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  1. Robin Ann

    My work since my coworker got stuck in Aruba due to cancelled flight. My supv tx me at 7:00 in the morning trying to ease me into it. I have covered 11 days since she has been out lol. Tomorrow day off though!!!

    1 year ago
  2. Dragon Lady

    Nothing is everything

    1 year ago
  3. W

    My backyard. I keep telling myself I want to spend ten minutes in it every single day just to “SEE” it. I don’t want to do chores like weeding or raking. I think I simply need to add this to my daily to-do list.

    1 year ago
  4. O.Christina

    To be open and to chose different thoughts than recently; to look at thoughts as forms, which can be transformed. Just as a tree can transform CO2 into life-giving oxygen only with the help of sunlight, negative thoughts are transformed into life-giving joy and kindness with the light of gratitude and reverence. This is what came to my mind today.

    1 year ago
  5. null

    My own creative desires.

    Throughout life I’ve built up negative self-talk around not having enough artistic skill, or a bias towards doing “what’s smart” with my career. But I’d really like to take a fresh look at creative opportunities that excite me. I’d love to shed all of that doubt and just TRY without all of those preconceptions. Looking at it more closely, it’s incredible how much energy it takes to tell yourself you can’t and how freeing it would be to just do the things I think I’m interested in.

    1 year ago
  6. Antoinette

    The bottom of the pool when the sunlight shines brought it is beautiful. The sun makes kaleidoscopes on the pool bottom.

    1 year ago
  7. Trinity

    My cats! These beautiful, living, loving beings that are just here with their beautiful presence. They so deserve to be looked at with fresh eyes and Gratitude every day..

    1 year ago
  8. Barb C

    Right now we have the front door and all the windows open to let in cool air before the heat of the day. We’ll close everything up and try to keep the house temperature down, as we don’t have air conditioning and it’s going to be another hot day. Cool air moving across my skin is familiar and so precious as Nature’s AC. We may make a trip to a nearby town that has a quarry pool and go swimming in the hottest part of the day. Water, also familiar and so precious, as Joseph wrote. I have clean air to breathe (now that the smoke from nearby wildfires has moved out), clean water to drink and bathe and play in. I am grateful.

    1 year ago
  9. Emmaleah

    I could use a shift to more compassion. I often find that I interact with my family through the lens of all of our past struggles and conflicts. Changing the lens to one of compassion and loving kindness would be better for everyone. 😊

    1 year ago
  10. Carol

    Managing to water all my plants and accepting that next year I need to cut back on potting them. Something we all face in one way or another–the need to accept our limitations.

    1 year ago
  11. Charlie T

    Well, I’m kinda stumped by this question.
    I guess this reveals something about me.
    New perspectives usually come to me
    from meeting people or reading. I am
    working from home today, but you
    never know. I did start a new book last
    night, inspired by yesterdays “word for
    the day”. It’s certainly full of new insights.

    1 year ago
    1. Laura

      Would you mind sharing the title?

      1 year ago
  12. Yram

    My routine! My thoughts and what I choose to engage in!

    1 year ago
  13. Banning

    Self care. Its not something new today but the last week I have been making a point to have a morning and nightly routine with brushing, grooming, and moisturizing.

    1 year ago
  14. Carla

    Brushing and flossing my teeth! I’m needing a crown and dreading the costs associated with it. (Costs similar to car repairs) My gratitude grows for the teeth I have that help form the smile I greet the world with. I need them for enjoying my meals. I can see them differently. 😁

    1 year ago
    1. Charlie T

      I’m in the same boat, Carla.
      Thanks for the perspective. 🙏

      1 year ago
  15. Nannette

    I will look at myself and my home and husband…often I take my life and my husband and all that is around me for granted…Not wanting to…but it just happens. I am so very thankful for my life…Now! today…I will have my eyes and my heart WIDE OPEN!! Thank you for this wonderful question!!

    1 year ago

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