the world with love. Through the distractions of current affairs and personal dramas. Coming back again and again to love. Coming back to the heart.
    Leading with the heart.
    I’m not sure this is a new way, but it’s a good reminder of my real purpose. Giving and receiving love.

    1. c
      Carol Ann
      4 weeks ago

      thank you, Charlie!

    2. sparrow51014
      4 weeks ago

      This seems to me
      a meditation of Love,
      and well said,
      dear Charlie. ♥

  8. Mary
    4 weeks ago

    I can express love for myself by organizing my life.
    I need to build more structure.
    More structure will help to accomplish more
    and have a better life both now and in the future.
    Thank you for this interesting question.
    Sending joy, love, and peace to all.

    1. c
      Carol Ann
      4 weeks ago

      thank you, Mary! I relate – building in that little structure, organizing those messy little glitches…. and then getting to enjoy the progress and the freeing up of good energy each little improvement makes. Hopefully, it builds up to a great big improvement and a new allowance of enjoying our time and energy. Good luck to you, and thank you for the reminder of joy, love, and peace!!!

  9. Carol Ann Conner
    4 weeks ago

    Today, I need to give myself permission to slow down. I need a pause!

    1. c
      Carol Ann
      4 weeks ago

      ahhhhhhhhhhhh. yes. good for you, Carol.

    2. Mary
      4 weeks ago

      Please slow down Carol.
      You deserve this.
      Just as I need to get it together to get some things done.
      I deserve that.
      Different strokes, right?
      Sending love and joy.

      1. c
        Carol Ann
        4 weeks ago

        yin and yang?? good for both of you! enjoying you each. thank you.

  10. Elizabeth H67151
    Elizabeth H
    4 weeks ago

    I can write a love letter to a family in Altadena. I am subscribed to an email list from Valarie Kaur and I learned about this project that the Revolutionary Love Project is doing right now:

    1. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      4 weeks ago

      Very cool, Elizabeth. I will check this out more thoroughly today. Thank you.

    2. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      4 weeks ago

      I shall definitely check this out- tks

    3. c
      Carol Ann
      4 weeks ago

      well, this is quite an endorsement. I do not know of Valerie Kaur, but I will be interested to learn about her now. thank you.

    4. C
      Carly J
      4 weeks ago

      I’m going to hear her speak tomorrow! ♥️

      1. Elizabeth H67151
        Elizabeth H
        4 weeks ago

        Oh, how exciting!! I have heard her speak via Zoom and in videos, but I have not had a chance to hear her live.

  11. Patti
    4 weeks ago

    I can’t think of any new ways, but I’ve already told my husband and dogs that I love them. Sun is shining bright, so even though it’s cold, we’re going to take advantage of this beautiful day after so much rain lately (and more on the way).

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      4 weeks ago

      Sunnypatti, that’s ok. I couldn’t either. We can always build upon what we’re already doing. That’s how I answered the question. Creativity works in spontaneous bursts of energy.

  12. L
    Loc Tran
    4 weeks ago

    Continue to be an active participant on this site like I’ve been returning to doing over the last couple weeks.

  13. Yram
    4 weeks ago

    A new way? Our complex is offering a trip to a local planetarium. My new way will be to be more conscious of mother 🌎 and her marvels.

    1. c
      Carol Ann
      4 weeks ago

      surely we are nothing without Her, in my opinion. I love hearing of your choice, Yram.

  14. Avril
    4 weeks ago

    Like Michele, I am interested in other’s responses. I am not sure if I can express this in a new way. I am trying to be more present with my husband’s love language. He’s made a lot of sacrifices so we could move into a shared home with my aging parents–I imagine many men would not like giving up being king of the castle. I want to be more sensitive to helping him find a nook here and make this his home, too. This requires me to do more listening. I am working on it.

    1. c
      Carol Ann
      4 weeks ago

      wishing you well, and success in your current focus, Avril.

    2. L
      Loc Tran
      4 weeks ago

      Very true, Avril. Men are often linked to power for better and worse. I have a desire for power inside of me too, so I’m familiar with the song and dance.

    3. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      4 weeks ago

      That is a beautiful offering, Avril. ❤️

  15. Michele
    4 weeks ago

    I look forward to reading others responses 🙂
    Today has been one week since my daughter moved and closed on her home – I will send her a housewarming gift
    Today is my Nanny’s 19 yr anniversary of her passing – miss her so much.
    Happy Valentine’s Day to all and it also is National Organ Donor Day 🙂

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