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  1. Ose
    10 months ago

    Remembering having said this recently to the blossoming apple tree in our garden when passing by, and thanking him for the beauty and joy caused by its existence in my life.

    1. Avril
      10 months ago

      We need to thank all lifeforms. You are correct.

  2. Linda72766
    10 months ago

    I tell my husband daily, and he tells me. It is a lovely ritual we have.

  3. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    10 months ago

    This is something I do need to work on. With my children I express this the most with. It comes very natural to us – how they were raised . I also have long time friends that that do not live close by but we also both express our gratitude and love as we all get older. I express this to my Dad now as I know how important it is as he gets older. Not so much with my siblings since it was not natural in my family growing up. but we do greet each other with a hug at family gatherings

  4. Dolores Kazanjian
    Dolores Kazanjian
    10 months ago

    I do this almost daily. Before I leave this planet I want the people (and dog) to know how grateful I am to have them. I always give specifics.

  5. C
    Carissa Thomas
    10 months ago

    Thinking about this made me sad it wasn’t sooner. But I think about two weeks ago to my best friend on our trip for her birthday. We talked about how grateful we are to have each other in our lives and have someone that understands on such a deep and spiritual level.

  6. Anna
    10 months ago

    Today is my 30th anniversary.
    I’m grateful for my husband and it’s the best circumstance to let him know.

    1. Michele
      10 months ago

      Happy 30th Anna!

    2. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      10 months ago

      Happy 30th Anniversary and many more to you both!

  7. Carol Ann Conner
    10 months ago

    Two days ago

  8. Chanel Adams
    Chanel Adams
    10 months ago

    I’m in a support group. I make sure each member knows I’m grateful for their attendance and shares.

  9. Barb C
    Barb C
    10 months ago

    My husband, this morning and every day. He shows me love through acts of service every day, from bringing me my first cup of coffee to doing things to make our home better with his fix-it skills. I don’t take it for granted.
    The people on my team at work. I tell them often how much I appreciate and enjoy working with them and they do the same. We have a very supportive and collaborative culture. In our staff meeting agenda we have a standing spot for kudos and people share things they appreciate about each other.
    I have two best friends and this is a reminder to tell each of them directly how grateful I am for them.
    I tell my daughters how wonderful they are and how much I love them, which isn’t the same as expressing gratitude. On Mother’s Day I always tell them I’m grateful for them making me a mother and for their general amazingness as human beings.

    1. Avril
      10 months ago

      I imagine you express gratitude daily!

  10. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    10 months ago

    Yesterday, I told (texted) a friend that
    I was grateful to call him a friend. I do it
    fairly often, but this is a good reminder
    to step up my game. And of course my
    wife and I are pretty good about
    expressing our gratitude that we found
    each other.

  11. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen
    10 months ago

    This question reminds me that I’ve never verbally expressed my gratitude. I don’t know, is it a cultural mindset, or is my family different from others? We typically don’t express our gratitude or apologies through words. Instead of saying, “Mom, I love you,” I usually send her a text full of heart icons or quietly buy her something she might love. I believe this is an area where I could learn from Western culture. Expressing gratitude consciously is such a sweet gesture.

    1. Avril
      10 months ago

      Ngoc, I think there isn’t one right way to share gratitude. For example, in Eastern cultures people often live with their families. That is a way of showing gratitude for your elders and the sacrifices they have made for you. I have several South Asian associates who will spend a lot of money to fly hours thousands of miles to visit family for a month at a time– I think that’s a way of showing love, too. But, it is nice when someone tells you how much you mean. When I experience gratitude my heart overflows.

    2. L
      Loc Tran
      10 months ago

      My Ngoc, I believe that it’s a combination of both. I find it challenging to openly express my love for my dad. Since we live in 2024 being raised in the US by a Vietnamese family, I feel that every family is different, because there are international and overseas Vietnamese people. In terms of Vietnam, we’re still a developing country. Every family has the similar base there with varying differences when digging deeper but certainly not similar the way it was during my parents’ childhood.

