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  1. M

    The ones that remind me I’m on solid ground when I otherwise feel I’m being pulled under.

    3 years ago
  2. B
    Beth Wernham

    There are so many voices through out my life I am grateful for. But the ones that stand out comes from the past are my parent’s, imperfect as they were, and dealing with their own demons. They are gone from this place, but I still hear the finer lessons they taught, not through words, but remembering their actions. Kindness and caring and service to others were what I witnessed and heard. Mom in particular, a school nurse, had a gentle way to address injustices and fueled my fire as a social worker. They were not stellar at parenting, but I have long since moved past that part, knowing they did the best they could at the time. Being a parent myself to three wonderful grown children, I, too, was imperfectly OK at this parenting thing. I miss being able to see them, but it sure is nice to have them with me in spirit.

    3 years ago
  3. Pixavibes333

    I am grateful for my husband, children and family voices. My mother who passed a year ago, I still hear her voice and I’m grateful for it. I’m grateful for my angel numbers and every person that crosses my path that has an uplifting voice of inspiration, Thank you!!!

    3 years ago
  4. Mike

    Well put in this from the Old Crow Medicine Show: ” I Hear Them All”

    3 years ago
  5. Malag

    The inner ones that I can become aware to ignore.

    3 years ago
  6. B
    Brown Rose

    I am most grateful for the voices that make me think beyond my own thoughts, expanding my realm of thinking.

    3 years ago
  7. TofuLove

    You know, despite not being religious now, the Bible … like there’s a lot I’ve walked away from in terms of the guidance found in there but what stuck with me is Corinthians 13:4-7. In particular the idea that love is ever hopeful has remained with me as a kind of anchor, reminding myself continually change is possible.

    4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

    3 years ago
  8. d

    My friend paul who is trying to help me find work.

    3 years ago
    1. Michele

      Here is a nice 10 min meditation on manifesting a new job – I really liked it and it worked for me:)
      Manifest a NEW JOB | Powerful Meditation & VISUALIZATION | Law of Attraction by Attracting Abundance on YouTube
      sorry link did not work

      3 years ago
  9. d

    Disagree with me in a respectful way using honest direct language and I will listen.

    Agree with me in a respectful way using using honest direct language and I will listen.

    I appreciated Katrina’s writing today. After desperately not being heard, I arrived at a difficult crossroad in my life journey. I was surprised with the realization that it was women of color who I had been listening to and sought direction from. I heard my voice say out loud ” I need some of that right now” and that is the voice I listened to. I will be forever grateful that, one in particular, listened to mine.

    3 years ago
  10. L

    I am grateful for the voice of my parents that give me comfort and peace and love of my life… Who always motivate me for my growth.

    3 years ago
  11. Hot Sauce

    I am grateful for the voice of my mom, who comforts me in times of stress and difficulty.

    3 years ago
  12. Don Jones

    The voices of the 1970’s rock bands. They have helped me more times than I can count – the good times and the bad.

    3 years ago
    1. Linda

      Loved The Eagles!

      3 years ago
      1. Michele

        and Led Zep, Doors, Black Sabbath, Pink Floyd, Deep Purple, Styx 🙂

        3 years ago
  13. Pilgrim

    Two women of wisdom who served as my spiritual directors during different periods of time. My grandmothers, so different from one another, who served as models in different ways. My mother. My dad, who was a private man but with whom I had a special bond. My daughters, two younger women of wisdom, funny and wise, from whom I learn and with whom I laugh. I am blessed.

    3 years ago
  14. Melissa

    I hear the voices of my grandmothers who have died but they loved unconditionally, laughed often, held us all close and cooked the most delicious homemade Italian meals every Sunday for years for a huge family of 22 cousins, aunts, uncles and grandkids. Never complained. Always were so kind, worked so hard all the days with care for all who came into their lives.

    3 years ago
  15. M

    I am grateful for all the voices strong enough to stand up for what’s right. The world wouldn’t be what it is today if we didn’t have these brave, courageous people. But in my everyday life, I’m most grateful for the voices of my loved ones. They are the most special people in my life and their voices give me such a sense of comfort. I’m thankful that I have a voice where I can talk to them and that I can hear them. I know that if the ability to hear was taken away from me, I would wish to hear my mom’s voice again. Or my dad’s. Or my grandma’s. Or my best friend’s. Or my sister’s. The list goes on and on.

    3 years ago

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