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  1. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann

    At work- one of our systems kept getting hung up when there was a large volume of letters to be sent to members(I could not tell if it was completing it or not), it was very aggravating. It took a while but someone finally looked at it and fixed it. One Headache gone thank goodness! I took the time to send him an instant message today to thank him.

    2 weeks ago
  2. T
    T Law

    Already, I’ve found unexpected gratitude today. I ran into some old acquaintances this morning, and they offered to save me a seat for a different event close to the front. I also got a free slice of pizza, right as I was feeling anxious about being perceived as too needy in my work relationship. These are obviously very little moments compared to those shared by others here, but on what was set to be a very stressful and intense day, they made me feel much more welcome and accepted.

    2 weeks ago
    1. Laura

      Little moments aren’t little, T Law. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

      1 week ago
  3. L
    Loc Tran

    While Ngoc went to California, there was a huge family gathering on Saturday Night at home for my extended family on my mom’s side. I expected them to ask me personal questions pertaining to whether I miss her. If they did, I’d be able to receive their way of care and answer it honestly and friendly. Fortunately, that didn’t happen. They just only asked where she was.
    I credit Paw Mu AKA the PM General, for helping me become more well-rounded even if her style felt uncomfortable. She gave me the versitility to go beyond my American base to be able to find gratefulness, feel comfortable, and even thrive in multiple social settings. Some of her advice back in the day such as: needing to find someone which ended up being Ngoc, cleaning up everything referencing the mind, not going alone, to stay closer to the people from my: family, elders, culture, and bros became the blueprint for my health and relationships later on. Relying on pleasure works during the younger years, but peaceful happiness goes the distance. I also credit Paw Mu’s mentorship for getting me to go beyond pleasures as well. Pleasure is like athletic ability and highlight plays that get athletes on the Top 10 plays of ESPN that rocks crowds whereas peaceful happiness is like skills, simpler, and winning plays; the things that often gets overlooked.
    This almost feels like Dirk Nowitzki’s hall-a-fame speech all over again in 2023. He thanked Avery Johnson, the real general who was his coach in the mid 2000s from part 2 of my answer 3 days ago from the question about one person judged deserving compassion, for pushing him to be more than just a jump shooter.
    A strong desire to show off range and a Type B nature are also qualities I share with the German superstar. Paw Mu also advised me to play in the paint constantly back in the day as well. Even though I play basketball in the backyard for fun, the more I became at peace with her, the more I took her advice into consideration. It had a humbling effect on me. My 3-pt shot became more efficient. I’m certainly not nor ever be Steph Curry. Her advice has also helped me be more grateful just for the fact that I can still play basketball. Not every person with low vision has the luxury to say that they can do that; let alone blind people.

    2 weeks ago
  4. Barb C
    Barb C

    The more closely I look at the world the more places I feel gratitude for nature’s wonders.

    I’ve been working on feeling grateful for the knowledge of a particular coworker who at times seem to work counter to the goals of my part of our agency because he’s “making it harder” to do our work. I ask myself why something matters so much to him and the answer brings me insight and understanding. Then I can begin to connect our goals to his values. The other day in a meeting I saw he was going to speak and thought he’d take a particular position. To my delight and gratitude, he spoke up for exactly the approach I’d want us to take. Patience and persistence from my close colleagues who work with him more than I do has really paid off and I can look forward to being in a meeting with him rather than thinking I’ll have to counter his comments.

    2 weeks ago
  5. Carol Ann Conner

    I have found it in my sister’s passing. She had total acceptance of her imminent death and though her beliefs were very different from mine, her faith was very strong. All she asked was that someone be there with her and as my son reminds me often. Just be happy for her, Mama. She got what she wanted. She so cooperated with death and her passing was very peaceful. There was no fear, just pure love. I’m grateful for that and the lesson it gave me. Found this on youtube from Emily Levine who passed in 2018. It is worth your time and is a powerful message about gratefulness.

    2 weeks ago
    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann

      Thank you so much for that link dear Carol.

      1 week ago
    2. Yram

      Thank you!

      1 week ago
  6. L

    My job — it’s stressful a lot of the time, and I complain about it far more than i should, but over the past week or so, I’ve been enjoying it more, like I used to many years ago. I spent may years working in larger law firms with others who were only out to climb the ladder and make others look bad. Today, I work at a much smaller firm, where everyone is kind and supportive, looking out for each other. Today’s quote reminds me of the importance of the work that I do. I am grateful.

    2 weeks ago
  7. Yram

    About a week ago, we participated in a community activity sponsored by our management. We sat at a table where 2 others dominated the conversation in a loud boisterous way. It was unpleasant. In the end they knew many answers to the trivia questions and we won first prize on facts about Belgium. A total spin around.

    2 weeks ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      Yram, I’m glad it all worked out. This is where the benefit of stars come into play.

      2 weeks ago
  8. Patti

    I found it on Interstate 26 yesterday as I was traveling from my old home to my new one. The last two trips we’ve taken were pretty stressful with lots of stop and go traffic and hellacious rain storms. Yesterday, it was such a smooth drive with mostly sunny skies. It was just me and our dog, Reese, so I listened to my favorite country music and sang my heart out.

