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  1. barba

    I appreciate N’s consideration at his football meeting last night. He chose a route that did not disturb me. I am happy about it, thank him and avoid pointing out the flaws

    3 months ago
  2. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann

    My thought is on Father’s day for grateful care. My Dad is 87 and still doing pretty ok although he has had to drastically change his diet recently. Gluten free for one after all these years. We will be driving up to go to mass and have chicken noodle soup, his favorite. Trying to come up with a little something beside that given his diet restrictions plus he hasn’t been going out to eat or to the movies either. Happy Father’s day to all of the Dad’s on here!!

    3 months ago
  3. Mary80448

    I value my health and I value my inner peace.
    Both have been disturbed over the last week.
    So how can I show grateful care for my physical, emotional, and spiritual self?
    The first part is to accept my situation.
    Secondly, and often harder is to accept myself.
    So I will look at being gentle with myself,
    and correcting the Unpleasant Inner Critic when she pops up.
    Also I will rest, and go to bed earlier. That’s hard for me. But I will do it.
    I will also reflect on how grateful I am for my health, my loved ones,
    and the simple comforts and beauty all around me♥️

    3 months ago
  4. Kevin

    By doing just that. I met with someone seeking my help this morning. The listening was tender and concerning, but so very needed. The rest I leave to prayer and that of Spirit, and to time that heals, and doors as they open.

    3 months ago
  5. Antoinette88615

    Today my son answered my call when i needed him and I told him how much I appreciated his kindness. I also texted him and thanked him as well. The helper at the meditation center has been really kind as well this wholes last 13 days of my stay . I have tired to tell her often how grateful I am that she is her and doing this meditation education with me. I’m truly blessed. Thank you to the universe and natures flow to make everything possible for us. Thank you . 🙏

    3 months ago
  6. Dolores Kazanjian
    Dolores Kazanjian

    First person that comes to mind is my husband. He does so much for me, and I thank and acknowledge him often, but there’s always room for more. But. he finds it difficult to accept, to let it in. Anyone else have someone in their life like that?

    3 months ago
    1. Mary80448

      I experience this too Delores.
      Although I dearly want to change this,
      I think the best thing I can do is to accept him.

      3 months ago
    2. Barb C
      Barb C

      My husband shows his love through many acts of service. I’ve told him directly that I know when he gases up the car and vacuums it before I leave on a work trip or brings me my first cup of coffee in the morning that he’s saying “I love you.” Maybe “I love you too” is the response that would land in place of “Thank you” in a way your husband could accept and cherish.

      3 months ago
      1. Dolores Kazanjian
        Dolores Kazanjian

        It worked, thanks. He didn’t even question the “too.”

        3 months ago
      2. Dolores Kazanjian
        Dolores Kazanjian

        Great tip. I’ll try it.

        3 months ago
  7. Emmaleah46781

    I have friends and family who help me on a daily basis. Sometimes I forget to take the time to thank them for all the little things. Today I will do my best to pause and acknowledge their efforts and let them know that their help is appreciated.

    3 months ago
    1. Emmaleah46781

      Hahaha! Yes thank you

      3 months ago
  8. Nannette

    I will tell my husband how grateful I am for all that he has been doing while I have been sick. It seems that this sickness goes on and on and on. He has been very patient…and I have been getting very despondant. Each day, I pray I will be “me” again…and each day I fdon’t gain much. But I am here…and will continue to fight.

    3 months ago
    1. Michele

      Continued healing thoughts/get well wishes to you Nannette, hang in there.

      3 months ago
    2. Mary
      Mary Mantei

      Peace to you, Nannette.🌺

      3 months ago
    3. Barb C
      Barb C

      We’re all sending you good vibes, Nannette! And for your husband as caregiver too.

      3 months ago
  9. Barb C
    Barb C

    I’ll be going outside to water my vegetables and herbs soon to show them care.

