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  1. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    11 months ago

    I do not think love needs to be expressed in a new way. It just needs to be expressed. Happy Valentine’s day all!!

  2. Ose
    11 months ago

    For tonight before going to sleep at my father´s place where I traveled to for being with him in a difficult situation, sharing with you a poem given by H. Hesse. Grateful for this most beautiful poem, for the masterpiece of Richard Strauss having composed a wonderful related music, for the singers who possibly may convey the beauty, and for you who share all here in this sacred space. May you all have a good night´s sleep, dear friends.

    “When Falling Asleep”

    Now that the day has worn me down
    The star-strewn night in mercy mild
    Graciously accepts my fierce demands
    As if those of a weary child

    Hands, leave off from all your doing,
    Brow, forget every thinking
    All of my five senses now
    Wish to be in slumber sinking

    Thence to soar in boundless flight
    The unwatched soul freely gives
    Itself in the magic sphere of night
    Deep and thousand-fold to live

    (, by Glenn)

    Nun der Tag mich müd´ gemacht
    soll mein sehnliches Verlangen
    freundlich die gestirnte Nacht
    wie ein müdes Kind empfangen.

    Hände lasst von allem Tun
    Stirn vergiss Du alles Denken
    alle meine Sinne nun
    wollen sich in Schlummer senken

    Und die Seele, unbewacht,
    will in freien Flügen schweben
    um im Zauberkreis der Nacht
    tief und tausendfach zu leben.

  3. Kevin
    11 months ago

    This year I chose to give my wife a very nice, romantic, and “splashy“ Valentine’s Day card.
    She liked it very much.
    My wife this year gave me a valentine card that read, “You’re Still My Big Squeeze“ I opened the card to a picture of an elderly couple facing the sink doing dishes as the man’s wife slowly moved her hand down behind her husband and gave his Butt a Big Squeeze!
    I liked the card. It’s 52 years of marriage and the card sits beside my computer where I will see it.

  4. Dolores Kazanjian
    Dolores Kazanjian
    11 months ago

    A very good question. Gives me something to think about. The purpose of a reflection, right? I may be back.

  5. pkr29022
    11 months ago

    Not really sure how to express love in a new way. I will however, continue to sow seeds of love throughout my day. I will be love in all I do & say. I will sprinkle love in my prayers for others & for our world.
    Love is the way.
    Love is the answer.
    Love to All here…..❤️ ✨🌟🌹

  6. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    11 months ago

    I’m a bit stumped by this question.
    I do express my love in words and deeds.
    I try to do everything with love.
    And I have gotten better at this, over time.
    I could do better at loving myself. A little
    more kindness and acceptance.
    I’m curious how you all will respond.
    Happy Valentine’s Day! Sending love
    to you all. ❤️

  7. S
    Ana Maria
    11 months ago

    Sending love to all of you who so generously share on this site. Today is Ash Wednesday as well, Lent begins today. I will focus on how I can live my life in a faithful way towards my loved ones and how we care for this earth. I try to live in a gentle way, giving more and only taking what is needed. I had my birthday yesterday, I am so grateful for the opportunity to celebrate another year. What a gift, one I never take for granted. Blessings to all of you gentle souls.

    1. Yram
      11 months ago

      Happy Day!

    2. Michele
      11 months ago

      Happy belated birthday Ana Maria!

    3. Anna
      11 months ago


    4. Charlie T
      Charlie T
      11 months ago

      Happy Birthday! Yesterday was also my
      wife’s birthday 🎂

      1. Yram
        11 months ago

        Happy Birthday! Celebrating is not a one day affair!

    5. ch46092
      11 months ago


  8. Carol Ann Conner
    11 months ago

    “We need movements rooted in love right now, movements powered not by difference and exclusion and punishment, but by common ground, compassion, humility, healthy boundaries, patience and healing.” Adrienne Marie Brown

    For me, today is a day when much self-care and reflection is needed. It was a rough night due to a health issue and I have struggled all night to respond not react to it. Today’s quote reminded me of how important it is for me to be rooted in love not fear. I found a reflection I wrote in 2018 that I titled “Rooted in Love.”

    Morning Meds January 4 2018 Rooted in Love

    Author Sue Monk Kidd often writes about life’s turning points in her novels and confirms my belief that nature is our teacher.

    Observing the cycle of the seasons, I’m reminded not to be afraid of the transitions that come into every life.

    A tree produces beautiful green leaves in the spring; these leaves bask in the warmth of the summer sun, releasing oxygen into the air, purifying Mother Earth’s breath.

    When fall arrives, the leaves let go, falling gracefully in a blaze of glory, offering them selves as food to the soil.

    The tree’s sap intuitively knows that winter is on the way and runs responsively toward the tree’s roots to draw nourishment from the colorful warm blanket of dying leaves.

    Year after year, the tree experiences growth in nature’s wisdom as it awakes from its winter rest and is reborn each spring.

    The tree knows about transitions, about turning points.

    The tree knows that we must die to the old before we can embrace the new.

    The tree understands that life is a transformative process. It teaches us that when we willingly let go of the familiar with no strings, we are open to a new awareness.

    The tree knows that if we insist on clinging to our old ways, our leaves will still die but never fall, never really let go. We will simply rewind an old tape and react to what life is offering us in the old way, refusing to grow, refusing to be filled with new life.

    I used to think that when I could not let go, I was afraid of the unknown; but over the years, I have learned that in most cases, I’m afraid of losing the familiar. In the familiar, I know what to expect even though I may not like it very much! But, what might a greater awareness ask of me?