    We love our new home! This room I am in at the moment is going to be my new yoga room. The original family who owned this (not our landlord) painted this room to reflect their life – there are trees and mountains and people riding horses and flowers. a pond, a squirrel, a little fairy sitting on a mushroom… I’m sure I’ll discover more as we settle in! I actually just looked up and saw a bluejay by the closet 🙂

    2 weeks ago
    1. Michele

      I smiled while reading your reflection – very happy for you. Continued blessings as you settle in your new home.

      1 week ago
    2. L
      Loc Tran

      Sunnypatti, a couple days ago when picking up Ngoc at the airport, there was a huge thunderstorm as well in the Twin Cities. Her flight was supposed to arrive at 7:30pm. A passenger had an emergency, so her flight had to go to Rochester and back. She arrived at almost 10pmcst. We’re all grateful that she arrived safely from her California trip.

      2 weeks ago
    3. Carol Ann Conner

      Sunnypatti, Thanks for sharing your journey with us.

      2 weeks ago
    4. Yram

      I am glad you have arrived safely. The room sounds impressive. Happy settling in!

      2 weeks ago
  9. Jenifer

    As I woke up this morning, I was already thinking about all the things I need to do today and all the things I want to do this week. I caught myself being in my head and took a moment to just be thankful for another day.

    2 weeks ago
  10. Charlie T
    Charlie T

    Finding gratitude is easy when something
    good is given to me or when something
    positive happens. But, a lot like having
    empathy for someone that’s harmful,
    finding gratitude when things get rough
    or things don’t go my way, is what this
    practice is about for me. Keeping this
    attitude of gratitude with me, even in the
    darkness and keeping this little light
    with me to illuminate the good stuff.

    2 weeks ago
    1. Carol Ann Conner

      Charlie Your answer is prose! Thank you for the reminder.

      2 weeks ago
  11. Josie

    As I’ve mentioned several times before in answer to questions like this one, my cancer diagnosis and treatment brought me into contact with so many compassionate doctors, nurses and caregivers. I am doing so well today thanks to them. Am trying to live out my gratitude by companioning other cancer patients. That, too, is surprisingly rewarded. Namaste, all.

    2 weeks ago
  12. Nannette

    My husband and I are traveling now…we are in the Catskill region of NY (where I am from). We are in a campground – a County owned campground and we are the ONLY people here. We have this beautiful park to ourselves! During the day, some folks come by to walk, play disc golf..enjoy nature. But most of the time – it is just the two of us…and our dog on walks. It is amazing and I am so grateful for such a beautiful space. The sun filtering through the trees, the quiet…life is good!! I have not had internet service for several days…so that may be the way it is on this trip…thus my posts will be spotty. But! I think of you all every day. Blessings my friends.

    2 weeks ago
    1. Michele

      Blessings to you too. Enjoy these travels times and the beauty that surrounds you – love hearing about it.

      1 week ago
    2. Joseph
      Joseph McCann

      Blessings to you and yours Nannette.

      1 week ago
    3. Yram

      Blessings back to you! That all sounds lovely and refreshing.

      2 weeks ago
  13. Mary
    Mary Mantei

    This morning I am sitting on the shore of Lake Superior in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Late in the day yesterday, a « big blow » cranked up and the waves began to build. It continues to rock and roll this morning. As I stood on the shore earlier, totally immersed in breathwork, I was overcome with the power of our Universe and felt seamlessly part of it. I felt such deep gratitude for the connection, the feeling of oneness.

    2 weeks ago
    1. Carol Ann Conner

      Your comment brought that feeling to me. Thank you.

      2 weeks ago
    2. Nannette

      It sounds like a beautiful sight, Mary. The weather, the sea…something we cannot control. Thank you for this lovely post.

      2 weeks ago
    3. Nannette
      2 weeks ago
  14. Avril

    It’s not becoming trite to experience gratefulness; however, it is becoming more natural to look for it. I often feel compelled to distinguish between Pollyanna-ism and gratefulness—I am not experiencing non-stop happiness. In fact, lately I’ve been a little anxious—there are a lot of impending changes and I feel a little unsettled. Yet, I am able to look at all of the blessings that surround me. The big change is moving across town to support my aging parents. Moving is inherently stressful. Yet, I feel the deep gratitude of being able to care for them and the excitement of renting out my house to help us have some extra income. It’s the process to get there that is going to be filled with breathing and reflecting with gratitude on the journey.

    2 weeks ago
    1. Michele

      Wishing you a peaceful upcoming move Avril.

      1 week ago
    2. Joseph
      Joseph McCann

      I have not experienced “non-stop happiness” Avril. Not sure if I could handle that either! I need both sides of the coin.

      1 week ago
    3. Yram

      Yes, it is one of those both/and situations.

      2 weeks ago
      1. Carol Ann Conner

        Ditto to Yram’s comment

        2 weeks ago
    4. Patti

      Best wishes with your move. I have been up close and personal with that stress lately, but the other side of it holds a great satisfaction.

      2 weeks ago
  15. D

    In the past year I have learned to find gratitude in hard times. For example, hard times have lead me here, led me to a closer relationship with God and a better u derstanding of myself. Without the hard times I might have stayed on the autopilot setting that keeps I to laugh

    2 weeks ago

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