    Earlier this week I delivered kabocha squash soup to a friend who had jaw surgery. I’ve been making and pureeing soups for her (this was soup #4) and also putting some of each into the freezer to care for my future self by having ready-made meals on hand.

    My sweetheart and I plan to start the weekend early. I’m going to take the afternoon off and we’ll go for a walk to downtown, holding hands and watching for birds and seals in the inlet that’s part of our path. Investment in time together provides grateful care or our loving relationship.

    3 months ago
  10. Charlie T
    Charlie T

    Well, I could start with myself and spend
    some time on the floor, stretching.
    The other person is my wife, Elena.
    I will make sure she knows how much
    I love her.
    I try to embody gratitude every day, for
    people and things, by taking care of them.
    And of course this group, which I value
    very much and I will care for by
    contributing and reading with intention,
    your responses.

    3 months ago
    1. Mary80448

      That’s beautiful, Charlie.

      3 months ago
  11. Yram

    I will set aside my own feeling and be present to the person or object I am with at the time.

    3 months ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      Yram, been there, done that. It’s very easy to be fixated on our feelings, especially when things are going badly. This is where these questions and this community come in handy.

      3 months ago
  12. L
    Loc Tran

    Paul Pierce and the Boston Celtics were my favorite player and team respectively during my childhood. He was a superstar for them from 1998-2013. Sharp shooting and telling it like it is are his trademarks earning him “The Truth” nickname from Shaq.
    Fastforward to today, the Celtics are one game away from their 18th championship. I look forward to watching the finals tonight. Therefore, best wishes to Lauryn and the Mavericks nation on their trip to Cam Coon.

    3 months ago
    1. Mary
      Mary Mantei

      I so appreciate your enthusiasm for the heart and soul of basketball, Loc Tran.

      3 months ago
      1. L
        Loc Tran

        Thanks. Mavs destroyed the Seas last night 122-84. My trash talk to Lauryn backfired. The Mavs played a great game. There’s nothing to lose. I still see Boston closing it out on Monday.

        3 months ago
  13. Patti

    I am tending to my own grateful care as I do my morning routine – meditation, prayer, journaling, and visiting this site. I will be patient and kind with my husband and dogs, tell them how much I love them, and hug them as much as possible.

    3 months ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      Sunnypatti, I meditate and go on this site every morning as well. As far as your husband goes, you just spoke for me regarding Ngoc which we do for each other everyday.

      3 months ago
  14. Avril

    Gentleness is a hallmark of gratitude. While it’s wonderful to verbally express my gratitude, actions speak louder than words. By my demeanor and by letting my interactions with my husband, children, friends, and animal companions flow from a place of endearment and reverence, I can show them how much I value them.

    3 months ago
    1. Mary
      Mary Mantei

      Avril, to show « reverence » for another, what a gift. Thank you for that perspective in your relationships.

      3 months ago
    2. L
      Loc Tran

      Avril, your response reminds me of mine last month for the committment question.

      3 months ago
  15. Mary
    Mary Mantei

    My husband and I are undertaking a large landscaping project right now; removing lawns and creating hard scapes and landscapes. We are learning about installing an irrigation system ourselves. It’s a great project and hard work. Good work as I like to say. One of the many things I love about my husband is the way he « sees » things, often quite different than me. So, as our work days roll into the oncoming summer evenings, and we get hot, dirty, and tired, simply being consistently respectful, entertain ideas that I am skeptical about with an open mind, and make this project fun are all ways I intend to show appreciation and gratitude for my beloved. AND remember to quit each day while it is still fun!😉

    3 months ago
    1. Mary80448

      My husband and I see things quite differently too.
      Keeps things interesting, doesn’t it!😊

      3 months ago
      1. Mary
        Mary Mantei

        Amen, Mary.🌺

        3 months ago
    2. Yram

      Your last sentence rings a bell with me. I often will push to do more, get tired, and then the joy is sapped out. Thanks for the reminder!

      3 months ago

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