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  1. TofuLove75790
    7 months ago

    5am!! It’s also my favorite time to workout and run! I like when it’s so cool out and I love evening also but I work earlier in the morning so like evenings and working out can be a challenge. I love when it’s kind of crisp and little breezy so like early morning and evening is just awesome!

  2. Barb C
    Barb C
    8 months ago

    I love mornings. We live in a very quiet neighborhood so I can hear the birds outside. I stretch out on a chaise that’s part of our sofa setup. My husband brings me my first cup of coffee of the day and sits beside me. We talk a while about what the day holds, maybe make plans for something we’ll do together, catch up on small reminders. The cat may come join us and curl up on my lap. Then my husband goes off to start his day’s activities, I read poetry and come to this site. (Although today I’m reading the question at the very tail end of the day since I didn’t do my morning reading, so it’s amusing to have this question today of all days.)

    I’m grateful for everything that makes that time possible, from the coffee in my cup to the comfort of our home, and for holding a dedicated space for connection with my husband. It can be easy for the whole day to get away from us going in different directions. I telework from home, he’s busy with projects, and we need to be sure we make time that’s just for us

    I also appreciate the point in the afternoon/evening during the summer when the day’s warmth has backed off, the air is gentle, and if I go for a bike ride I make my own breeze and it’s simply wonderful. We had a bike ride like that today for a date: rode to a dance class and did some waltz and swing, then out to dinner, and rode home right at sunset in the mild air with the sun’s glowing orange ball surrounded by soft pink clouds. Perfection.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      8 months ago

      Barb, the coffee and spouse part sounds like Ngoc and me all over again. You have coffee like Ngoc, and I join in to chat just like your husband. It’s the 2 diabetic men who crave sweets but are happy with vegetables.

      1. Barb C
        Barb C
        8 months ago

        “Happy” may be overstating it for my husband! He has many he enjoys but they can’t replace cake, cookies, muffins, pasta, or rice in his heart of hearts.

        1. L
          Loc Tran
          8 months ago

          Barb, I see where you’re going with this. There’s the same base. Cakes, candy, ice cream, and chocolate are in my heart of hearts as well. This reminds me of a Thanksgiving Party a couple years ago at my aunt’s house on my dad’s side of the family. I wanted a 2nd creamy pumpkin pie. My mom got me 4 mini cucumbers instead. Of course, like you said about your husband, happy is overstating it. “Accept” is the more appropriate word.

  3. barba
    8 months ago

    The early morning. I get up at half past three and have the next four hours to myself: drinking tea, yoga, meditation, journaling and visiting this website, a 1.5 hour walk in nature, I often listen to a podcast. Then I come home, have breakfast and read the newspaper.
    It’s wonderful and I try to be as intense as possible in this time, to feel myself and life. All of this is only possible because I live in a functioning democracy in which well-being is taken care of. The water, the electricity, everything works and I can trust that it will still be like this tomorrow. And if I keep thinking like this, I can find an infinite number of conditions that make this possible for me.

    1. Nannette
      8 months ago

      Barba, Your mornings sound beautiful. !! Thank you for sharing!

  4. Tyler Muskrat
    Tyler Muskrat
    8 months ago

    Early dawn. Before the sun is up. I feel refreshed and invigorated getting into nature during this time. Empowered for the whole day. However it ebbs and flows. Some days I might not be up before the sun is. Other times I might enjoy after dusk more for some reason. Could be the middle of the day rain or shine depending on locale?

  5. Jenifer
    8 months ago

    I am a morning person through and through. Being disciplined with a morning routine helps sets the mood for the rest of the day. When I am able to connect with myself through my morning practice, I am able to recognize the beauty in myself and In my life and I am able to spread more love and compassion for others. For that, I am grateful. 🧡

  6. Ose
    8 months ago

    Like now, it is in the middle of the night. Sometimes, understanding arises in the stillness of the night, that´s why this nighttime is so precious. I am grateful for this stillness, for the opening of mind and heart when sitting in silence outside while the moon is still offering some light. I am deeply thankful for the light, for the guidance, consolation and peaceful atmosphere it all offers. You and dear friends and kindred hearts are with me in this all. Thank you, life, thank you for you all, for this richness touching my heart so deeply.

  7. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    8 months ago

    When it is the week-end or I am not working I like the mornings, quiet, listening to the birds chirping, cooler air in the summer and not in a rush to be somewhere. When I am working I look forward to the evenings, a long walk, some quiet time before hopefully a restful evening.

  8. J
    Jessica Brown
    8 months ago

    My favorite time of day is the morning time. I get to wake up with my kids and husband. Starting my days with them is the best way to start any day. I am grateful for this because i take much pride in being a mommy and wife.

  9. Antoinette88615
    8 months ago

    Love all of it !

  10. Linda72766
    8 months ago

    I love the mornings that begin so early in the summer. And I love the long evenings.

  11. aly alva
    8 months ago

    I like the afternoon, especially afternoon walks to the park and catching a sunset.

    1. Michele
      8 months ago

      Your Profile name made me smile. 🐞

  12. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    8 months ago

    I’ve always been a morning person.
    I can remember the feeling of a summer
    morning or a winter weekend morning
    with the whole day ahead of me.
    I can still touch some of that. The
    excitement of the adventures that might
    unfold. But mostly I think about all the stuff
    I “have to do”. I’m trying to relearn how to
    frame my day so I can capture some of
    that magic. I am grateful to be able to do
    the things I that need to do, and I am grateful
    for the time to do the things I need to do. And
    I am grateful for the ability to reframe my
    work as play and my chores as thing that I
    “get” to do.

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      8 months ago

      I have heard and read that if I reframe “have to do” with “I get to do” it changes the perspective 180 degrees for me Charlie.

      1. Michele
        8 months ago

        Agreed. I remember reading about that in Kristy Nelson’s book.

  13. pkr29022
    8 months ago

    I really enjoy most parts of the day & feel that each time/phase has their wonderful moments.
    However, if I must choose 1, I choose early morning. The sun coming up, a site to behold, & all the sounds of dawn remind me of how blessed I am to be given a new day. I love this quiet time & the chance to start anew with a symphony of birdsong.

  14. Yram
    8 months ago

    Anytime of the day when I don’t have pain in my body, or emotional pain in my thoughts.
    The early morning is a time I look forward to. I anticipate reading all the comments here and reflect on the question of the day. My next step is to socialize in the grateful lounge.
    This fills my bucket and feeds my soul for the day.

    1. Michele
      8 months ago

      I wish I had more time to visit the grateful lounge – it’s a once in awhile thing for me. I do really miss Holly in Ohio, did she ever return?

      1. Yram
        8 months ago

        I have not seen that name lately.

  15. Carol Ann Conner
    8 months ago

    Early morning is one of my favorite times of day because it’s quiet. Silence is actually a sound! In the summer, it is cooler and I often walk shortly after sunrise. In the winter, I give thanks for my warm house. I check out the daily question and look forward to reading everyone’s answers. I mosey!

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