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  1. A
    1 year ago

    I made a delicious dinner so smell and taste are right where I need them to be!

  2. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    1 year ago

    The gift of sight and seeing all the beautiful Fall foliage.

  3. Maeve
    1 year ago

    Hearing the gentle, slower chirping of insects as I get ready for sleep. So soothing and calming. They are more subdued now that the cool weather is approaching.

  4. Anna
    1 year ago

    My most fragile senses are the ones that are giving me gifts: hearing and sight, because I humbly need technological help. This is a fantastic help, because I can work, drive, sing, cook, take care of my garden, be and live with my loved ones. In other circumstances, in other countries of this poor world, I could have never imagined these gifts.

  5. Cathie
    1 year ago

    My sense of feeling and scent is enhanced right now as I just got out of a massage my hubby gave me as a treat! What a gift to feel someone working your body in a healthy, caring way with relaxing scented products. I prayed for blessings on the practitioner and was thankful for the opportunity!

  6. Freda
    1 year ago

    A mug of chai. 👍🙂

  7. Barb C
    Barb C
    1 year ago

    My sense of taste is offering me the crunchy chewiness of baked grains and nuts, sweetness from maple syrup, slight bitterness of hazelnut and pecan, and touch of saltiness of a bowl of granola made from Samir Nosrat’s recipe in Salt Fat Acid Heat. Truly the best granola recipe ever! (I leave out the brown sugar she calls for because that makes it sweeter than I want it, often use some 7-grain flakes in place of part of the oatmeal, and use a couple of kinds of nuts, not only the pecans the recipe calls for.
    I also have warmth as I wrap my hands around a hot cup of coffee my sweetheart just refilled for me, with the bitterness of coffee that I learned to like awaiting my sip, then the warmth going down my throat. Aaaah!

    1. S
      Ana Maria
      1 year ago

      Good morning! Thank you so much Barbara for sharing! I always enjoy your links and this one is a keeper too! I love the work that you do and your blog. I thank you for sharing your wisdom.

  8. Christina
    1 year ago

    When being home soon, the taste of freshly prepared compote made of fresh figs from the tree in our garden, cooked in natural cloudy apple juice together with fresh lemon juice, added with some cinnamon, pure vanilla, some of grounded tonka bean and some sugar will wait there to be savored. I would have liked to share the dessert with you, but may be the recipe will be inspiring at least. Wishing you al a lovely day.

    1. Barb C
      Barb C
      1 year ago

      Sounds delicious! I just made a recipe of roasted Brussel sprouts and fennel with a sticky fig balsamic dressing. Offering it here in case that appeals. It was fantastic. I didn’t have fresh figs so I used a fig/orange preserve I found at the deli counter.

  9. Nannette
    1 year ago

    My sense of sight is the gift of my senses that I am thankfulf for right this very moment…and every day. This morning, I am joined by my dog, Clancy and my cat, Nora. Each sitting near me on my bed as I take time to be and reflect on this wonderful site. The gift of sight gives so much joy…I can see all of the gifts of nature each day and I can read whenever I want….Thanking God for this wonderful gift.

    1. S
      Ana Maria
      1 year ago

      What a gift!! I must be reminded of all my sneses and how blessed I am to have them.

  10. a
    1 year ago

    My sense of taste greets me every morning. I start the day with coffee, and some kind of breakfast and it’s always a pleasure to have such wonderful tastes on my tongue first thing in the morning. It reminds me of the little pleasures of life like the sweetness of coffee, the coolness of ice, the savoryness of freshly cooked eggs. Something I will never take for granted is my ability to taste and my access to food.

  11. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    1 year ago

    Well, since I’m sitting here in near
    complete silence and it’s still dark
    outside, my cup of coffee is the
    thing that is activating my senses.
    It’s warmth and strong flavor fills
    me with the promise of being able
    to meet the challenges and activities
    of the day ahead. I am truly grateful
    for everything that went into bringing
    me this delicious cup of coffee. From
    the farmers who tended and harvested
    the berries to the truck drivers who
    transported them to the roasters
    who worked their magic. I’m also
    grateful for my ability to purchase
    the amazing and opulent machine
    that produces such a delicious and
    delightful substance.

  12. Yram
    1 year ago

    Touch…. the warmth of the coffee cup
    Taste… the smoothness of the cream on my lips and tongue, the tingness of the bit of pepper in the coffee
    Smell… the sweetness of the cinnamon
    See….. the flags waving and the clouds passing by
    Hear… the quite of the room and the noise of cars outside

  13. Carol Ann Conner
    1 year ago

    “When you are grateful, you know that you belong to a network of give-and-take and you say “yes” to that belonging. This “yes” is the essence of love.” Brother David

    Saying “Yes” right now is very challenging for me and it seems to be filling up all my senses. But, I know that saying “Yes” to the “give-and-take” of belonging does fill one with gratitude for we all struggle with the “longing to belong.” In most cases we don’t understand that the network of “give-and-take” encompasses both joy and sorrow. We tend to equate it with “win or lose.”

    So for me, the gift of today’s quote and question is greater self awareness with my struggle to say “Yes” to my current situation. The gift moves me from longing to belonging. It is the inner sense, that I need to stop struggling and accept “what is”and just say, “Yes.”

    Many of you commented on the quotes from Pema Chodron that I shared yesterday. They are from an article in Lion’s Roar and I post a link to it below. It’s filled with ways to say “Yes” to gratefulness…the essence of love.

    1. Nannette
      1 year ago

      Good Morning, Carol, I am hoping that whatever is your worry will be resolved with time and contemplation. It seems that saying “yes” to whatever is bothering you – is causing you distress, Take your time…you are a wise woman…and I pray all good will come to you,
      Thank you for the link to the quite by Pema Chodron…that is very kind of you. Blessings, my friend.

      1. Carol Ann Conner
        1 year ago

        Thanks, Nannette. Your message calms me.

  14. Patti
    1 year ago

    My sense of hearing is allowing me to listen to a sound bath of healing music with my earbuds.

  15. Josie
    1 year ago

    A lovely sunrise.

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