    Like Lewis Carroll’s main character in Alice in Wonderland, I have learned to stop; pause in the transitional-wintery-neutral zone; and like the sap of a tree, return to my source. Only then can I turn to face my fear and find that it is merely a menacing shadow whose only power is the power I have given it.

    If I want the new life each spring offers, the warmth of each summer experience, the fruits of the harvest, I must also accept the cold wind of winter that requires me to pause, to close the old door so I can open the new and receive the blessing of greater self-awareness.

    I then understand what Desmond Tutu says, “You are loved with a love that will never let you go.”

    Yes, I reply, “I choose to be rooted in love.

    The Wisdom of Trees by Carol Ann Conner

    The Cycle of the Seasons
    teaches us about beliefs.
    It teaches us that they are like leaves
    on the Tree of Life.

    Every Spring they appear,
    young, innocent, and green.
    They dress the barren branches
    with new life.

    They nurture the tree
    and purify the air for us,
    absorbing toxins and
    releasing life-giving oxygen.

    Then in a sacrificial blaze
    of autumn color,
    they fall, hugging the earth,
    and enriching its soil.

    They become
    a loving sacrifice
    to feed the roots
    of a greater awareness.

    Blessings, Carol

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      11 months ago

      And Blessings to you, dear Carol.

  9. Carla
    11 months ago

    I know I can increase my “thinking of you” texts. Knowing how I used to send a plethora of valentine’s day cards in past years, and that didn’t work out this year do to traveling. A text will need to be the way to do outreach. I didn’t grow up w/texting, so, (I’m rationalizing) texting is a “new” way! 🙂
    Happy Sweet Heart Day fellow spiritual pilgrims who seek the Light! heart!

    1. Michele
      11 months ago

      Carla – I utilize your search engines ‘images’ to help personalize a text, like ‘Happy birthday Carla’ and pick one like that instead of a normal ‘happy birthday’. or like Congrats on your 7 yr work anniversary’. Another way for your texting:)

  10. Barb C
    Barb C
    11 months ago

    Michele mentioned it’s National Organ Donor Day. My driver’s license tells people I’m a donor and my family knows my wishes. I also give blood, although not like clockwork. I recently signed up to donate platelets for the first time in a couple of weeks. This question is prompting me to get onto a regular schedule and make my appointments for future donations too, rather than just remembering to give now and then.

    When we were first married my husband and I used to leave little notes for each other. We continued that for quite a while and I have all of the ones he wrote for me in a big container. This question is prompting me to restart that by writing love notes for him. We’re in two places right now–he’s at our house that’s being remodeled, I’m in an AirBnB with our cat to keep him (and the construction team!) safe. But this long weekend I’ll move back home and the cat will just have to be kept in a room when the crew does a few final finishing projects. I can start writing and hiding notes then. “Everything old is new again.”

    1. Michele
      11 months ago

      love this – I will always remember when my daughter left a bunch of notes for me throughout the house – it’s fun and exciting to find them:)
      Thank you for being an organ/tissue donor and also donating your blood/plts. I know the recipient’s family would be thankful too. I enjoy very much reading at my work our monthly letters we get from the recipients thanking the donor’s family.

  11. A
    11 months ago

    Not so sure about new ways but I really need to reach out to others more often and let them know how precious they are to me.

  12. Michele
    11 months ago

    Nothing wrong with expressing love the good ‘ol fashion way – with hugs, kisses, and saying it ‘I love you’.
    Happy Valentines Day Everyone. My Nanny passed away 18 yrs ago on Valentines Day and boy is she still missed.
    Today is also National Donor/Organ Donor Day as well as Nat’l Christine Day (my mother’s name was Christine) and for most of us we miss Christine from this site.
    Loving Kindness to all – I love you all and the uplifting on this site each and every day.

  13. Avril
    11 months ago

    Boom—what a great new question! I am taking a deep breath to go inward. There are ways I am striving to express love with more regularity—I am striving (what a paradox) to be more gentle and patient. However, those are behaviors I have been working on. As far as a new expression of love, perhaps I can express with more spontaneity and creativity. I hate to be cliche, perhaps I can express with the written word—it is the day for Valentine’s cards. I also believe I can employ more silence and simply holding space. I tend to feel I have to advise—especially with my intimate family. I’ll be chewing on this question today.

  14. Antoinette88615
    11 months ago

    Right now I’m not feeling well and I’m having a hard time. I know I have had migraines many times, but somehow I still get lost in them. All kinds of feelings and worries run through me.
    I’m sorry to say anything that’s not positive here – right now I need to pray and let go. This is part of life too. Sometimes we feel this pain and deep suffering.
    I’m grateful you are here . Thank you . 🙏

    1. Anna
      11 months ago

      I know your feelings dear Antoinette.
      I am with you, traying to accept my sometimes negative mindset.

      1. Antoinette88615
        11 months ago

        Thanks Anna let’s let them go .

    2. pkr29022
      11 months ago

      Sending you love & hugs dear Antoinette.🤗❤️

      1. Antoinette88615
        11 months ago

        Thank you PKR .

    3. Yram
      11 months ago

      Take care of you. You only know how that looks.

      1. Antoinette88615
        11 months ago

        Thank you YRAM !

    4. Michele
      11 months ago

      Sending you healing energy Antoinette and that your migraine dissipates.

      1. Antoinette88615
        11 months ago

        Thank you Michelle, I appreciate your kind words and energy!

  15. Mary
    Mary Mantei
    11 months ago

    This question was a challenge for me! Therefore a good one. A deepening of the ways I love now might show me new ways of expressing my love differently. So two ways come to mind; hold the space for others to be their true selves, and love unconditionally to a deeper level. And EJP, I wish you lots of chocolate today.🩷

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