  12. Yram
    10 months ago

    I often thank folks on this site but I don’t do it often in my life. I say it in my heart but not externally.

    1. Avril
      10 months ago

      Yram, you often post about your husband and time with friends. I know he knows how much you appreciate him. I am grateful for you!

  13. Nannette
    10 months ago

    The other day was my husband’s Birthday and I let him know how much I love and appreciate him. I hope that this group knows how grateful I am for all of you. I learn every day from your wisdom and sharing of feelings. I kissed my dog and my cats this morning too….telling them how much they mean to me. For me…today is a new day- a clean slate and I am going to appreciate me and be grateful for my life.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      10 months ago

      Nannette, sending happy birthday wishes to him.

  14. S
    10 months ago

    Hello everyone , new to posting here. For some time I’ve been writing the “ practice question “ down in a journal and answering it every evening when I get home from work. I was thankful to be able to find this site and surround myself with positive thoughts amongst the sometimes overwhelming negativity I’m surrounded by. In regards to todays question. Verbally I don’t know that I do that. However I am keeping a journal for my niece where I write to her specifically. She’s only six so one day when she’s an adult she can look back and read about her life growing up, perhaps things she won’t remember and what an important role in my life she plays. I doubt at her young age and many kids that young that they truly know how important they can be to someone. Days that are difficult and challenging I often just think of her and how thankful I am to have her in my life.

    1. Michele
      10 months ago

      Welcome Stanley:)

    2. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      10 months ago

      Welcome Stanley.

    3. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      10 months ago

      I love this idea so much of writing to your niece. I lost my Mother when I was 40 and yearned for anything I could get my hands on. One of her good friends saved every greeting card she was sent and gave them to me. It was such a thoughtful gift! I also save a lot of items my daughter has written as keep sakes. Some day they may be passed on to her son and he will cherish them : )

      Welcome to the group!!

    4. S
      Ana Maria
      10 months ago

      Hello Stanley! Welcome! How wonderful that you are writting for your niece! I have been thinking about doing that for my 20 months granddaughter. The way she lights up when we are together, her love for dirt in the garden, how she enjoys seeing and petting the cats we find on our walks together. I must put it in writting. I thank you for the inspiration.

    5. Carol Ann Conner
      10 months ago

      Welcome…glad you have decided to hang with us!

    6. Chanel Adams
      Chanel Adams
      10 months ago

      Welcome to the group, Stanley. Journaling these questions is a great idea.

    7. Avril
      10 months ago

      Welcome Stanley. Please also check out the “Community” space: Some of us post there in the gratitude lounge, too. In fact everyone, if you aren’t already there, I hang out in both spaces. They have the daily question there, too. But, this group is more robust in their responses. Anyway, I am grateful you are here today!

      1. B
        Betsy Rodman, Grateful Living
        10 months ago

        Thank you Avril! Stanley, welcome!

        If any of you would like to learn more about our community platform, this is a great place to start:

        Avril, I love seeing you and so many others in both places! We are grateful for your presence. 🙏💗

    8. Charlie T
      Charlie T
      10 months ago

      Welcome Stanley! Choosing what
      we are exposed to, is a big step.
      I think your journal about your niece
      is a lovely project.

    9. Ngoc Nguyen
      Ngoc Nguyen
      10 months ago

      Beautiful saying, Standley and welcome to the community of “inner-growing” together.
      Have a nice Tuesday!

    10. L
      Loc Tran
      10 months ago

      Welcome to the group, Stanley.

    11. Nannette
      10 months ago

      Welcome to this group, Stanley! We are happy you joined!! Oh nieces…they are the best. I have two nieces that are very special to me…they are adults now and I always tell them how much I love them and how happy I am that they are in my life….although we are very far from one another. They are always in my heart.

  15. Patti
    10 months ago

    Today is a year since we adopted our younger dog, Reese, and I gave her a big hug this morning and told her how happy I was to have her in our family.

    1. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      10 months ago

      Awe so cute!

    2. Avril
      10 months ago

      Furry babies rock!

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