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  1. J
    Jessica Brown

    My favorite time of day is the morning time. I get to wake up with my kids and husband. Starting my days with them is the best way to start any day. I am grateful for this because i take much pride in being a mommy and wife.

    45 mins ago
  2. Antoinette

    Love all of it !

    2 hours ago
  3. Linda

    I love the mornings that begin so early in the summer. And I love the long evenings.

    3 hours ago
  4. ladybug

    I like the afternoon, especially afternoon walks to the park and catching a sunset.

    4 hours ago
  5. Charlie T

    I’ve always been a morning person.
    I can remember the feeling of a summer
    morning or a winter weekend morning
    with the whole day ahead of me.
    I can still touch some of that. The
    excitement of the adventures that might
    unfold. But mostly I think about all the stuff
    I “have to do”. I’m trying to relearn how to
    frame my day so I can capture some of
    that magic. I am grateful to be able to do
    the things I that need to do, and I am grateful
    for the time to do the things I need to do. And
    I am grateful for the ability to reframe my
    work as play and my chores as thing that I
    “get” to do.

    7 hours ago
  6. pkr

    I really enjoy most parts of the day & feel that each time/phase has their wonderful moments.
    However, if I must choose 1, I choose early morning. The sun coming up, a site to behold, & all the sounds of dawn remind me of how blessed I am to be given a new day. I love this quiet time & the chance to start anew with a symphony of birdsong.

    8 hours ago
  7. Yram

    Anytime of the day when I don’t have pain in my body, or emotional pain in my thoughts.
    The early morning is a time I look forward to. I anticipate reading all the comments here and reflect on the question of the day. My next step is to socialize in the grateful lounge.
    This fills my bucket and feeds my soul for the day.

    8 hours ago
  8. Carol

    Early morning is one of my favorite times of day because it’s quiet. Silence is actually a sound! In the summer, it is cooler and I often walk shortly after sunrise. In the winter, I give thanks for my warm house. I check out the daily question and look forward to reading everyone’s answers. I mosey!

    8 hours ago
  9. Pilgrim

    Mid- to late morning during the week, walking the beach. Less people, yet enough to enjoy the quieter camaraderie. Having grown up near many bodies of water, this feels like home. Grateful!

    8 hours ago
  10. sunnypatti

    Early in the morning… rising sun, birds chirping, the quietude of a new day. Perfect time for meditation and prayer, which helps me begin each day with good energy and intention.

    9 hours ago
  11. Maeve

    A rainy evening after a when I lie in bed and hear the rain falling outside.

    9 hours ago
  12. J

    I have a love-hate relationship with the morning.
    About 2 ½ or so years ago I decided that that is the time of day I could try to meditate, think, read stuff about and by others in recovery. My wife rises at a normal time, and I had been in the habit of rising at about 5 o’clock, so I had an hour or two.
    I’d been reading the paper during those hours. I don’t really know why I started my habit, but now reading from stoic literature and Buddhist daily literature has had an ameliorating effect on me and I think has helped my recovery. If nothing else, the routine brings a sort of peace. At least for a few minutes.
    And I hate it, too. I have to think about my feelings, and the relationships that have impacted me and triggers, and stuff that I’ve neglected to do for my wife, and things that I will do that impacts me.
    Ugh! Feelings, aging, kids, friends, mistakes, regrets. Who actually likes thinking about that stuff?
    But I carry on.

    10 hours ago
    1. Charlie T

      Yes John, it was also my habit for the
      vast majority of my life, to start my day
      with the “news”. That all changed for
      me, and now starting my day with
      contemplation and connection,
      has had a very positive effect on my
      general outlook. Reading, meditation,
      connecting, and stretching, give me
      plenty to do, and keep me from passively
      absorbing the misery and negativity
      of the world. I still stay informed, but on
      my terms. It’s the intention of our

      6 hours ago
    2. S
      Ana Maria

      Thank you Joh for a heartfelt comment. I hear you!!! A mind that does not stop and wants to do so much for self and others. May you find peace in knowing you are on your path towards health physical and mental. Blessings to you.
      PS One thing I have found that brings me comfort is lighting a candle on this site to my self, I write to me and give me light to move forward. A peaceful ritual. I also light candles for my loved ones. What a gift!!

      7 hours ago
  13. Ngoc Nguyen

    It’s early morning when the birds act as an alarm to wake me up. I enjoy a hot cup of coffee and read a daily Gospel reflection in the silent surroundings, as the beautiful dawn brings the sunrise.

    10 hours ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      My Ngoc, based on your answer, that’s when I’ve noticed you at your best. Rituals bring peace of mind. This reminds me of a question on that a week or 2 ago.

      9 hours ago
  14. Nannette

    I can’t pinpoint one time of day….the early morning when the air is cool in the summer and the birds are putting on a symphony of different sound- Or the early afternoon…when the sun is shining–and it seems that everyone is napping? Then we arrive to early evening..a time to stop and rest- have our meal and get ready for the night that is before us. Going to bed- I am always thankful for my day. Every day we are here is surely a gift. Every part of the day is special.

    10 hours ago
    1. Carol

      Thanks, Nannette. Yes, “every part of the day is special.”

      8 hours ago
  15. Joseph McCann

    This question is a toss-up. Is it morning or evening? Morning is the gift of one more day. Early morning full of stillness and coolness in the summer months. The evening when we eat our fullest meal, always consisting of some food I have raised. this will soon be mostly or completely ingredients as the garden fully matures and the plants fulfill the intelligence of their respective seeds. Then time to lay myself down next to my lovely wife Cheryl for the nights respite.

    11 hours ago

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