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  1. Anna

    Grateful for this new day and the relationships it will take.

    4 months ago
  2. Robin Ann

    Grateful for dental Insurance since I recently had a tooth infection and needed to get it taken care of today!

    4 months ago
    1. Joseph McCann

      Tooth aches are third on my list for worst pain/suffering Robin Ann. Hope you received some relief today.

      4 months ago
  3. Dolores Kazanjian

    Right now I am most grateful for the massage therapist who just left a few minutes ago. His healing hands greatly reduced the bloating that has made me miserable and relatively immobile the past couple of months.
    In general, grateful for my home, my husband, my dog, the food on my table, my friends on this site, the breath of life – all of it.

    4 months ago
    1. Michele

      I enjoyed a massage last night myself. I absolutely love my massage therapist, Holly, she’s so good at her job. I make it a point to treat myself once a month for a well needed relaxing massage.

      4 months ago
    2. Avril

      Sounds like a delicious experience.

      4 months ago
  4. O.Christina

    grateful for a dear one having being present at the other side of the phone; grateful for being here with you and all my friends and loved ones who are with me; grateful for some rest tonight. Grateful for this day. 🙏

    4 months ago
    1. Avril

      Grateful for you, too.

      4 months ago
  5. pkr

    I am grateful for this new beautiful day.
    I am grateful for the sun, blue sky, the birds, trees. I am grateful for my vibrant health.
    I am grateful for my daughter & her husband.
    I am grateful for my dear cousin & her husband.
    I am grateful for my coffee, toast & clean water.
    I could go on & on for all I am grateful for; I am very blessed……🙏🏻❤️😊🌟
    Happy Spring All….🪻🌷🌸

    4 months ago
  6. Linda

    I am grateful for the sun, my dear husband, my friends and family, and my health.

    4 months ago
  7. L
    Lauren Calvert

    Grateful to be a productive member of society [yes, I know that sounds weird…], driving to work with the top down on my car, feeling powerful and empowered to do all things thru my God and still recognizing [appreciating?] how small and powerless I am as the Las Vegas horizon comes into view.

    4 months ago
    1. Avril

      I love the paradox.

      4 months ago
  8. C
    Carly J

    Having my two college kiddos home for spring break!

    4 months ago
  9. Liza

    I’m grateful for my new glasses, this beautiful new day, my coffee, my energy, all the blessings from my wonderful Creator. Most of all, I’m so grateful for my family.

    4 months ago
  10. Diane

    Each morning as I start my meditations I say this prayer, first in English then in Spanish. (prayers are so beautiful to me in Spanish)

    Thank You Abba Father for the miracle of another day of life.
    Gracias Papito Dios por el milagro de un otra dia de la vida.

    Have a blessed day everyone.🙏

    4 months ago
    1. Dolores Kazanjian

      That’s very special, Diane. I agree that Spanish is a beautiful language.

      4 months ago
      1. Michele

        I also agree with you both, love the Spanish language.

        4 months ago
  11. Barb C

    Today I’m especially grateful for the pharmaceutical industry. My sprained knee still gives me a great deal of pain and I’ll be seeing a sports medicine doctor tomorrow (nearly 10 weeks in and it wasn’t supposed to take this long to heal). Thanks to acetaminophen PM I slept through the night without waking up every half-hour in pain, which I did the night before.
    Other happier things are definitely on the list as we balance on the cusp between winter and spring today. Yesterday I biked to work in sunshine and rode home in the evening without needing my overcoat on a really glorious day weatherwise. A new team member started yesterday and we continued our tradition of welcoming the new person by walking to lunch at a nearby wonderful pizza place and sitting outside in the sunshine to eat. I had time in my day (meaning, fewer meetings than usual!) to think about my work as a leader and manager and start some new things for our growth as a division. Trees, shrubs and plants are blooming, birds are singing. It was the first night of a short-form improv class I’m taking and the instructor exudes a high level of energy and enthusiasm. Our home remodel is nearly done (fingers crossed) and we’ve made beautiful and useful changes. I feel so, so fortunate in so many ways.

    4 months ago
    1. Michele

      Wishing you continued healing on your sprained knee Barb:)

      4 months ago
    2. Joseph McCann

      It has been a while since I have been to the Great Pacific Northwest Barb. I lived in McKinleyville, CA in the late 70’s. Thanks for the link to the City of Olympia and a nice video on the park.

      4 months ago
    3. Avril

      I’m sorry about your knee. I am grateful you found ease.

      4 months ago
  12. sunnypatti

    I’m grateful for getting to sleep in and for being “off” today. With the work I do, I am never really off, but at least I don’t have to be anywhere, Just need to write up a few menus and send some invoices.
    I’m grateful we scored a gig with a film production crew. We have been trying to figure out how to get into that catering realm, and then we got an online request from a group that we’re doing 6 meals for in May 🙂
    I’m grateful for my husband, our dogs, and the home we all share.
    I’m grateful for the bright shining sun coming thru the windows on my back and the warm cup of coffee as it is quite chilly this morning.
    I’m grateful for all of you here, and hope you all have a great day!

    4 months ago
    1. Yram

      Wishing you the best outcome on catering the movie crew.

      4 months ago
  13. Ngoc Nguyen

    I am grateful to have my mother-in-law, who continues to be a mom despite fighting cancer. Whenever she’s okay, she cooks for the whole family. Recently, she helped us prepare for our trip to California for a community performance.

    4 months ago
  14. Yram

    I am grateful for this site. It is my morning grounder.
    I am grateful for medical researchers.
    I am grateful for folks who express love and concern.

    4 months ago
  15. B

    I am grateful for the drives to work as the sun comes up listening to my favorite songs.

    I am grateful for getting a good night’s rest.

    I am grateful for the perseverance and resilience that I have learned throughout all of the hardships I have encountered.

    I am grateful for good films and books.

    I am grateful for myself, today and everyday.

    4 months ago
    1. Diane

      “I am grateful for myself, today and everyday” What a beautiful sentiment Bee.

      4 months ago
      1. Avril


        4 months ago

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